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Does Reed Doughty deserve to be starting SS?


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If Blache is looking for a SS to drop into cover alot, I would say we need someone other than Reed. He didn't look GREAT last year in coverage. However, he played very well in the box. By reading about Blache's defensive plans of having strong corners to play man to man alot, then I think Reed is a solid starter for us. Landry proved he can play a good FS in coverage----as well as hit hard in the box.....

I say start Reed, draft some depth.....save the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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I think he deserves a chance, but I don't see any reason why we should just hand him (or any other player) the starting job. I think we should bring in competition, and if Doughty wins the job, then he should be the starting safety.

(And by the way he played last year, I would say he has an excellent chance of winning the job.)

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I think Doughty has shone enough to at least be the starter heading into camp--even if they draft another safety or bring in one from FA. I am not opposed to the Skins taking another safety in the later rounds for depth, but I dont think they need to use a high round pick to address the position with Reed here.

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I think Doughty has shone enough to at least be the starter heading into camp--even if they draft another safety or bring in one from FA. I am not opposed to the Skins taking another safety in the later rounds for depth, but I dont think they need to use a high round pick to address the position with Reed here.

I'll second that. :point2sky :point2sky

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Doughty has earned the starting SS job. He isn't the kind of guy that will slack off because there is no competition either, I'm not opposed to bringing in depth.

Some people want a playmaking SS...is there any such thing. We need a guy that is fundamentally sound and Reed is. He may not make the bone-breaking hit but he also doesn't miss tackles very often. He is an average SS in coverage. He is also in his third year so he will probably continue to improve.

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Some people want a playmaking SS...is there any such thing?

Adam Archuleta!!!

Roy Williams


Mike Brown, CHI (when he's healthy, of course)

Troy Polamalu, PIT

Bob Sanders, IND

Adrian Wilson, ARI

Rodney Harrison (NE) and Darren Sharper (MIN) might belong here too, though they would've fit much better a few years ago. John Lynch was, once upon a time...

EDIT: For some reason, I can't copy a "strikethrough" format...anyway, Archuleta and Williams are meant to be crossed out.

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:laugh: I was expecting you to be the first post H_H.

Yeah, Reed's my boy. :)

You know, it's funny. Not long after ST's death, I was at a buddy's house watching a game. And of course the discussion was about how we'd never be able to replace Sean, which is true, but I made a half-joking comment about how 'Reed Doughty's played really well though.'

Well, each time he made a stop, I started saying, almost sarcastically, 'Uh huh. Who made THAT stop?' I think everybody was kind of surprised by how many times I was able to say that.

The kid makes a lot of plays; a lot of tackles. I can see LaRon being our centerfielder, and Reed being kind of like a John-Lynch Lite kind of guy, who will be like a fourth linebacker.

I'm not saying he can't be a playmaker. I think he can. He's a lot quicker than most people realize. (And yeah, I think some of that is assuming that he's not an athlete because of his skin color.) But IMO, if Landry and Doughty are our safety combo going forward, I think we're in VERY good hands.

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Yeah, Reed's my boy. :)

You know, it's funny. Not long after ST's death, I was at a buddy's house watching a game. And of course the discussion was about how we'd never be able to replace Sean, which is true, but I made a half-joking comment about how 'Reed Doughty's played really well though.'

Well, each time he made a stop, I started saying, almost sarcastically, 'Uh huh. Who made THAT stop?' I think everybody was kind of surprised by how many times I was able to say that.

The kid makes a lot of plays; a lot of tackles. I can see LaRon being our centerfielder, and Reed being kind of like a John-Lynch Lite kind of guy, who will be like a fourth linebacker.

I'm not saying he can't be a playmaker. I think he can. He's a lot quicker than most people realize. (And yeah, I think some of that is assuming that he's not an athlete because of his skin color.) But IMO, if Landry and Doughty are our safety combo going forward, I think we're in VERY good hands.

He is a good SS and a great value for a 6th round draft pick at that. I don't see any need in replacing him. Vern Fox is a decent backup and of course Landry is a beast, maybe we could draft a safety for depth but we'll see what's available later in the draft. But I'm definitely happy with Reed at SS for now.

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I absolutely believe he should be the starter going into camp. He proved last year if put in the right position, he definitely will play well. We need to bring in a veteran to compete for the job, but, he deserves the shot at it. I am very excited about having both him and Landry back there.

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Doughty does not D-E-S-E-R-V-E anything except a shot to earn the starting job. Failing that...a spot on the roster as quality depth.

The fact is Doughty is a servicable player but according to Vinny C. on Doc Walker's show the Skins are looking to upgrade and add depth at that position.

Personally I would prefer a taller and more athletic safety that can make more plays against the high quality TE's in the NFC East. Doughty cannot match up favorably against those guys on a regular basis.

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Adam Archuleta!!!

Roy Williams


Mike Brown, CHI (when he's healthy, of course)

Troy Polamalu, PIT

Bob Sanders, IND

Adrian Wilson, ARI

Rodney Harrison (NE) and Darren Sharper (MIN) might belong here too, though they would've fit much better a few years ago. John Lynch was, once upon a time...

EDIT: For some reason, I can't copy a "strikethrough" format...anyway, Archuleta and Williams are meant to be crossed out.

Pretty sure Polamalu is a FS considering Clark is there.

I'll give you Bob Sanders.

Everyone of these guys mentioned do not have a play making compliment at safety though. Our playmaking safety is Landry.

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If you look at the quality of TE's in the NFC East alone that is a strong enough case for upgrading the safety position. I like Reed Doughty but no one here can say without bias that Doughty matches up well against (on a consistent basis) against the starting TEs and in some cases the backups.

Jason Witten/Anthony Fasano

LJ Smith/Matt Schobel/Brian Westbrook*

Jeremy Shockey/ Kevin Boss

Yes I know Doughty is fast but fast isn't everything. He needs to be able to physically matchup with these bigger TEs and faster RBs.

That said I think he should get a shot at the starting job, but I would be surprised if the Skins did not upgrade at that position.

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