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Kid Nation


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I scoffed at it at first myself but actually enjoyed it after I started watching it. Reason being, it was pretty raw and kids shoot it pretty straight. It amazed me how intelligent some of these kids were and how they evolved with no adults to guide them. Pretty intersting show if you ask me.

The little pageant girl, Taylor; I could choke the life out of that little brat. Her mother needs the snot knocked out of her for raising such a vane child. That girl is going to have some serious issues that's for damn sure.

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i actually watched the entire thing on tv (dont judge me)... those kids are smarter than 95% of the people i have to deal with! the one little kid was talkin about goin back in time with some big word that i dont even comprehend... hope they make another season (again stop judging me!)

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I scoffed at it at first myself but actually enjoyed it after I started watching it. Reason being, it was pretty raw and kids shoot it pretty straight. It amazed me how intelligent some of these kids were and how they evolved with no adults to guide them. Pretty intersting show if you ask me.

The little pageant girl, Taylor; I could choke the life out of that little brat. Her mother needs the snot knocked out of her for raising such a vane child. That girl is going to have some serious issues that's for damn sure.

That's exactly why I started watching it! The rawness of the whole thing and the honesty/intelligence of the kids. As far as Taylor goes, unfortunately I have never disliked a child that much until now. She is gonna grow up to be your typical Gold digger or trailer trash queen. I absolutely love Jared, the Jewish Kid.

The episode that got me watching it was the one where he sneaks in and plays the dance dance revolution game. I'm just now starting episode 8 as I type.

I hope there is a season two!

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Me too, maybe they should have made the prize a call home and amnesty from doing chores or something while keeping the $20K a secret until the end of the show. Also, that's way too much money to leave 4 kids responsible for giving to the right people. Not to mention the fact once the 4 kids became councel members they didn't get a chance at the money.

As far as gold star winners. IMO Hunter and the one "sheriff" girl were the most deserving. They both seemed extremely genuine in their actions and didn't seem to be doing for the money.

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Yeah, that show isn't staged or anything. :rolleyes:

I say, no thanks. Give me sports and History Channel, etc. Reality TV is for teenagers and women.

This coming from a guy who can't keep his shirt on? I'd hate to see you after a couple pina coladas. :applause: :cheers: :doh: :D

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Yeah, that show isn't staged or anything. :rolleyes:

I say, no thanks. Give me sports and History Channel, etc. Reality TV is for teenagers and women.

Have you watched a football game lately? They are just as over-dramatic, hyped up, and made over as any tv show that's on.

In regards to Kid Nation, though, I agree I was kind of surprised that I watched a couple episodes. Some of the kids seem very mature and intelligent - much more so than I was as a pre-teen and teenager.

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