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WP/Soloman: Snyder's Search More Baffling


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While it is the owner's perogative to hire the coaches with which he feels most comfortable, Solomon put his finger on the reason why the Skins sadly look, once again, like the clowns of professional sports:

Synder's so-called search process goes out of its way - - GRATUITOULY, I might add - - to demean, embarrass and diminsh each of the candidates. While you can disagree on each's relative merits, each candidate is a football pro. Each deserves due respect and courtesy. That Synder chooses either to isolate and ignore, or not respond back after days and days, or not respond at all, or respond by press release or leak/innuendo makes the Skins a place of potential employment that NOBODY with self respect would want to join.

The gratuitous disregard and disrespect for people embarrasses all Washington fans. Synder doesn't have to hire ANY candidate he interviews, but a simple " I don't think it will work, but thanks" costs him nothing.

But in less than half a month, the arrogant lack of common human deceny in Synder's treatment of employees and potential employees has cost our beloved franchise the quality of its reputation, so painstakeingly rebuilt by Joe Giobbs over the last 48 months.

So needless, so sad for us all.

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This posting solitifies my feelings more and more. Because the Redskins organization is not publicly listing all the candidates and updating the media daily, the media has chosen to rip apart the FO by influencing fans to turn against them. Wasn't the WP on the bandwagon with ESPN about ST 's past and his deserving fate?

It's time to start calling the media and blasting them. They are the ones not doing their homework and keep writing or talking on pure speculation.

As my friend once said: If you are going to talk about something that is not true, make sure you get your lies straight. Apparently they can't even get that right.

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I agree totally. I have been pining for Grimm to get serious consideration for the job ever since talk of who would replace Gibbs started 2 years ago and now Grimm's hiring may take on even more meaning in that it will salve many of the wounds that Snyder has opened with the way he has conducted this coaching search.

Get off of the Russ Grimm bandwagon! He's not coming here, it's going to be Fizzel. Why do you think they hired Jim Zorn? He's Fizzel's man.

If I were Russ Grimm, I know I wouldn't come here. Do you think he really wants to coach under a meddlesome owner and Vinny "Sideick" Cerrato, who only does the Danny's bidding? Grimm is a Gibbs/Cowher prototype. Power running, ball control football. With the hiring of Zorn (west coast off.), the writing's on the wall.............Fizzel.

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I'm really hoping that Snyder's stab in the back to the players doesn't end up having dire salary cap ramifacations for us. What I mean is I can see many of the players who (like every year) we'll ask to restructure their contract telling Snyder to F off because he didn't do them a favor in hiring GW so why should they do him the same.

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I'm really hoping that Snyder's stab in the back to the players doesn't end up having dire salary cap ramifacations for us. What I mean is I can see many of the players who (like every year) we'll ask to restructure their contract telling Snyder to F off because he didn't do them a favor in hiring GW so why should they do him the same.

I agree. I think you'll see quite a few key players refuse to renegotiate their contracts, forcing the Danny to let them go.

The Snyderettes around here think everything will be fine because of the talent that we have on this team. Well, watch the exodus this off season of some key players because if they are going to start over over, they'll do it with a team who's owner isn't a back stabbing liar, who disrespects both coaches and players alike. A team with some stability, not a team that rebuilds every 3-4 years.

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Seriously, if you were an NFL player which organization would you choose?

a) Head coach in place, proven system. Stable. Not much turnover. Ex) Patriots, Giants, Denver, Pittsburgh..

B) Head coach is fired or quits every other year. System changes every year. New offense to learn. New defensive philosophies. High turnover. No stability. ex) Redskins.

I've been offered a lot of jobs at various salary levels and I always take one thing into consideration: There comes a point in time when no amount of money can make me feel good about a **** situation.

I wonder when it gets to that point for the Redskins

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depends upon how desperate you are for the green :)

a guy like Cowher with a reputation he can mint into money in 2009 for a team with a better front office and ownership, is not going to come running because Snyder offers a few more bucks than the next team.

for a guy like Fassel, who was on no one's radar screen and was doing games on the radio for the NFL Network, he is going to get down on his knees and beg and plead for the job.

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