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Herald - ST defendant describes gun disposal


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Taylor defendant describes gun disposal

Posted on Thu, Dec. 20, 2007



The gun that killed Washington Redskins football star Sean Taylor was stuffed in a white sock and flung into the Everglades soon after the shooting, according to a new account from an attorney for one of the men accused in the case.

Attorney Michael Hornung said in an interview that his client, Venjah Hunte, wants to help prosecutors convict Taylor's killer. To begin with, he would like to help police find the murder weapon.

According to Hornung:

The four men charged with Taylor's death, plus a fifth unnamed suspect who hasn't been arrested, set off together from the Fort Myers area on Nov. 25 without discussing what they were going to do in Miami.

When the group arrived at Taylor's Palmetto Bay home, Hunte noticed several luxury cars in the driveway and asked who owned the house. The others told him it was Taylor's home and that there was a lot of money -- as much as $200,000 -- in a black bag in one of the bedrooms.

At least one of the men said he had stolen $5,000 from Taylor's home earlier.

The men thought Taylor wouldn't be home that night because the Redskins had a game in Tampa that Sunday afternoon and even though he was injured, they thought he would be with the team.

The group climbed over a four- or five-foot fence around Taylor's yard and used a crowbar to break into a bathroom near the pool.

Two men -- Eric Rivera and Jason Mitchell -- went inside. A few minutes later, Mitchell ran out of the house claiming he heard a noise.

Hunte, Mitchell, Charles Wardlow and the unnamed suspect all scrambled back over the fence. Rivera came after them and convinced Mitchell to go back into the house, saying he had made the noise and no one was home.

A few minutes later, Hunte heard a gunshot and then a scream inside the house. Mitchell and Rivera came running out and the group piled into their car and fled.

On the way back to Fort Myers, the group stopped by the side of Alligator Alley about two miles west of the exit to the Miccosukee Indian reservation to throw out the gun. They put the gun in a white sock, apparently to make it easier to fling into the muck.

Back in Fort Myers, Mitchell and Rivera burned their clothes and two masks.

Hornung is hoping Hunte's account will help police find the gun. He said Hunte was honest with police when they questioned him, but that no one asked him specifics about the gun.

Miami-Dade police declined to comment on Hunte's version of events, but they have already searched an area of the Everglades off Alligator Alley.

''It's still an active investigation and we can't comment on those kinds of details,'' spokesman Roy Rutland said. ``We don't release information in fear that it may compromise the investigation.''

Much of the account Hornung provided matches other details that have emerged. Investigators believe Mitchell was involved in a prior burglary at the home. Officials don't believe much was taken during that burglary. Mitchell was also in the home in October to attend a birthday party for Taylor's sister, Sasha Johnson. Wardlow is a cousin of Johnson's boyfriend.

The grand jury indictment lists Rivera as the shooter and notes that Mitchell wore a mask during the break-in.

Taylor's girlfriend, Jackie Garcia, and their infant daughter were both in the house when he was shot the morning of Nov. 26. He died the next day.

Hunte, 20, Rivera, 17, Mitchell, 19, and Wardlow, 18, are all facing first-degree murder charges and are set to be arraigned Friday. All four have pleaded not guilty. The Miami-Dade state attorney's office has not decided whether to pursue the death penalty for the three adults. Rivera is ineligible for the death penalty because he's a minor.

Hornung said he is hoping to work out a plea deal in exchange for Hunte's testimony against the other three and the information he can provide detectives.

''He just wants people to know that he had no idea that there were any guns, that there was going to be any violence, that anyone would be hurt and just feels terrible that Mr. Taylor lost his life in front of his child and his fiancée,'' Hornung said.

State attorney's office spokesman Ed Griffith said earlier Thursday that no deal had been arranged for any of the four suspects yet.

