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It has to be said: What is wrong with you guys?


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Well, we have the 10th ranked run game and da bears have like the 27th ranked run defense. We should be able to run the ball effectively with our personel back.

let's hope the numbers don't lie then! again...come game time I'll be there in front of the TV pulling for my Skins.

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My point is:

No one has any right to criticize the performance of the Redskins on Sunday except themselves because no one has to fight through what they have to fight through.

You think this team's performance was pathetic? I think you're sick. Way to rail against your team when they need you the most.

The Skins don't need you as fans.

Yeah, NO ONE can say anything about how the Redskins performed. Dude, you have zero credibility when you make statements like that.

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What was wrong is that the Bills stink. Rookie QB. 3rd string RB.

We have their best defensive player from last year.

They've had the good fortune of playing the Jets and the Dolphins twice.

Their game against Dallas that people talk about - Romo sits to pee just had a terrible game and when he turned it on - Dallas won.

We were favored to win and we should've won. I'd expect a loss to Dallas or the Giants if we had to play them last week but it was the Bills. The Bills are not a good team.

And apparently, we're not that good either.

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Yeah, NO ONE can say anything about how the Redskins performed. Dude, you have zero credibility when you make statements like that.

I'm not sure Sekhmet is wording it quite right, but I get the jist of it. I think a lot of things go out the window when you are dealing with the unpredictability of how a tragedy affects people. Certainly, they had a game to play, but do you think the coaches and the players were as focused on the gameplan during the week as much as they would be if this didn't happen?

Normally, I would say that this should have been a win, but there are a lot of factors which make anylizing this game somewhat fuzzy. Not to mention just laying off for a week. As I said before, there are plenty of times to rip the team apart if you choose, just not this week.


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please man, we all hurt for Taylor's loss, but losing 4 in a row? 4 in a row in the 4th year of Gibbs' tenure is UNACCEPTABLE

I'm happy I didn't actually go to that Bills game, one of the few home games I've ever missed, and I'm not going out of my way to attend tomorrow night's game either

this season hurts more than last year and not just because of Taylor's death

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Sean Taylor's death is tragic. But people move on. At two separate points in my life, I had my best friend at the time die car accidents (one died after getting tboned by a truck while in the back seat of a sedan, one died after getting hit by a guy running a red light while he was riding his bike on a weekend). Both of those devastated me. But you move on.

We are over-blowing this. There is nothing heroic that is going on with his teammates. It is sad they have had to go through this, but they don't need special support. They aren't going to wilt away and die if we criticize their play. These are grown men and death is a part of life. It is sad. But this isn't a tragedy beyond all others.

The theatrics and lugubrious comments on this board have gotten out of hand. We are overplaying the importance of what happened.

Seriously people, do you think it was easy for them to play that game? Do you think it was easy for them to try to put Sean Taylor completely out of their minds? They were going to make mistakes. No one can concentrate 100% on anything after losing someone that close to you.[/Quote]

No. It probably wasn't easy for them. But it wasn't that terribly hard either. It did not take some Herculean effort for them to show up and play football.

Yeah, it makes sense that they would be "off their game." It makes sense they would have concentration problems. If the team was good all year and they had an off-game this past week, it would be rather caustic to berate them for one off game. But the criticisms about the team are not based on them having "one off game." The criticisms are based on a continual pattern of awful choking and coaching that has occurred across seasons and CANNOT be tied to the death of Sean Taylor. The criticisms are independent and lexically prior to the death of Sean Taylor, and the criticisms have to do with mistakes that are the same mistakes that have repeatedly been made.


We do need some perspective here. The death of Sean Taylor is tragically sad. But this isn't a major tragedy; it can only mean so much. Life goes on. The one thing I have learned from losing friends is that using their death as an excuse for things doesn't get you anywhere. Getting back to work is often the best thing in such situations.

So I expect a couple weeks of depressed spirits from the team. But these are adults, and they are not doing anything heroic by doing their job. Their suffering is not special. Their needs are not special. Give them a shoulder to cry on if they need to cry, but it does no good to suggest that they get a pass on responsibilities because of their loss.

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I'm not sure Sekhmet is wording it quite right, but I get the jist of it. I think a lot of things go out the window when you are dealing with the unpredictability of how a tragedy affects people. Certainly, they had a game to play, but do you think the coaches and the players were as focused on the gameplan during the week as much as they would be if this didn't happen?

Normally, I would say that this should have been a win, but there are a lot of factors which make anylizing this game somewhat fuzzy. Not to mention just laying off for a week. As I said before, there are plenty of times to rip the team apart if you choose, just not this week.


I'm sorry. It's not that I'm heartless or don't understand that it's tough for guys to perform up to standards when traumatic events occur. It's that this team looked no different playing last Sunday that it has at any other point during the past month. The points have already been made by other posters so I won't reiterate them. If this team had come out completely flat, then I'd agree with the people screaming about how much the events of the past week impacted the team. But if they played the EXACT same way they had been playing before the tragedy, then how can you blame that? They make some plays and then for various reasons already mentioned, they lose in the second half.

And I just put down decent cash to get tickets to go to the game tomorrow night, so it's not as if I'm deserting the team. I'll be interested to see the mood tomorrow night. I doubt it will be very somber and if the team buckles, many fans will be screaming for blood.

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I'm sorry. It's not that I'm heartless or don't understand that it's tough for guys to perform up to standards when traumatic events occur. It's that this team looked no different playing last Sunday that it has at any other point during the past month. The points have already been made by other posters so I won't reiterate them. If this team had come out completely flat, then I'd agree with the people screaming about how much the events of the past week impacted the team. But if they played the EXACT same way they had been playing before the tragedy, then how can you blame that? They make some plays and then for various reasons already mentioned, they lose in the second half.

And I just put down decent cash to get tickets to go to the game tomorrow night, so it's not as if I'm deserting the team. I'll be interested to see the mood tomorrow night. I doubt it will be very somber and if the team buckles, many fans will be screaming for blood.

Actually, they did play differently than the previous two games. The offense actually had life in those two games and almost pulled it out, while they looked pretty spent last week after moving up and down the field on emotion.

Anyways, I think the team is in a funk that has been longer than the time of Taylor's death, and I don't know if there is much Gibbs can do about it. They need things to start rolling their way again.


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There's a number of threads on this. But yeah, I agree with you.

Sure there are, but we need every one of them. The overwhelming majority of threads are negative... once again. It's ridiculous to think how quickly everyone forgot about Sean Taylor. It was just a fad for these guys. :doh:

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