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What we all have learned...


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Is that we all have to let the full season play out. I have several friends I have grew up with. All are die hard Redskins fans as I am. Every season as soon as the team starts loosing or any thing not winning related shows up. They all start to complain about everything from coaching to seconding guessing like Monday QB.

Anyhow this season I told them to either choose another team or ride out the full season. Well to turn out...they all are totally embarassed and have not had much to say since Sunday.!!!

I am proud to be a true die hard fan. " With out struggle there is no success!!!"

Thanks SEan for keeping an eye out for for your team!

HAIL REDSKINS! :dallasuck

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Your right and if they lose Sunday what will you say? They haven't done anything yet. So whats the point of the thread?

Does it need a point?

I will use this thread to come clean, and say that you could count me in with your buddies. HOWEVER, I will use this year to learn my lesson (one that I tell other all the time but chose to forget myself) to never ever ever give up. I always say that we put men on the moon with less computing techology than a pocket calculator, so anything is possible in this world.

No matter how painful it might be, or how foolish I might look, from now on I will never give on the skins (or any of my teams). I know its not a lock, but beating dallas on Sunday sounds a heck of a lot easier than getting a tin can to the moon and back. It is all within the grasp of possibility.

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Everybody's a critic! Jez, Christmas must be over.

I think the point of the thread is that I, like many Skins fams, predicted a certain finish...say 9-7, 10-6 at the beginning of the season. Well, it looks like that prediction is (hopefully) coming to pass, but did it occur in the way you predicted it? Probably not, at least for me.

The NFL season is an arduous ride of highs and lows, and it almost never plays out the way anyone predicts. There are a number of games I thought the Skins would win this season that they lost, and vice versa. Just riding the waves and being a 100% fan is a most prudent course of action.

Don't let the highs get you too high, or the lows too...just luv the Skins, man.

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I just cant stand the so call fans who complain only when things are not right. It is just good to see a team with good leadership and young men handle things the way they did. What an amazing season!

All because people get upset and discuss it doesn't make them "so-called" fans.

I'm overly optimistic, that's my personality. All because someone is naturally pessimistic or skeptical, that doesn't make them a "so-called" fan.

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Oh...dont get me wrong. I was really near giving up than...bam! Sean's horrific news came up. From there... I felt that the team would somehow play with more heart and energy. I am not saying I expected them to win out or even make the playoffs. But I knew a team under leadership of GIBBS always comes out pretty good!

Its a GREAT HUMPDAY!!!! HAIL REDSKINS! STay faithful Fans!!

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Does it need a point?

I will use this thread to come clean, and say that you could count me in with your buddies. HOWEVER, I will use this year to learn my lesson (one that I tell other all the time but chose to forget myself) to never ever ever give up. I always say that we put men on the moon with less computing techology than a pocket calculator, so anything is possible in this world.

No matter how painful it might be, or how foolish I might look, from now on I will never give on the skins (or any of my teams). I know its not a lock, but beating dallas on Sunday sounds a heck of a lot easier than getting a tin can to the moon and back. It is all within the grasp of possibility.

sorry...but I get tired of these sorts of responses. not giving up is an emotional committment...and a good one. but there is the logical thread of getting better. it is in no way, shape or form inconsistent to not give up (i.e., root for the team) and to coldly assess the team's progress and prospects.

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What? :doh:

There so many things twisted about you and your thoughts ... how could you even say that?

makes me sick.

My point is if they lose next week against Dallas this thread is just silly. The poster is doing on the positive side exactly what he is complaining about his negative friends doing. Jumping the gun because of a few games.

Lets let the season play out before starting threads like this.

now go pray to the porcelain god if you are sick.

How is the post "twisted"?

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Regardless whether we make the playoffs or not, this was a great season. A true team. I am very proud to be a Redskins fan!

EXACTLY!! WIN OR LOOSE SUNDAY ! They have done what most I dont think could have!

on a side note..we look pretty darn good out there for any NFC team! :applause:

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If everyone that was upset about the progression of the season at some point 'chose another team' as you suggested, FedEx would indeed be a lonely place on Sundays.

