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Is Ron Paul a racist?


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(UPDATED 1/10/08) Let the truth be known.

Since there aren't enough Ron Paul threads, I thought I should start one myself. :silly:

On a serious note, if Tim Russert is on his game, he is going to make mincemeat of the good doctor. Should be interesting. After the grilling, errr I mean interview, next week, please post your comments and observations here. Please keep it civil (did I actually say that?).

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Since there aren't enough Ron Paul threads, I thought I should start one myself. :silly:

On a serious note, if Tim Russert is on his game, he is going to make mincemeat of the good doctor. Should be interesting. After the grilling, errr I mean interview, next week, please post your comments and observations here. Please keep it civil (did I actually say that?).

Russert does give a tough one! He blasted Gulianni hardcore recently too.

I think Dr. Paul will handle it though. He rarely flinches in tough interviews and simply answers with his honest beliefs, even if the interviewer is lambasting him.

Another tough one with Glenn Beck (who has been downright cruel to him in his commentary) is scheduled for Tuesday (I think)

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Russert does give a tough one! He blasted Gulianni hardcore recently too.

I think Dr. Paul will handle it though. He rarely flinches in tough interviews and simply answers with his honest beliefs, even if the interviewer is lambasting him.

Another tough one with Glenn Beck (who has been downright cruel to him in his commentary) is scheduled for Tuesday (I think)

Russert picked apart Romney this morning. I gotta give it to Romney though, he's one cool customer. Too cool.

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Wow. Right now it's on here and Russert is blasting him on being against big government and crticizing relief for katrina just because some people choose to live on the coast but his own district is one of the most big-drawers of federal dollars every year in texas and he has put over 400 "earmark" projects in his legislation for his constituents for over $400 mil. in fed aid.

in the last 5-6 years (I think it said) his district has asked for/recieved 4 bil in fed aid for various projects.

I think I got this right.

war of drugs out of control. do it at state level. get feds out of it. thinks drugs are horrible. but he'd decrmiminalize at fed level.

said he gets more support from blacks than any other repube. russert calling him on saying Lincoln was wrong to go to war and arguing with him that we would have rid ourselves of slavery easier without war. pauls partly defended himself by saying other countries got rid of slavery without war.

russert asked him about his being on record calling reagan a failure, bush 1 a bum, bush 2 misleading and incompetent (or something) and formerly resigning his republican membership but is running now as a repub.

I'm not sure I'm doing anything useful here :laugh: but I haven't watched Paul in awhile :D

Showed Paul on TV saying when facism came to U.S. it woule be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross and said it in response to be asked about huckabees Christmas add (I think the TV spot they showed was Paul responding to question on huck, not sure).

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Ok. I promise to retire as a reporter. :silly:

Keep it going, we need to know the truth of RP :silly:

Should we just create the Who Del thread all over again and make that the one and only thread of RP :laugh: Pretty soon people are going to think Danny is donating money to him.

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Here are some of my observations:

  • His views on the Middle East continue to scare me. Iran is not a threat to Israel? Oh, you don't say. Iran has no army or navy? Oh, you don't say. I love the part where he says that "anyway, Israel has 300 nuclear weapons". Well, yeah, that's what we've been trying to prevent these last 40 years. A nuclear holocaust in the M.E.
  • His denials about statements he made concerning abolishing social security was comical. First, he said he must have been misquoted. Then, he said it wasn't part of his platform. Yeah, right, gotcha.
  • His defense of earmarks that he supported were equally comical. Yeah, we know Dr. Paul, that it's part of the current system. We just all thought you were trying to change the current system, not be actively involved in the worst parts of it.
  • Yeah, Dr. Paul, let's deport immigrant babies and children that were born here. That'll solve all of our immigration problems. :doh:
  • Oh, so you don't support the 1964 Civil Rights Act do you, Dr. Paul? How "Strom Thurmond" of you. That'll keep those white supremecist donations coming in. (private property rights my ass)
  • Ronald Reagan is a traitor, but he never really said it. Reagan is a total failure, yet he has photos of him in his campaign literature. Does he ever mean what he says?

I think he hurt himself more than helped himself in this interview. He was evasive on most topics and came off as being dishonest on a lot of his answers. His responses were jittery and his thoughts were unorganized. He was far from being "presidential".

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Well, that did nothing for his campaign.

Russert put it to him and it appears he's just another pork barrel politician talking about change while partaking in the system.

Plus, I don't know what world he lives in with regard to foreign policy, but it's time for him to beam back to the Mothership

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Well, that did nothing for his campaign.

Russert put it to him and it appears he's just another pork barrel politician talking about change while partaking in the system.

I thought that was the segment where Paul seemed most discombobulated. Russert seemed to have Russerted him pretty solidly.

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I'm curious to see how Paul handles this opportunity....

This is big for paul. If he comes across as credible even after Russert blasts him (which will no doubt happen early) then all of these Paul fanatics might have themselves a legitimate candidate.

Uhhh, this already happened. Maybe you're not in the Eastern time zone.

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His views on the Middle East continue to scare me. Iran is not a threat to Israel? Oh, you don't say. Iran has no army or navy? Oh, you don't say. I love the part where he says that "anyway, Israel has 300 nuclear weapons". Well, yeah, that's what we've been trying to prevent these last 40 years. A nuclear holocaust in the M.E.

I thought he defended himself quite well here. We meddle in Israel's affairs making them a vassel state because of our support. We tell them who they can talk to and when and how they can defend themselves. He also pointed out that we subsidize many of their Arab enemies.

His denials about statements he made concerning abolishing social security was comical. First, he said he must have been misquoted. Then, he said it wasn't part of his platform. Yeah, right, gotcha.

I thought his defense was fine. He pointed out that he's the only one who really has a plan to pay for it. And that if something isn't done soon, the people who receive their benefits will receive them, but they won't keep up with cost of living increases due to the dollar crisis.

His defense of earmarks that he supported were equally comical. Yeah, we know Dr. Paul, that it's part of the current system. We just all thought you were trying to change the current system, not be actively involved in the worst parts of it.

I'll agree with you that it wasn't as strong as it could have been because his points are completely valid. He's never voted for an earmark even though some money comes back to his district. Congress is allowed to appropriate money so it's not unconstitutional in anyway. I did think his answer was too defensive, he should have just been very direct about how he feels it would be totally unfair to not get any money back to his district.

Yeah, Dr. Paul, let's deport immigrant babies and children that were born here. That'll solve all of our immigration problems.

I didn't hear him say that at all. Just that birthright citizenship should be revisited.

Oh, so you don't support the 1964 Civil Rights Act do you, Dr. Paul? How "Strom Thurmond" of you. That'll keep those white supremecist donations coming in. (private property rights my ass)

Barry Goldwater didn't support it either for those reasons as he said.

Ronald Reagan is a traitor, but he never really said it. Reagan is a total failure, yet he has photos of him in his campaign literature. Does he ever mean what he says?

I think he said that Reagan failed in many ways, which I think is a reasonable position.

Of course he means what he says. If he didn't why wouldn't he just take the most politically correct positions?

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RP sure didn't gain anymore fans today that is for sure. This might be the end of the RB story.

Totally agree. He certainly wasn't going to lose any of his current supporters, but I'd venture to say he didn't pick up anyone that was on the fence. I wasn't on the fence myself, but his performance just solidified my opinions of him.

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