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Saud terrorist gets in the way of a missle


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BAGHDAD - A U.S. military helicopter fired a guided missile to kill a wanted al-Qaida in Iraq leader from Saudi Arabia who was responsible for the bombing deaths of five American soldiers, a spokesman said Sunday.


U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Gregory Smith said Jar Allah, also known as Abu Yasir al-Saudi, and another Saudi known only as Hamdan, were both killed Wednesday in Mosul.

According to the military, al-Saudi conducted numerous attacks against Iraqi and U.S. forces, including a Jan. 28 bomb attack that killed the five U.S. soldiers.

In that attack, insurgents blasted a U.S. patrol with a roadside bomb and showered survivors with gunfire from a mosque. The soldiers died in the explosion, the deadliest on American forces since six soldiers perished Jan. 9 in a booby-trapped house north of Baghdad.

Intelligence gathered in the Mosul area led the U.S. military to al-Saudi, who was in a car with Hamdan. A precision helicopter strike killed both and destroyed their vehicle. U.S. forces then confirmed the men's identities.

Smith said their deaths brought to 142 the number of al-Qaida insurgents killed or captured in Mosul since the end of January.

Al-Saudi was the man who headed up the al-Qaida network in southeast Mosul, an insurgent hotbed where U.S. forces wage daily battles against the group.

"Mosul is the center of al-Qaida's terrorist activities today. Mosul is a critical crossroads for al-Qaida in Iraq. Baghdad has always been al-Qaida's operational center of gravity, but Mosul remains their strategic center of gravity as it provides access to the flow of foreign fighters," Smith said.

Mosul is located at the locus of roads that connect Iraq with Syria to the west, Turkey to the north and Iran to the east. Many fighters smuggled in from Syria make their way through Mosul, where they can easily blend in with city's ethnically and religiously diverse population.

"It is their strategic center of gravity. One-half to two-thirds of attacks in Iraq today are in and around Mosul," Smith said.

Hammer time beeeeotch


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I love the debate: Get out of Iraq and fight the terrorists all over the world now.

We're supposed to be fighting terrorists not Occupying Iraq.

Terrorist leader killed in Iraq: SEE, we suck they are still there... Whole war for nothing.

Must be nice to be able to argue from all sides.

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You know its really pathetic that we get a little piece of good news and all of these people feel the need to line up and piss on it. :rolleyes:

Then there is this...

"It is their strategic center of gravity. One-half to two-thirds of attacks in Iraq today are in and around Mosul,"

In a country the size of Iraq, to say that is very significant. It may be the best part of the story. Because strategically, if you can narrow down your enemy's operations like that, you have their backs against a wall.

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I love the debate: Get out of Iraq and fight the terrorists all over the world now.

We're supposed to be fighting terrorists not Occupying Iraq.

Terrorist leader killed in Iraq: SEE, we suck they are still there... Whole war for nothing.

Must be nice to be able to argue from all sides.

Quoted for truth. :applause:

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