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WP:Chat House w/ Michael Wilbon, Today 12/3 @ 1:15PM


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Yes but they still go back to what he said in a chat. Sorry PCS but how is someones opinion out of line?? That is all it was his opinion. Remember the original chat was done the day he was shot and no one had any information. Wilbon and TK both said they wished they could look at this as fans but they can't since they are cynical people.

I am not defending anyone all I am saying is many of us should not worry about what others say when they themselves have told us how they think.

We need to let go what others think.

What? Please tell me you're joking.

All we have to go on is what he said. His opinion is fair game, he is a nationally recognized sports columnist and tv personality.

At least we are able to base opinions on what he puts into print or says on the air. That is tremendously more fair than what he based his opinions of Taylor on, his perceptions of him.

When you get paid to put forth your thoughts and feelings you are fair game for criticism of them.

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jbooma - I agree to a point, being cynical is one thing but don't you think as a journalist Wilscum had some right to atleast keep personal opinions to himself until more information came available? I mean he has a show with many former Redskins and has access to Gibbs, don't you think that he could and should have done a better job than what he did?

Wilbon showed his true colors and it's african american's like him that at times makes me feel bad for being black myself. :cheers:

Exactly. Wilbon has a certain amount of responsibility here as a journalist. Jumping to conclusions like he did was irresponsible. The immediate impact is how it propagated and image that Sean was something that he wasn't,(or at least not anymore). People were and influenced by that. That makes it out of line. And that makes his "opinion" even more fair game for criticism.

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I too can speak candidly because my family has wierd dynamics, some family members are wealthy from hard work and others got money from illegal means. My father instilled in us at a young age:

1) It's not where you live but how you live.

2) All money isn't good money

all the stuff about Sean Taylor being a thug and all that, well okay this is a prime example of the old saying you can a million things right and one thing wrong and you will be remembered for the one thing you did wrong. I would also think that since Sean's father is and has been the chief of police how bad was he really? I know from experience there are alot of black people that are lazy and would rather ride the coat tails of people they knew that worked hard to gain wealth and then when they get cut off they are hostile. Being black myself I am a realist and I see alot of bad in my race, and in no way am I saying whites are better than blacks, we all have our shortcomings, all I know is black people have a tendency to hate on one another and black on black crime is a prime example of that.

In going back to Wilscum, whatever his personal thoughts were of Sean, fine but to use it for self gain is wrong and I have no respect for him or anyone else like him. The issue is simple Sean Taylor was at home with his family and he died because of 4 young black men that would rather steal then to work hard and get money the honest and right way. What makes it worse is there is an 18 month old child that will never know the love of her father and also us fans that will have a hard time watching the Redskins. Sean Taylor didn't deserve to die like that and his daughter surely doesn't deserve to grow up without a father.

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Also in no way am I trying to turn this into a racial thing. Regardless of skin color we all have 10 fingers, 10 toes and 2 legs and 2 arms we are ALL human beings. What I am saying is this is a sad and unfortunate situation and fools like Wilscum makes the situation worse, especially when you see a black journalist try so hard to be white when he isn't and for me that is one of the worse things you can do. I don't have to "talk black" or be a thug or walk around with bling to be black, I am black and proud and I was told that without light in darkness we are all the same color.

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Now that more non-speculative (factual) reports from the police department have been released, we know a lot of what Wilbon, Shapiro, and Chris Carter (HBO) decided to focus on was irrelevant.

Sean Taylor was murdered as a man protecting his family as they rested in what should have been the comfort of their home. This had nothing to do with some troubled past coming back to hurt him. We now know that talk of the troubled past was just speculation from those who formed an opinion before they discovered any facts.

Since these men chose to use this time to wag their finger at Sean Taylor for things that had nothing to do with his murder, particulary Carter who went so far to claim that had Sean stuck around for his speech he would be alive today, for those who care you can wonder which one of these self-important mouth-pieces will man up and admit they jumped to the wrong conclusion and owe Sean's reputation and family an apology.

It won't happen... But you can wonder.

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Yes but they still go back to what he said in a chat. Sorry PCS but how is someones opinion out of line?? That is all it was his opinion. Remember the original chat was done the day he was shot and no one had any information. Wilbon and TK both said they wished they could look at this as fans but they can't since they are cynical people.

I am not defending anyone all I am saying is many of us should not worry about what others say when they themselves have told us how they think.

