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So is this when Gibbs gets mad and stops the Christian Nice Guy BS?


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Photoshop? Dementia? LOL! Oh my goodness. You people are just cracking up here! Hell, we lost, and yes, we lost badly, embarrasingly. Maybe it's because we got out-played and out coached. No one is photoshopping pics. No one is secretly hiding JG's "dementia" like some aging Kremlin leader. Wow.

What I think is member of THIS BOARD are suffering from a psychological syndrome, one brought on by the great trauma of losing to NE and the repreated disapointments over the last decade of redskin football: POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.

Symptoms of PTSD fall into three main categories:

1. Repeated "reliving" of the event, which disturbs day-to-day activity

* Recurrent distressing memories of the event

* Repeated dreams of the event

* Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and again

* Physical reactions to situations that remind you of the traumatic event

2. Avoidance

* Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma

* Lack of interest in normal activities

* Feelings of detachment

* Sense of having no future

* Emotional "numbing", or feeling as though you don’t care about anything

* Less expression of moods

* Staying away from places, people, or objects that remind you of the event

3. Arousal

* Irritability or outbursts of anger

* Sleeping difficulties

* Difficulty concentrating

* Exaggerated response to things that startle you

* Excess awareness (hypervigilance)

I have high-lighted some symptoms that seem relevant. You may notice others in yourself as well. There is treatment, folks: winning some football games. Hang in there.

That's it, I'm suing for psychological damages.:silly:

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Photoshop? Dementia? LOL! Oh my goodness. You people are just cracking up here! Hell, we lost, and yes, we lost badly, embarrasingly. Maybe it's because we got out-played and out coached. No one is photoshopping pics. No one is secretly hiding JG's "dementia" like some aging Kremlin leader. Wow.

What I think is member of THIS BOARD are suffering from a psychological syndrome, one brought on by the great trauma of losing to NE and the repreated disapointments over the last decade of redskin football: POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.

Symptoms of PTSD fall into three main categories:

1. Repeated "reliving" of the event, which disturbs day-to-day activity

* Recurrent distressing memories of the event

* Repeated dreams of the event

* Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and again

* Physical reactions to situations that remind you of the traumatic event

2. Avoidance

* Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma

* Lack of interest in normal activities

* Feelings of detachment

* Sense of having no future

* Emotional "numbing", or feeling as though you don’t care about anything

* Less expression of moods

* Staying away from places, people, or objects that remind you of the event

3. Arousal

* Irritability or outbursts of anger

* Sleeping difficulties

* Difficulty concentrating

* Exaggerated response to things that startle you

* Excess awareness (hypervigilance)

I have high-lighted some symptoms that seem relevant. You may notice others in yourself as well. There is treatment, folks: winning some football games. Hang in there.

That's it, I'm suing for psychological damages.:silly:

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That's because sarcasm in it's spoken form has a certain tone to it that most can pick up.

Writing sarcastically can be difficult unless you're really laying it on thick. Most tend to add one of these :rolleyes: at the end to make the point.

C'mon man, I know that.:obvious:

If you can't read through these particular posts and formulate the sarcasm (especially considering what the sarcasm is about) then I can't help you.

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That's because sarcasm in it's spoken form has a certain tone to it that most can pick up.

Writing sarcastically can be difficult unless you're really laying it on thick. Most tend to add one of these :rolleyes: at the end to make the point.

C'mon man, I know that.:obvious:

If you can't read through these particular posts and formulate the sarcasm (especially considering what the sarcasm is about) then I can't help you.

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Photoshop? Dementia? LOL! Oh my goodness. You people are just cracking up here! Hell, we lost, and yes, we lost badly, embarrasingly. Maybe it's because we got out-played and out coached. No one is photoshopping pics. No one is secretly hiding JG's "dementia" like some aging Kremlin leader. Wow.

What I think is member of THIS BOARD are suffering from a psychological syndrome, one brought on by the great trauma of losing to NE and the repreated disapointments over the last decade of redskin football: POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.