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Sean Taylor is dead because 4 posers wanted street cred and to live that "thug life yo" in lil Pakistan. These parents should get jail time as well for raising scum. These articles still make me sick and none of it makes any sense. 4 ignorant kids who probably couldnt count to 5 are responsible for the death of a man who worked his whole life to get to where he was. He cant see his daughter grow up because some punk ass kids thought there was money in a black bag. Rivera should fry.

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I believe his story! I still think they should all face the same sentence regardless of any deals. They were all there and they all should have the same fate. I'm sure they will get 25 to life with no parole! I hope.

Well, with the Felony murder charge there are only two options for sentencing:

Death Penalty or Life with no parole.

How crazy would it be that the killer might get only life, but the others fry...Rivera needs to be charged as an adult

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Well, with the Felony murder charge there are only two options for sentencing:

Death Penalty or Life with no parole.

How crazy would it be that the killer might get only life, but the others fry...Rivera needs to be charged as an adult

I'm perfectly happy letting him sit in Jail for the rest of his life to ponder 30 minutes of complete stupidity on his behalf. I hope they give him a jail cell with a great view of freedom, something that he won't be tasting for the rest of his life.

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On the way back to Fort Myers, the group stopped by the side of Alligator Alley

I'll make 'em a deal. The person that pulled the trigger agrees to go into the Everglades with chicken attached to his body, when he comes out with the gun, the charges are knocked down to 2nd degree murder.

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Morning news said that the lawyer of one of the 4 being held gave info on the location of the gun used to shoot ST. It was placed in a sock, and tossed into the everglades.

While that may sound like lookin for a needle in a haystack, they showed an area roped off, so they have a good general idea of the section of roadway it was thrown from.

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This has already been posted. Does that mean you are going to NNT yourself? Interesting situation we got here...

EDIT: link


HH beat me to it.

Hey, I haven't had my coffee yet :doh: , sue me............ :laugh:

Hey, I think I can let myself slide this one time being I merge a few dozen threads a week, and don't NNT the people.

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Sean Taylor is dead because 4 posers wanted street cred and to live that "thug life yo" in lil Pakistan. These parents should get jail time as well for raising scum. These articles still make me sick and none of it makes any sense. 4 ignorant kids who probably couldnt count to 5 are responsible for the death of a man who worked his whole life to get to where he was. He cant see his daughter grow up because some punk ass kids thought there was money in a black bag. Rivera should fry.

I agree. I mean Jesus Christ how stupid can someone be? :doh:

I Always feel sad when I read something about Sean Taylor.

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Well, with the Felony murder charge there are only two options for sentencing:

Death Penalty or Life with no parole.

How crazy would it be that the killer might get only life, but the others fry...Rivera needs to be charged as an adult

If they confessed to the crime then pled not guilty, couldn't they get charged with perjury as well?

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I can't believe he is gone either...my favorite Redskin....my son's favorite player. We always enjoyed watching the defense on the field because we were just waiting to see who Sean was going to "jack-up" next. This year he turns up his game and became that complete once in a lifetime safety. I find myself thinking when there is a completion over the middle "if Sean was there". Yes...11/27/07 ...worst day in Redskins history.

Those punk ass dudes should all get death!!!! Not just because we lost the best safety in football...Sean had turned the corner...and the grief for his family!!

RIP Sean...we love you!!!!!!!!!!!

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What was the benefit for them of putting the gun in a sock?

Throwing the gun - you can rope wind sling over your head with the gun in a sock - AND, no, I don't do this on a regular basis.:D

The are probably pleading "Not Guilty" to premediated murder - surely, surely, they didn't go in there to kill Sean. The article indicates the little boys didn't think he was home - so shooting him- in the manner they did it - shows manslaughter during a robbery- not premediated- I guess I don't understand WHY they had a gun. I don't know Floridas laws on murder - but if they sit in a jail cell - they need to have only one television program piped into them - reruns of gilligans island or they can have a second program - THE Washington Redskins film clips of Taylor during his career and what THEY took from his family and the Redskin nation.:2cents:

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