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Portis/Gibbs Love Em' but gotta Go


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Coool....E -

You dont know anything about football. Portis is not the problem and its not his fault that Snyder has deep pockets. They decided to pay him so they need to pay for people to block for him and find a scheme that allows him to get running lanes. He would be worth every penny if people could hold a block. They need to get Portis out in space and let him make some plays.

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You guys Portis isn't the problem. Offense starts upfront and if you can't block you aren't going to win games. Portis needs help. He can still run and can still hit the hole hard. He needs a line and Sellers to help him out. And a coach who doesn't call a draw play out of a shotgun set on third down....just a thought

Yes, but we have had an o-line in the past and we have gotten paloofs 1 time, that is what I see. When you sign a RB to that kind of contract I expect Barry Sanders. There is a Ryan Grant on every Practice squad that can give me the numbers CP has given me.

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Yes, but we have had an o-line in the past and we have gotten paloofs 1 time, that is what I see. When you sign a RB to that kind of contract I expect Barry Sanders. There is a Ryan Grant on every Practice squad that can give me the numbers CP has given me.

Ok well if that is the case then why doesnt every NFL team do that. You have stated no facts at all

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I say we put Portis at Right Guard because he seems to block better than anyone else who plays that position, except Thomas ;)

Get a healthy o-line and Portis will come to life......I guarantee it!!!! Get off his back!! I love his heart and determination. He wants to be a winner and it shows. I hope he retires as a Redskin, because I think he is a true Redskin!!!

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Yes, but we have had an o-line in the past and we have gotten paloofs 1 time, that is what I see. When you sign a RB to that kind of contract I expect Barry Sanders. There is a Ryan Grant on every Practice squad that can give me the numbers CP has given me.

OK... STOP!!!!

We may NEVER see another Barry Sanders.

Your Grant arguement is correct. Yet I would still take a player like Portis because he plays hurt. He blocks like your college friend that has not been laid in weeks. He is a beast with a decent line and his speed is tremendous. Grant just runs the football and nothing else. I see your money argument though. 10-20 mil less and I don't think we have this argument.

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dude your an idiot. How can he produce when he doesn't have blockers. You have no clue what you are talking about. Football is about 11 guys doing their job and finishing. You have to finish your blocks so the running back can finish his run. We need blockers to open holes.

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Last year when Betts was running wild I was a staunch believer that Portis was a far superior back.

But watching him this year it appears he has lost not only a step, but like 3 or 4 steps. While he doesn't have many holes to run through, he also just looks SLOW once he does hit the hole. He runs hard, but he's small enough that it doesn't make much of a difference.

He is not the same athlete he was when we traded for him in 2004. Look at his first touchdown run as a Redskin where he outran the Bucs' corners and safeties. You think he could do that now? I guarantee he can't run any better than a 4.6-4.7 40 right now.

While our O-line has been a huge disappointment (partially due to injuries), Portis has to take some of the blame as well.

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Guest Rafterman
Not one or the other....... Both

The majority of us here love these two as people but unfortunately they gotta go!! Reality hurts. Neither are good enough. Gibbs 2.0 is different guys!

Neither of them has the killer instinct you need to win in this league.

It starts at the top, our top coach and our top player must go. Week after week so much is put on their shoulders to lead us to victory. Week after week they are given opportunity.

In the end we are always disappointed. I am tired........very tired

We must replace our coach and our superstar player--

Dead on.

Portis is near the end of his career and Gibb's career was over around 1990.

Don't waste time on trying to explain it to the oblivious, they always have to learn the hard way.

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Uhhhhh....this is a joke thread, right??? I mean, I'll give you the Gibbs terrible game management point, but Portis??? Have you even paid any attention to how weak our o-line is? Come ON!

Please stop with the excuses. Enough already, always an excuse with this guy. He is our Tom Brady, he is our Peyton Manning, he is our L. Tomlinson, he is supposed to be that. I should not have to compare him to one of Ryan Grant. That is my point. Please guys he is not our savior. When will this ever end. I mean, I like the guy don't get me wrong but he is not a superstar.

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Guest Rafterman
Please stop with the excuses. Enough already, always an excuse with this guy. He is our Tom Brady, he is our Peyton Manning, he is our L. Tomlinson, he is supposed to be that. I should not have to compare him to one of Ryan Grant. That is my point. Please guys he is not our savior. When will this ever end. I mean, I like the guy don't get me wrong but he is not a superstar.

Running backs are a dime a dozen and Portis is near the end of his career.

This team has to many holes it simply doesn't need his cap hit.

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Tell ya what.

Pick any RB currently in the league and put them behind our Oline as presently constituted.

I guarantee you they will not have a stellar season.

Fabini-washed up

Heyer-wet behind the ears rookie

Rabach- average on his best day

Kendall- in the twighlight of his career

Samuels- Pro Bowler

I worry about some on this board. Engage brain before opening your mouth.

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Why dont u try supporting your claim statistics, some of your "expert analysis"?

WHAT are u talking about?? How about our record and play the past 4 years. We have done nothing with CP as our superstar. What have we done? Superstars (Brady,Manning, LT,B.Sanders) don't need excuses every week. That is what I was hoping CP was when we signed him. Another Riggo.

Do I really need some stats? Some numbers 5-11, 5-7, 1 playoff win, enough statistics for you????

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Guest Rafterman
WHAT are u talking about?? How about our record and play the past 4 years. We have done nothing with CP as our superstar. What have we done? Superstars (Brady,Manning, LT,B.Sanders) don't need excuses every week. That is what I was hoping CP was when we signed him. Another Riggo.

Do I really need some stats? Some numbers 5-11, 5-7, 1 playoff win, enough statistics for you????


Portis isn't worth the contract he has.

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Another random comment that has nothing to do with anything

Ummmm, he was saying Clinton's cap hit is to high, how will get rid of him? Uhh, Lavar was that an irrelevant comment??? We got rid of Lavar and his huge underachieving contract. You are so annoying.

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