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New strip


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For those that check it out there is a new strip up. The first one was also published in the local paper. I just emailed the editor to find out what kind of reaction it's getting.

The soon to be new baby is known about by all now except my father since he won't answer my calls or return them for some reason so if any of you live in Cheraw, South Carolina let me know.

Other than that here's the link.

The War Out There


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not all of the strips are up, only 1-9 and 12

edit: also, might i suggest making an easier navigation fo accessing all of your comics? instead of have a "past strips", you should just have something that has all of them including the current one. and instead of having the current one part way down the main page, it should be at the very top to draw in your attention.

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added strips 10 and 11. I had just forgotten to put the up once they were down off the main page. Took one of your suggestions too. I put the strip at the top of the page. Makes sense. I just hadn't thought about it. Thanks!!

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added strips 10 and 11. I had just forgotten to put the up once they were down off the main page. Took one of your suggestions too. I put the strip at the top of the page. Makes sense. I just hadn't thought about it. Thanks!!

ok, i see the strip at the top of the page now (might want to move the commentary text under the strip itself) but i still don't see 10 and 11 in the past strips link.

edit: looks like you got them up now.

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ok, its looking better, now a couple more suggestions for a web-design stand-point. On your main page, the Advertizement on the top plus the picture beneath it take up about 2/3 of the window. even though you have your strip at the very top of the other stuff, its still not visible from the top of the page. i think you might want to crop that picture a bit and maybe see about getting side-bar advertisements instead since you have a lot of the side of the page wide-open.

also, in the Past Strips menu, it would be nice if when reading the strips, you didn't have to go to a seperate page to get the full-size version, or at least have a "next strip" option instead of just "close this window".

anyways, right now i think your comic is looking good, i really like the artwork. I'm interested to see how the characterization and plot work out.

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"who's in charge," not "whose in charge"

I don't mean to be the grammar police, but if you're trying to sell this stuff to papers and such, I thought it might help. Likewise, there are a few places you should add commas to provide the reader with a pause.

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Wow, do I feel dumb now. I went and fixed that Whose and Who's thing. I can't believe I missed it. Thanks for pointing it out.

I tried messing with the options for the page so that it would let me make the Past Episodes thing bigger but no luck so far. I'll keep trying though.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Really appreciate the help!

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