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THIS is who the Redskins play for...


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In your darkest moments, do you succumb to the darkness?

Or do you fight your way out??

That wasn't Redskins Nation chanting "Joe Must Go".

Trust me.

THAT was the darkness chanting.

I can't believe that words such as these would ever be heard at home. Much less the reports that even worse was heard. This may be a little off topic but I've been wanting to rant about this ever since I heard about it.

Criticize Gibbs all you want. But don't kick him in the gut. Don't disrespect him. He has more than earned the respect of all true Redskins fans not just for those three(!) trophies he brought us but for the man that he has always been and still is.

If I am ever in the presence of someone who disrespects him like this, I swear to God, I don't care who it is or how big they are, little girl that I am, I am going to cold-**** the sumb*****!

You have all been warned.:mad:

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...you should've seen Baby Jackie tho...she has more energy in one pinky...She spent 95% of the funeral running around...at one point she ran up to the casket, pointed at it and would say something to her mom. We couldn't hear what it was, but Jackie just doubled over in tears for a good while. I can't get the image out of my head.

I was there and I noticed that as well. Did you hear her the first time she saw the casket. She ran over to it and said "Dadda." I almost lost it at that point.

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Here's what I think about that game. I have never been so depressed after a game in my life. I told myself beforehand that life is not Hollywood or a fairytale and that this was still the same team that was losing before the murder with a week of wrenching grief in which nothing was normal heaped on top of that.

I was hoping for the best though. I thought they had two choices. Play & fight like men, win or lose or roll over like some broken down pansies. After the loss, I thought that neither of these was the case. They had played exactly like they have been playing and I just couldnt process it. They played the same give it away crap game that they have been playing.

Now after a few days, I have some perspective. I still don't like it, but I am ok right now with how it turned out. The reason being that after a week of hell, this already shaky team, at least managed to play their game. They played like they normally do.

Having had a chance to put myself in their shoes, I can see now how hard that must have been to do. The fact is, they did do their best. Their best is just not that good right now. We have to do two things 1) be real and assess this team by real world standards, not Hollywood's & 2) Support them in their darkest hour instead of kicking them when they are down.

This thread is a nice reminder that there are real human beings involved here. The team is made up of grief-stricken men who actually knew Sean and his family and who were already struggling with high expectations. The coaching staff put in the same long hours as every week but with broken hearts. I wonder how much sleep they got even when they did get to sleep? And then there is our coach, a 67 year old man, who without a doubt poured his heart, soul and every waking moment of this past week on the human needs of his players on top of preparing for the game. How much sleep did he get? How well would you think in such an extraordinary situation?

Anyway, I personally don't care if they win any more games this season. That would be nice but I am not going to be expecting it. I think that if they want to honor Sean then they need to dedicate themselves to becoming a better team over-all. This is not going to happen overnight and it won't happen in what remains of the season. Intead of a game, they should have a great season next year for Sean. The last thing they need from us while they get through all this is for the fans to turn on them now when they need support the most.

Anyone who breaks ranks with this team at this hour should be ashamed of themselves. You make it through more than a decade of shame and disappointment only to run for the exits when the darkest times come along? This should be the time when we are even more behind the team than ever. They are not going to play better if we abandon them and pile even more crap on their heads than they are already dealing with.

*rant over*

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The fact that those guys went out there and played and did their best under such circumstances demonstrated who they really played for. They're in those pics. Sean would have been,(and probably is), proud of his friends and teammates for going out there and trying their best despite how hurt they must have been.

Simply stated and right on the money.

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So it was evident to most, that their effort against Buffalo exceeded the effort in previous games? It seems to me that several people are fond of using someone's death as a motivational tool, no matter how wrong they are.

It's not about motivation.

You've entirely missed the meaning of the thread.

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Let's dedicate this season to Sean & his family, and do honor to his memory.

Sorry if I totally missed your meaning. Playing for him, and her, and them and her and dedicating the season to Sean and his family to honor his memory, sounded a bit like motivation to me.

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