It happens, every year. This hasn't exactly been a dominant team over the last 15 years. Skins fans have been pretty much conditioned to expect the worst.

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im still waiting for a team that i feel confident in, and currently, regardless of records/wins, i dont have confidence in this team. we had a 25-0 lead against the vikings, and not a single person out of the 8 people i was watching with was even confident at that point that the skins could hold the lead. its sad when were so used to blowing leads that i feel strange when we dont. any team with a 25-0 lead should feel completely confident that their team is going to win. this teams current penchant for blowing leads is very concerning.

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What we have learned....

a. That some fans see the PLAYOFFS rather than the Super Bowl as the goal of the season.

b. That some fans willingly accept mediocrity from the team so long as they "win games"

c. That this team is, in reality, no closer to winning a Super Bowl this season than we were in 2003.

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What we have learned....

a. That some fans see the PLAYOFFS rather than the Super Bowl as the goal of the season.

b. That some fans willingly accept mediocrity from the team so long as they "win games"

c. That this team is, in reality, no closer to winning a Super Bowl this season than we were in 2003.


MSF........Miserable Skins Fan

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i partly agree with mass skins fan. yes hes very bitter and he goes to the extreme at times, but hes got a point. too many people are excited by 6th seed playoff berths. eeking into the playoffs by having to win out after sitting at 5-6 or 5-7 isnt exactly something to be excited about. so many are willing to settle for this kind of play vs truly wanting a legit contender.

i personally just want consistency, win or lose. nobody knows week to week which team is coming to play. id rather see us lose 14 games and do it consistently than to guess each week on whos coming to play. at least we'd know exactly what areas need fixing in order to build for the future so we could be a consistent threat to win every game, just like we were in the 80s. ive had plenty of discussions with fans from gibbs I who EXPECTED us to make the playoffs each year. it was just a given we'd be there. now we hope and pray by winning out that we can eek out the dead last seed and barely get there. i guess some fans feel it shouldnt be like that.

and remember where mass skins fan lives - new england. hes constantly surrounded by fans of a completely dominant team, something we arent. everybody fears new england and has for the past 6 years. nobody fears the redskins, and i (as im sure he does) wish they would.

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It's not like we have had other issues this year. I mean our starters didn't going down the very first game, and we didn't lose the best defensive player for life, and we have had more injuries to starters than any other team.

I mean my goodness.......how replusive it is to get in to the playoffs with those issues.

How dare this team think they over came adversity to eek it.

If I were the fans so upset by eeking in........I would just show this team how you feel and stop watching.


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I actually was confident that they would close it out. After what they have been through its amazing!

see, this makes no sense at all. why would you have confidence that a team on a 4 game losing streak that had just dropped a heartbreaker to a mediocre team at home would somehow come out and win 4 games (2 on the road) against 3/4 teams with winning records? seriously, other than blind hope, theres no rational answer as to why the skins would win some of these games.

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It's not like we have had other issues this year. I mean our starters didn't going down the very first game, and we didn't lose the best defensive player for life, and we have had more injuries to starters than any other team.

I mean my goodness.......how replusive it is to get in to the playoffs with those issues.

How dare this team think they over came adversity to eek it.

If I were the fans so upset by eeking in........I would just show this team how you feel and stop watching.


ill always watch, because theyre my hometown team and i refuse to root for anybody else. but that doesnt mean im always going to settle for what we get. and yes injuries have played a part, but the best teams overcome big injuries. please see the colts for an example of how you can still win convincingly with solid depth despite losing huge impact players. they lost the best pass rusher in football, and a top 3 receiver of all time, and are probably going to finish 14-2.

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see, this makes no sense at all. why would you have confidence that a team on a 4 game losing streak that had just dropped a heartbreaker to a mediocre team at home would somehow come out and win 4 games (2 on the road) against 3/4 teams with winning records? seriously, other than blind hope, theres no rational answer as to why the skins would win some of these games.

Its the silly fan in me I guess. Sure I thought they could crash and burn like many would have. BUT I felt Gibbs was here for a reason. I just have always been pretty confident that we'll find some glory again under Gibbs. Even after the 4 losses. !:dallasuck

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