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I just came across this site while looking for exactly where we pick in the draft after the first couple rounds... Not bad and up to date info.


If you scroll to the bottom you see diff mock drafts by people...

Heres a couple



Good reading.


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21. Washington Redskins - Williams, Chris, OT Vanderbilt

Chris Williams is very experienced and has decent size and strength. Williams is one, if not, the most atheletic lineman in the draft. He was very quick and nimble feet. Williams doesn't have the killer instinct, or the aggresivness. Chris has greater leadership skills and is versitile. He also is very durable and has lots of experience. The Redskins would pick an outstanding lineman, who could blossum into a long time starter in the NFL.

I know they're a dime a dozen, but this pick is horendous. Actually gave me a good laugh there for a sec.

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There's another thread going that is supposing we get a 3rd round compensatory pick for loosing Dockery (before you scream that we got London Fletcher, apparently, it looks like Dockery's Contract qualifies him for a 3rd round pick, but Fletcher only qualifies for a 4th round pick based on contract size and a 4th rounder can't be used to "cancel" a 3rd rounder....)

Anyways if true, we would have a 1, 2, 3, 3

If true, I think we could safely use our #1 on Branden Alberts and another of our first 4 picks on another OLinemen and still address DL and CB in rds 1 - 3. I've heard the clamoring for all these other positions, but fact of the matter is that we have an old OL and it could cost us a whole season worth of floundering if we don't have a couple of starters waiting in the wings....

On the Alberts Pick - the idea of having a blue chip guard in there has me thinking about the season that Alexander had a couple of years ago behind Hutchinson.....

We're going to be running that offense, and maybe we could get similar production out of Portis if we had a couple of young blue chippers on the line?

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