Here's the hazard of Wilbon's comment, it was used as a basis for HBO's Inside the NFL to use Chris Carter to wag his finger at a deceased Sean Taylor as if he was living the Adam "PacMan" Jones lifestyle and it cost him his life. There is nothing wrong with waiting to hear the facts before making definitive statements about someone's life after they pass or while they are critically injured. There is something wrong with jumping to conclusions without any basis. All of that "prior lifestyle" stuff had nothing to do with his murder. Injecting race like some have has nothing to do with it.

Not to oversimplify this but it is because of Wilbon and the like that we can't discuss this as a simple matter of a man resting at home with his family who is tragically killed by some punk-cowards attempting to take things they didn't earn. In a way, that disrespects the man's memory even further.

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Here's the hazard of Wilbon's comment, it was used as a basis for HBO's Inside the NFL to use Chris Carter to wag his finger at a deceased Sean Taylor as if he was living the Adam "PacMan" Jones lifestyle and it cost him his life.

Cris Carter has no right to wag his finger at anyone. ANYONE. Compare his early years with Sean's and see what kind of hypocritical nonsense he is spouting.

Who's next, Michael Irvin?

Good God.

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As far as I'm concerned, Micheal Wilbon died when Sean Taylor was lying in critical condition in the hospital and Wilbon slandered his name while the man was still alive.

Wilbon, Cowherd and Shapiro are the lowest form of (using the term loosely) "professionals" that I can thin of.

I don't know why some of you continue to patronize them. **** them!

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Cris Carter is a hypocrit! he surely defended Randy Moss, weed smoking almost hitting a cop giving him a ticket while in Minnesota, but I guess the things Moss did were not as bad as Sean's transgressions, see this is another prime example of another black man forgeting where he comes from. Cris Carter is a joke and he needs to drop dead himself.

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I'd like to know what kinds of things Wilbon is doing to promote the cause of the black man in America of which he speaks. As someone accurately pointed out, he grew up middle class in the Midwest and attended predominantly white Northwestern University. His perspective carries no weight other than judge, jury and executioner of the mainstream media ratings agenda. I'm glad we still live in a country where victims are viewed as being responsible for their own demise. Lots of people own cars and die in crashes every year, but by Wilbon's irresponsible reasoning, since they got on highway, they really had it coming. Its embarrassing that an educated man (I really don't think race is relevant so I won't say educated "black" man) would sell his soul for the sake of ratings and readership, but I guess you could say he succeeded at that.

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Cris Carter has no right to wag his finger at anyone. ANYONE. Compare his early years with Sean's and see what kind of hypocritical nonsense he is spouting.

Who's next, Michael Irvin?

Good God.

No Irvin is a hero, getting caught with crack in a hotel room, prostitutes, even stabbing that rookie in the neck over his place in line for a hair cut, and he gets put in the HOF over Art Monk of all people, I hope when Art does get elected to the HOF he tells them to go screw themselves he doesn't need to be in the HOF next to crackheads and whoremongers :point2sky

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It seemed like he contradicted himself in the first statement because how can you not be surprised if someone is killed by a burglar? That doesn't happen every day.

Wilbon's entitled to his opinion. That's pretty much all his articles are.

No Irvin is a hero, getting caught with crack in a hotel room, prostitutes, even stabbing that rookie in the neck over his place in line for a hair cut, and he gets put in the HOF over Art Monk of all people, I hope when Art does get elected to the HOF he tells them to go screw themselves he doesn't need to be in the HOF next to crackheads and whoremongers :point2sky

I hope you're not one of those who complained about reporters bringing up Sean Taylor's past.

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I don't care as much for the other journalists, talking heads, etc... that have dragged Sean's name through the mud. I care how Wilbon will respond b/c this guy has been covering DC sports probably before I was even born. The manner in which he has covered ST murder makes me sick. I hope he's reading this too.

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It seemed like he contradicted himself in the first statement because how can you not be surprised if someone is killed by a burglar? That doesn't happen every day.

Wilbon's entitled to his opinion. That's pretty much all his articles are.

I hope you're not one of those who complained about reporters bringing up Sean Taylor's past.

People are entitled to thier opinions even Wilscum, but he should have kept certain things to himself. As reporters they should report facts not opinions, isn't that what Blogs are for? I don't have any respect for a black man that uses another black mans issues for personal gain! Wilscum is a loser and he needs to be fired.

