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Skins won't be an elite team until the right side of o-line is healthy


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Okay, maybe elite was the wrong word and I should have wrote NFC contender, we are what we are and excuses don't cut it. What we really needed after getting punched in the mouth was to have players to get after one another on the side line and show some emotion during the game as if they wanted to fight back not lay down like ........hum:rolleyes:

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Change "elite" to "good" and I think you are right on. I think we are also a DE, WR, and two years of QB development away from being elite.

I think this is right on. Skins have a chance to squeeze into the playoffs this year if the breaks go their way, randy comes back and either ladell or cp get into a groove. but even if they make it they are probably one and done, two and done at best.

i think w/ a healthy o-line, a real big slot/possesion receiver, a top flight rush DE and a year or two more of seasoning for JC they could be a superbowl caliber team. i love how young the D is getting.

but i dont think they get back to that level until there is one HC clearly in charge and a coherent offensive philosohpy. i love gibbs like no one else but i really dont think its going to happen for him this time as HC. and its hard for me to imagine any decent coach coming in to work under him if he goes to the front office. so i think he probably leaves after this year with a pretty decent young team in place and the next guy gets them to the next level.

i dont know if thats grilliams or cowher or whoever. but you need ONE GUY running the show who is confident, fully in control and not afraid to lose. i cant say that about my beloved Joe Gibbs right now. can you?

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Change "elite" to "good" and I think you are right on. I think we are also a DE, WR, and two years of QB development away from being elite.

I think this is right on. Skins have a chance to squeeze into the playoffs this year if the breaks go their way, randy comes back and either ladell or cp get into a groove. but even if they make it they are probably one and done, two and done at best.

i think w/ a healthy o-line, a real big slot/possesion receiver, a top flight rush DE and a year or two more of seasoning for JC they could be a superbowl caliber team. i love how young the D is getting.

but i dont think they get back to that level until there is one HC clearly in charge and a coherent offensive philosohpy. i love gibbs like no one else but i really dont think its going to happen for him this time as HC. and its hard for me to imagine any decent coach coming in to work under him if he goes to the front office. so i think he probably leaves after this year with a pretty decent young team in place and the next guy gets them to the next level.

i dont know if thats grilliams or cowher or whoever. but you need ONE GUY running the show who is confident, fully in control and not afraid to lose. i cant say that about my beloved Joe Gibbs right now. can you?

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Not to mention we have an aging O-line. That's going to need addressed too.

I think the only unit that is set on this team is at safety, and that's only if they resign Taylor.

In my opinion almost every other unit could use either upgrades or some serious depth.

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Not to mention we have an aging O-line. That's going to need addressed too.

I think the only unit that is set on this team is at safety, and that's only if they resign Taylor.

In my opinion almost every other unit could use either upgrades or some serious depth.

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