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US govt concedes an autism-vaccine case in federal court

The Villi Phanatic

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I had a hard time finding a good article that was covering this so I just picked this one, which was short and direct enough, but there's plenty of other sources on the net if you want to read more about the case...

from http://www.nbc4.com/health/15516661/detail.html

"Government officials ruled childhood vaccines exacerbated a rare disorder in a 9-year-old girl and caused the symptoms of autism in what is being called a landmark decision."

"Government health officials have conceded that childhood vaccines contributed to Hannah's autism by aggravating a rare mitochondrial disorder. It is the first time the government has admitted the possibility of a link between vaccines and autism. But, officials maintained that the data does not prove vaccines cause autism directly."

"There is still much that is unknown and more research to be done, but with about 5,000 other cases currently in the justice system and millions of children being vaccinated, it is a case being watched closely."

you can read the report and concession from the govt at this link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/the-vaccineautism-court-_b_88558.html

"Medical personnel at the Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation, Department of Health and Human Services (DVIC) have reviewed the facts of this case, as presented by the petition, medical records, and affidavits. After a thorough review, DVIC has concluded that compensation is appropriate in this case.

In sum, DVIC has concluded that the facts of this case meet the statutory criteria for demonstrating that the vaccinations CHILD received on July 19, 2000, significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder, which predisposed her to deficits in cellular energy metabolism, and manifested as a regressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder."

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I had heard on NFL network 1 in 100 kids have some form of autism now? Crazy high.

The CDC estimates it at 1 in 150.

About 5%-7% of the medical community do not agree with the current vaccination schedules. I believe the last study I saw had 5% of the medical doctors surveyed choosing NOT to vaccinate their own children.

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The CDC estimates it at 1 in 150.

About 5%-7% of the medical community do not agree with the current vaccination schedules. I believe the last study I saw had 5% of the medical doctors surveyed choosing NOT to vaccinate their own children.

Come on, who you going to believe.. CDC or NFL network. CDC is so 2002.

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The CDC estimates it at 1 in 150.

It's 1 in 100 for boys. 1 in 150 overall.

About 5%-7% of the medical community do not agree with the current vaccination schedules. I believe the last study I saw had 5% of the medical doctors surveyed choosing NOT to vaccinate their own children.

After our first child was diagnosed with autism, we had our other kids get their MMRs over three separate visits instead of all at once. Maybe it didn't make a difference, but we decided not to take a chance. Most people don't think it's the vaccines individually but getting them all at once.

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my brother was affected by the DPT shot when he was under a year old (I think he was around 6 months old)

Not only is he autistic, he suffers from a bad seizure disorder.

My brother can't talk or function like a normal person.

Several years back it was uncovered that the government knew about this, but didn't do anything about it.

The Government should be held accountable and AT LEAST provide a 24 hour nurse for my brother and all the other people who were affected by this.

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It's 1 in 100 for boys. 1 in 150 overall.

After our first child was diagnosed with autism, we had our other kids get their MMRs over three separate visits instead of all at once. Maybe it didn't make a difference, but we decided not to take a chance. Most people don't think it's the vaccines individually but getting them all at once.

A good idea as well. Breaks up the amount of preservative mercury they get in one shot

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For those who don't know the background of these specific court proceedings, the 5000 cases they are referring to (actually about 4900 cases) are the autism Omnibus proceedings, which began their initial presentation last summer with three test cases. From what I've been able to gather, there are actually 3 separate sets of 3 test cases for each (one set for thimerosal -> autism, one set for MMR -> autism, and one set for thimerosal and MMR or perhaps just multiple vaccines in general -> autism).

This case that was conceded was designated by the plaintiffs as a test case for one of the sets (can't remember which one though I think it was from the thimerosal set) but was removed as a test case after the vaccine court conceded it prior to a trial being conducted. It was a little ambiguous as to why it was removed as a test case from what I was able to ascertain, but I think it was removed as a test case since this particular case involved an underlying disorder that was aggravated by the vaccines, consequently leading to the manifestation of autistic symptoms.

As for this girl's case, thimerosal (the mercury-containing preservative) in itself was not specifically implicated as the culprit although a couple of the vaccines the girl received did contain thimerosal. What was conceded was that the vaccinations the girl received on the specified date ultimately triggered the manifestation of encephalopathy and autism. The specific mechanism in the vaccines that triggered these symptoms has not been determined so it may be the totality of the vaccines, a component such as thimerosal in the vaccines, or another aspect of the vaccinations altogether.

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For those who don't know the background of these specific court proceedings, the 5000 cases they are referring to (actually about 4900 cases) are the autism Omnibus proceedings, which began their initial presentation last summer with three test cases. From what I've been able to gather, there are actually 3 separate sets of 3 test cases for each (one set for thimerosal -> autism, one set for MMR -> autism, and one set for thimerosal and MMR or perhaps just multiple vaccines in general -> autism).

This case that was conceded was designated by the plaintiffs as a test case for one of the sets (can't remember which one though I think it was from the thimerosal set) but was removed as a test case after the vaccine court conceded it prior to a trial being conducted. It was a little ambiguous as to why it was removed as a test case from what I was able to ascertain, but I think it was removed as a test case since this particular case involved an underlying disorder that was aggravated by the vaccines, consequently leading to the manifestation of autistic symptoms.

As for this girl's case, thimerosal (the mercury-containing preservative) in itself was not specifically implicated as the culprit although a couple of the vaccines the girl received did contain thimerosal. What was conceded was that the vaccinations the girl received on the specified date ultimately triggered the manifestation of encephalopathy and autism. The specific mechanism in the vaccines that triggered these symptoms has not been determined so it may be the totality of the vaccines, a component such as thimerosal in the vaccines, or another aspect of the vaccinations altogether.

Hopefully this will open a door. A lot of folks have long suspected that the mercury component in immunizations triggered various reactions in children.

I mean honestly, how good can it be for a small one to get a shot of mercury, no matter how small the dose

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I agree with you Sarge, but the mercury (thimerosal) in vaccines is only one concern, though it has become the main focal point of the dangers of vaccines over the years. For those that want to avoid thimerosal in vaccines, you can always ask to see the label/package insert from your pediatrician and see if thimerosal is listed on the ingredient list or not. Thimerosal is still in the vast majority of flu vaccines as well as in a number of other childhood vaccines in what is defined as "trace" amounts including some tetanus and hep-b vaccines (at least as of when I checked last year). I've also read that if mercury is used in the production process but not used as an added ingredient in the vaccines that it doesn't have to be disclosed, but I cannot verify this to be true or false.

However, there are a number of other concerns with vaccines beyond the mercury concerns. I'm not going to delve deep into the matter right now and I'm certainly not trying to downplay the dangers of mercury in itself, but I just wanted to point out that the potential dangers of vaccines are not simply limited to mercury. Some of the other safety concerns are giving multiple vaccinations in the same visit, the totality of vaccines typically administered to children nowadays before the age of 5, and other additives and components of vaccines besides mercury. And there's plenty more that is flawed with how vaccines are administered, a lack of a reliable reporting and tracking system for adverse reactions, and questionable approval processes and studies for numerous vaccines.

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