Sean Taylor died a hero protecting his family if Wilscum was placed in the same position he would probably send his wife out to see what the noises were :2cents: My opinion of Wilscum is a ***** ass punk :point2sky

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So basically Wilbon says that, he didnt know Taylor, but he knows "others like him". In other words, he knew other people like him, people arent individuals, but may be stereotyped into groups, that all act exactly the same. Apparently because Wilbon has the same skin color, he knows exactly what Taylor did and thought, even though by his own admission, he didnt know him.

Shameful on his part.

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Just left him a message/question:

Mike, Just as we needed to have a nationwide conversation last week about young black men dying, do you think it's time to have a nationwide conversation about middle-aged sportswriters doing their research? The way you went off half-****ed about Sean Taylor last week was absolutely enfuriating. We Redskin fans who closely followed Sean Taylor KNEW he was not what you thought he was. He was not a thug. he did not run with a bad crowd. He grew up middle class, kept his nose clean. The ONE incident he had, which has been trumped up by the media like it was indicative of YEARS AND YEARS of violence and gang membership was a situation where he was angry and went to get stolen property. Go read the article that the WP wrote about his plea deal. It's all there. A power-hunry prosecutor accepted the claim of the guy Taylor beat up that Taylor waved a gun. The guy has a rap-sheet 10 miles long. The proseucutor levied 40+ years of prison time against Sean Taylor. He was eventually gotten rid of because of prosecutorial misconduct -- he was using the case to get attention. The next prosecutor assigned to the case said that SEAN TAYLOR SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN CHARGED WITH ANYTHING.


The *only* reason he plead no-contest was because he wanted to get it over with and go play football. He preceded his comments with "I'm not guilty of this, but to get this over with, I will accept the plea deal."

Go read the article, Mike. If you owe Sean Taylor ANYTHING after the things you said about him last week, it is to read the article and find out what happened before oyu go on TV and into the newspaper and slander him while he's on his deathbed.


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I am a black man.

For one to say that they aren't surprised when a human being is murdered in their home, is egotistical, callous and disgusting. That statement is the worst kind of grandstanding, coming as it does with Wilbon standing on Sean Taylor's corpse. Talk about crabs in a barrel.

It is 'blaming the victim,' when, as Wilbon should know, anyone (with money) could have been the victim of this kind of crime. I mean, was Sharon Tate a gangsta?! Gianni Versace?!

Wilbon is an Uncle Tom of the worst order. A real black man would have waited for the evidence to unfold, rather than lead the lynch mob to the jail and put the noose around another black man's neck.

A real black man would re-examine his erroneous, hurtful statements and make public, unequivocal amends.

I'm not holding my breath because this is not a real black man. This is a boy. Boys like Jason Whitlock and Wilbon get paid big bucks to say what these media companies really think and feel about the black athlete. Because he's black, he will catch some hell, but he won't catch Imus hell.

But he should.

PS No one ever talks about the society (American society) that PRODUCES these money-obsessed, value-skewed youth. What part does sports culture, with its multi-million dollar contracts and alluring commercials play in creating this epidemic? What part does the media in general play? But Wilbon can't talk about that because he is paid for his pettiness, his myopia and his substantial cowardice.

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Blast Wilbon all you want but to me someone who changes take themselves out of the chance of getting caught back in it. All of Sean's friends and family told him he should have moved out of the entire area. I think this is why Wilbon says he embraced it in a way.

Remember Wilbon is not saying he is happy for what happened but to me for you to change and you know people are after you like Rolle said then you just get away for good.

completely untrue and was denied by everyone... no one told him to move away from Miami... and stop blaming him for his demise

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Here is what I will be submitting:

Mr. Wilbon-

During last week’s chat you included the following in an answer to a question about Sean Taylor, who at the time was in a Miami-area hospital fighting for his life, a battle he ultimately lost:

“Whether this incident is or isn't random, Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it.”

And then this in response to a question about the multitude of insiders making statements about the change in Taylor since the birth of his daughter:

“Sorry, but I'm not in the habit of having companies with their own public relations agenda tell me about black men and what they feel or don't feel. Pardon me if I'm not that easy.”

Your statement about him refusing to “divorce himself” from negative influences is greatly at odds from the testimony of those closest to him. Your insinuation that those people only offered their thoughts because of some “public relations agenda” put in motion by the Redskins organization is intellectually insulting to many.

Carelessly casting about baseless accusations is a dangerous past time. One, frankly, I had thought you were above.

Please share with us your basis, the proof, of why you wrote these things. I would like to simply believe that you have some but pardon me if I am not that easy.

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