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What's in a name?


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Just curious, how do people here feel about the name of the team?

I am new here and I am not trying to slam anyone's favorite team.

I am only wondering how the fans feel about the issue surrounding the name of the team.

Does anyone know the origin of the name?

p.s. love the emoticns here.


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Snyder changed the name when he cought the team to represent his and the fans hatred towards minorities. They are changing the logo next year to a picture of a white man cutting the head off an Indian with black man being lynched in the background.

oh yeah, they are adding swastikas to the uniforms as well.

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The name comes from the war paint that Native Americans used in preparation for battle. It was a compliment to the warriors. They believed it struck fear in the hearts of their enemies and gave them an edge in battle.

Personally, I believe the nickname is great. It provokes a certain gutteral response when you look at it knowing what it is supposed to mean. Its not derogatory. Only those who believe that it is a description for a type of race can believe that it is in fact derogatory. However, those who believe that it is a description do not know the history behind the term, therefore, they are misinformed and base their beliefs on facts that are incorrect.

Just my two cents!!


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I think we should change the name. Our team name only changed from Braves to Redskins because the team moved from where the Boston Braves were playing to Fenway Park and GPM didn't want to buy a new mascot uniform. I think I read the costume cost $100, apparently a lot of money in those days.

I like Washington Warriors with last years retro style uniforms!

Go ahead have at me! :)

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Well, Charles, you've certainly made your feelings known on this matter quite clearly now, haven't you? Thanks for sharing, sir.

BTW, I must've missed the part where any major college or pro sports team christened themselves Savages, Heathens, etc. But, hey, once more, thanks for sharing, Chuck.

It's always interesting to take a little walk down Tangent Lane every now and again.

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Taken from the 2002 Redskins press guide:'

‘Redskin’ Through the Years...

Red Cloud. Red Thunder. Red Eagle. Redlands. Red mud.

“The term redskin, applied by Europeans to Algonquians in general and the

Delawares in particular,” says the Reader’s Digest in its book America’s Fascinating

Indian Heritage, “was inspired not by their natural complexion but by their fondness for

vermilion makeup, concocted from fat mixed with berry juice and minerals that

provided the desired color.” The men “would streak their faces and bodies with bright

red ocher and bloodroot,” adds the Reader’s Digest.

Indians painted their skin for decorative and ceremonial purposes. “Red is generally

accepted as being one of the colors most easily available to and most used by

Indians,” as Ronald P. Koch states in his book Dress Clothing of the Plains Indians.

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