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Props to Dennis Miller


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Dennis was on Leno last night and was right on with his views on the upcoming war with Iraq and the soured relationships with Germany and France! It was a breath of fresh air to hear someone from the fantasy world of Hollywood that supports the current administrations policy!

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Agreed. While Dennis Miller was terribly miscast on MNF, he was always great on SNL and his HBO show, which he just pulled the plug on. And it's too bad he did that.

After 9/11, I saw him as a kind of kindred spirit. Prior to 9/11, I'd been a diehard lib, just like Miller. But I got the distinct sense that when those two towers came crashing down in the middle of New York City and only days later prominent and supposedly smart left-wingers, from Gore Vidal to Susan Sontag, could only exclaim, IT'S ALL OUR FAULT, Miller, like myself, was rightfully taken aback by such comments and said to himself, as I did, "What the f*ck are these people talking about?"

Had Miller stayed at HBO, he'd have served as a nice counterweight to the cable network's newly-hired Bill Maher, a tirelessly loudmouthed and, at times, shockingly ill-informed Hollywood liberal. (For instance, according to Maher, Saddam Hussein and Michael Jackson are alike because both have done "nothing" wrong over the past 10 years.)

Last night, I saw a rerun of the televisual trainwreck that I suppose Maher and HBO would call the "pilot episode" of Maher's new series, and was completely underwhelmed. Maher's attempts at "comedy" in the pilot were as stilted and unfunny as some of his very worst moments on Politically Incorrect, and he deployed, as he did on that now-cancelled ABC program, whacko right-winger Ann Coulter (the same woman who once said that she wished Timothy McVeigh had gone to New York City and blown up The New York Times Building rather than the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and, during the pilot of Maher's show, blasted as "treasonous" all Democrats who don't support Bush's missile defense shield) as a guest "expert," so as to tar all conservatives by association as the ridiculous and mean-spirited people Maher clearly believes them to be.

However, what really makes Maher as insufferable as ever is the fact that he still truly believes himself to be a "dangerous man." And as a columnist from The New Republic once astutely observed, "While Maher seems to be utterly oblivious to this fact, there are few men in the world less dangerous than those who host their very own TV shows."

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Al PJ is great. I thought I would share some more quotes

"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosphy of sniveling brats." -- P.J. O'Rourke

"Anything that makes your mother cry is fun" -- P.J. O'Rourke

"Giving government money and power is like giving car keys and whiskey to a teenage boy" -- P.J. O'Rourke

"Of course, the humans in Haiti have hope. They hope to leave." -- P.J. O'Rourke

"Never Refuse Wine. It is an odd but universally held opinion that anyone who doesn't drink must be an alcoholic." -- P.J. O'Rourke

I can quote him all day long

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Back to Miller for a moment...

I just caught a repeat of Donahue's MSNBC interview from a couple weeks back of the acerbic comedian, and was supremely impressed -- by Miller that is.

It was great seeing Miller rhetorically lock horns with Donahue, an obstinately pacifistic liberal if ever there was one. And one of the funniest exchanges occurred when Miller called Donahue on being just that. "Why must you try to marginalize me and others who feel the way I do [regarding The Iraq Question] by calling me an obstinate pacifist," Donahue asked, thus unintentionally confirming another cliché of the longtime talk show host's brand of hopelessly wishful-thinking liberalism: incessant whininess.

However, Donahue's most inexplicable misstep of the interview happened when he wondered aloud: "You keep talking about terrorists, Dennis, but where are these people? Where are they? I haven't seen them. You keep saying 'they.' Always the ubiquitous and hazily defined 'they.' Where are 'they'?"

Where, Phil? Uh, were you anywhere near a television on September 11, 2001? If so, what the hell did you think that was on the TV screen, Phil, a portion of Die Hard 3: The Special Extended Edition? :rolleyes:

Predictably, Miller got in the best zinger of the night: "This is a great country, Phil, one where you're free to do practically whatever you want -- including missing the point entirely." :laugh:

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Props to Dennis Miller and to you Glenn X for not being afraid to think "outside of the box." That faux magazine cover was great, pretty much sums up what's wrong with Hollywood today. I'm sick of all these jerkoff celebrities feeling that it's "their duty" to speak out on their nonsenseical views. Maher is one of the worst of the lot. The little b@stard just looks like a prick. Looks like someone you would have beaten up in gym class in junior high.

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What pisses me off the most is that all these f*ckos are running their mouths and jimping on the "peace" bandwagon because they think it is becoming the "chic" thing to do. Especially that f*ck Maher. I loath his voice and especially hated his show. He purposely tried to get as many guests on there that he could make fun of, or that would purposely disagree with him so he could run his mouth.

Maher is a typical Hollywood-ite. Runs around with hot-a*s models and hookers and loves his life, cars, $ and himself. So with that in mind, I can't blame him or take what he has to say seriously.........

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