Symptoms of PTSD fall into three main categories:

1. Repeated "reliving" of the event, which disturbs day-to-day activity

* Recurrent distressing memories of the event

* Repeated dreams of the event

* Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and again

* Physical reactions to situations that remind you of the traumatic event

2. Avoidance

* Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma

* Lack of interest in normal activities

* Feelings of detachment

* Sense of having no future

* Emotional "numbing", or feeling as though you don’t care about anything

* Less expression of moods

* Staying away from places, people, or objects that remind you of the event

3. Arousal

* Irritability or outbursts of anger

* Sleeping difficulties

* Difficulty concentrating

* Exaggerated response to things that startle you

* Excess awareness (hypervigilance)

I have high-lighted some symptoms that seem relevant. You may notice others in yourself as well. There is treatment, folks: winning some football games. Hang in there.

Hey I am just trying to find some reason why Gibbs is doing and acting like this and the best thing I could find was demensia. Gibbs does nothing like he did during the first tour here and there has to be some reason why. There is a saying " If it isn't broke don't fix it" Well what Gibbs did to become a HOF coach he needs to go back too, because whatever that man is doing now it was atleast more fun to watch Spurrier on the sidelines than a lost senior citizen being outcoached and out thought on every level imaginable. :2cents:

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Photoshop? Dementia? LOL! Oh my goodness. You people are just cracking up here! Hell, we lost, and yes, we lost badly, embarrasingly. Maybe it's because we got out-played and out coached. No one is photoshopping pics. No one is secretly hiding JG's "dementia" like some aging Kremlin leader. Wow.

What I think is member of THIS BOARD are suffering from a psychological syndrome, one brought on by the great trauma of losing to NE and the repreated disapointments over the last decade of redskin football: POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.

Symptoms of PTSD fall into three main categories:

1. Repeated "reliving" of the event, which disturbs day-to-day activity

* Recurrent distressing memories of the event

* Repeated dreams of the event

* Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and again

* Physical reactions to situations that remind you of the traumatic event

2. Avoidance

* Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma

* Lack of interest in normal activities

* Feelings of detachment

* Sense of having no future

* Emotional "numbing", or feeling as though you don’t care about anything

* Less expression of moods

* Staying away from places, people, or objects that remind you of the event

3. Arousal

* Irritability or outbursts of anger

* Sleeping difficulties

* Difficulty concentrating

* Exaggerated response to things that startle you

* Excess awareness (hypervigilance)

I have high-lighted some symptoms that seem relevant. You may notice others in yourself as well. There is treatment, folks: winning some football games. Hang in there.

Hey I am just trying to find some reason why Gibbs is doing and acting like this and the best thing I could find was demensia. Gibbs does nothing like he did during the first tour here and there has to be some reason why. There is a saying " If it isn't broke don't fix it" Well what Gibbs did to become a HOF coach he needs to go back too, because whatever that man is doing now it was atleast more fun to watch Spurrier on the sidelines than a lost senior citizen being outcoached and out thought on every level imaginable. :2cents:

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It's not his hands that are deformed it's his brain. JG is suffering from:

Dementia (from Latin de- "apart, away" + mens (genitive mentis) "mind") is the progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal ageing.

Particularly affected areas may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. Especially in the later stages of the condition, affected persons may be disoriented in time (not knowing what day of the week, day of the month, month, or even what year it is), in place (not knowing where they are), and in person (not knowing who they are).

Symptoms of dementia can be classified as either reversible or irreversible depending upon the etiology of the disease. Less than 10 percent of cases of dementia have been reversed. Dementia is a non-specific term encompassing many disease processes, just as fever is attributable to many etiologies.

