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Veterans letting this team down this season


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Wouldn't you know it? Just when we needed the veterans to step up, and show why they are paid the big bucks, they have continued to falter this season.

I don't get it. Stupid penalties at the worst possible time. (Thanks Sean Springs for the hold call on third and long, which eventually led to the Eagles scoring a touchdown!) Just one of many veterans this season making stupid plays, or penalties that cost this team a game.

Santana Moss, where the hell have you been this season? When we weren't worth a damn, you played lights out, now, you seem to be on the bench, or dropping balls when your not on the bench, out with an injury of some type.

That fumble against the Packers, yes, cost us the game.

Clinton Portis, I know you have had some injuries, but that fumble against the Giants, yes, cost us the game. The inability to score on short and goal situations seem to haunt you and the fans to no end.

Betts, I don't know what the hell happened to you this season, you sign a big contract, and then forget how to run the football, and how to hold on to it when it matters the most.

The veterans on this team have let us all down this season, and will more than likeley cost us a shot at the post season, yet again. I could go on and on, but it makes me sick to see how the elite teams veterans make plays when it counts, and ours choke. It disgusts me, and I just wish their were contract clauses that made you return money for not performing to your salary.

This team shows no heart to win big games. Todays game was HUGE. They choked monumentally, and embarassed themselves, and their fans. I just don't know what to think of this team anymore.

I think next week is going to be another embarassment, a big loss, and probably the start of the finish of the season.

This season started with a lot of promise, and it was just a shame to see it fall apart like it has, especially because of the players who have caused the demise. The Eagles were terrible, and we should have beaten them easily at home if we were expected to show any validity of being a playoff team.

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When you're coaching scared more often than not that lack of confidence is going to rub of on the players and at the first sign of adversity they'll fold like a house of cards.

You can point to the veterans all you want, but Gibbs complete and utter lack of trust in his players has sabotaged the season more than any of the plays you've mentioned. The 2nd half redzone possession with 6 shots at getting into the endzone for a TD is symptomatic for Gibbs second tenure with this team.

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It just goes to show the lack of depth on this team, 1 guy like Sean Taylor goes down and then the defense goes in the tank. I realize injuries happen, but I'm sick and tired of guys like Marcus Washington missing a month for a hamstring, Moss missing every other game because of this or that. I'd rather them shut down Moss for a month and get him completely healthy rather than this injury report dance we do every week. Bottom line is we have average players, some weeks they show up, others they don't.

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Personally, I'm not embarrassed by this loss. Mad? yes...disappointed? Definitely. I feel the offense played the best they have thus far this season. The defense however, sucked big time. But it was more than Shawn Springs holding call that cost us this game. These huge cushions allow teams to pick us apart in the short range. I hate prevent defense..I hate it!

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In going into every game, Joe Gibbs keeps saying games are going to be very close in his press conferences against any upcoming opponent the Redskins face. Close games do happen in the NFL, but Gibbs can't have that mentality of putting the Redskins in a position of having a close game. Its good not to be too overconfident, but I think Gibbs is also too afraid of whoever upcoming NFL Team the Redskins face during the week. As a result, it could be the reason why the Redskins can't finish the game in the 4th Quarter. Gibbs has to set an example for the Redskins on quickly finishing their opponents and not let them get back in the game, especially in the 3rd and 4th Quarter.

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I agree, glongest. Moss ain't 100% healthy. Until Moss is really up to speed healthwise and gets back his long ball reaction like he had in 2005, I would start both Reche Caldwell and Keenan McCardell in Moss' place in going against Dallas. I would like to use James Thrash, who was awesome today against the Eagles, but he might not be 100% after the injury he sustained today. Forget Brandon Lloyd. Unfortunately, he has not really done anything since coming from the 49ers.

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the only veteran letting us down is joe gibbs
And it will not get better. He has passed the age where you can adjust and adapt. I am dealing with similar issues with my father. Time for JG to step aside and enjoy his life and family. The worst possible outcome would be for JG to retire from coaching, but stay on as our President/GM. Snyders biggest test is around the corner.
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