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Corner technique (Deion's style vs. Champ's)


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I'm sorry but I would take DG over either one of those guys, no question.

If you want to look at the stats, you have to realize something. Deion Sanders probably got a lot of those INTs because of the fact that the majority of the time, the opposing team was Pass Happy due to the fact that they were playing from behind. Dallas scored fast and a lot, so Deion had more opprotunities. The Redskins were geared on ball control and controling the clock, staying on Offense.

To make this interesting, not only the first 9 seasons, i'd like to see T.O.P. stats for each team, i wouldnt be surprised if DG was on the feild 1/3 less then both of those other guys.

The other thing i liked about DG is the guy had true heart. He played and played hard. Deion was about himself, DG was about the team and his play reflected that. There are other factors that go into a good corner back that are statistics. Like nobody records how many times DG would ensure knocking the ball down INSTEAD of going for the pick (possibly giving the reciever a clear route to the endzone, something i have seen happen to Champ Bailey on a couple occasions)

I also would like to see how many times they actually threw at DG. The majority of his tackles were in run support.

OR how many TDs were given up by each DB. Darrell Green rarely gave up TDs.

These things in my opinion are even more important then INTs. A guy can have 2 INTs a game but if he gives up 3 TDs... it's not really a positive thing.

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Deion is better than Champ...thats not even a question. Some people on here praise Champ too much. Champ is horrible at checking the deep ball. Anything in front of him he is good at such as slants, hooks, and things like that. But if its a deep ball or a stop and go he is toast everytime. How is Champ the best when he got beat for 11 td's in one year? Hell the Raiders had 3-4 on him in one game, but nobody ever mentions this. People like to hate on Smoot but he doesnt get beat for td's, 3rd down slants now thats another story, but none the less he doesnt get beat deep. Stop letting the media form your opinions for you. Plus how is Champ better than Deion when he's not even better than D.Green? Thats like people saying Kobe is better than Jordan when he's not even better than Magic, or Larry Bird. THINK PEOPLE

Kobe is waaay better than bird and Magic..only second to Jordan. ur just another Kobe hater.

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I'm not sure how to address this verbal masturbation, but I appreciate you allowing me to think what I want. Since you draw first blood with "jackass", I'll joust. Apparently, Google doesn't search on your PC. If it had, you'd find that Blount didn't allow a single TD in an entire season. Try a yahoo and see if Deion ever had the same success. Let me know what you find. You're either too stupid or young to formulate your own opinion, so I'm not expecting much of a response from you. You also seem to lack respect for not only other opinions but also former football greats. BTW, does the fact I didn't witness Blount play every Sunday remove the fact that he didn't allow a single touchdown? You're right, it doesn't. See logic can prevail. You also seem to be a natural at being an ass regardless whether you're trying. Lastly, you haven't demonstrated enough intellect or football knowledge to put me on the defensive, but, if you wish, I can continue kicking your uninformed ass.

Also, what part of my posts are recycled?

Don't call me a jackass again.

Allright Jackass, here is the post you wrote earlier where you stated you were tired of my "jackassery" I did not start the verbal slurs. Here is your earlier quote.

"jschuck, you need to apply your brakes and study a little before you open your suck regarding the play of older generation players. Blount, just so you can learn something, was one of those GREAT players "responsible" for the 1978 rules change regarding bump and run and the five yard rule. You don't need to have watched them every Sunday to know their contributions to CB play. A little modesty will get you further than the jackassery you posted."

This must be really bothering you, I didnt even check back to this post until today so I really didnt care but from what I can tell this is a opinionated board so I stated my opinion and when I did I did not use the word Jackass or any other derigatory term until the post you wrote above. By the way I am basically the same age as you so the statement about being too young doesnt fly and to tell you the truth who gives a **** about Deion or Blount. Keep watching NFL films and repeating what see so everyone can think you know more than you really do. This is my last post on this topic as its getting childish at this point. Smoke, you are a legend in your own mind. Maybe next time you can post about Red Grange or something, I heard Steve Sabol is doing a show on him next week, make sure you take notes. also, how are you "kicking my uninformed ass", I dont see anything you wrote as being ground breaking or informative. Just because you pulled up the Bio on Blount and quoted it I am supposed to be impressed, Piss off Donkey!

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