Without careful assessment, delirium can easily be confused with dementia and a number of other psychiatric disorders because many of the signs and symptoms are also present in dementia (as well as other mental illnesses including depression and psychosis).[1]

Problem solving forms part of thinking. Considered the most complex of all intellectual functions, problem solving has been defined as higher-order cognitive process that requires the modulation and control of more routine or fundamental skills (Goldstein & Levin, 1987). It occurs if an organism or an artificial intelligence system does not know how to proceed from a given state to a desired goal state. It is part of the larger problem process that includes problem finding and problem shaping.

Why do you think he admits to having a outdated offense, goes and gets this guru Al Saunders and turns his wide open offense into another Gibbs styled offense?

Anyone that thinks JG isn't suffering from what is perfectly described above lives in denial. :2cents:

Complete Idiot: (From the Latin - LoveDaSkins172645)

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It's not his hands that are deformed it's his brain. JG is suffering from:

Dementia (from Latin de- "apart, away" + mens (genitive mentis) "mind") is the progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal ageing.

Particularly affected areas may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. Especially in the later stages of the condition, affected persons may be disoriented in time (not knowing what day of the week, day of the month, month, or even what year it is), in place (not knowing where they are), and in person (not knowing who they are).

Symptoms of dementia can be classified as either reversible or irreversible depending upon the etiology of the disease. Less than 10 percent of cases of dementia have been reversed. Dementia is a non-specific term encompassing many disease processes, just as fever is attributable to many etiologies.

Without careful assessment, delirium can easily be confused with dementia and a number of other psychiatric disorders because many of the signs and symptoms are also present in dementia (as well as other mental illnesses including depression and psychosis).[1]

Problem solving forms part of thinking. Considered the most complex of all intellectual functions, problem solving has been defined as higher-order cognitive process that requires the modulation and control of more routine or fundamental skills (Goldstein & Levin, 1987). It occurs if an organism or an artificial intelligence system does not know how to proceed from a given state to a desired goal state. It is part of the larger problem process that includes problem finding and problem shaping.

Why do you think he admits to having a outdated offense, goes and gets this guru Al Saunders and turns his wide open offense into another Gibbs styled offense?

Anyone that thinks JG isn't suffering from what is perfectly described above lives in denial. :2cents:

Complete Idiot: (From the Latin - LoveDaSkins172645)

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Hey I am just trying to find some reason why Gibbs is doing and acting like this and the best thing I could find was demensia. Gibbs does nothing like he did during the first tour here and there has to be some reason why. There is a saying " If it isn't broke don't fix it" Well what Gibbs did to become a HOF coach he needs to go back too, because whatever that man is doing now it was atleast more fun to watch Spurrier on the sidelines than a lost senior citizen being outcoached and out thought on every level imaginable. :2cents:

You can be out-coached without having dementia. You can also have injuries, players that fail to execute, bad chemistry with your assistants, bad personnel moves, all without dementia. This is just an insult, I think. :2cents:

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Hey I am just trying to find some reason why Gibbs is doing and acting like this and the best thing I could find was demensia. Gibbs does nothing like he did during the first tour here and there has to be some reason why. There is a saying " If it isn't broke don't fix it" Well what Gibbs did to become a HOF coach he needs to go back too, because whatever that man is doing now it was atleast more fun to watch Spurrier on the sidelines than a lost senior citizen being outcoached and out thought on every level imaginable. :2cents:

You can be out-coached without having dementia. You can also have injuries, players that fail to execute, bad chemistry with your assistants, bad personnel moves, all without dementia. This is just an insult, I think. :2cents:

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Gibbs looks at himself first and then the team second. If the Redskins allow themselves to be put in that position and are unable to do anything about it, then why get mad at the other team? I blame Landry, S. Taylor, Griffin, Springs, Fletcher, McIntosh, and the rest of the defense for playing so poorly. Even when they had the chance to take cheapshots at Brady or any other New England player on offense, they didn't even do that. So, why get upset with the other team's coach? They took zero initiative and deserved the humilation. The same goes with the offense.

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Gibbs looks at himself first and then the team second. If the Redskins allow themselves to be put in that position and are unable to do anything about it, then why get mad at the other team? I blame Landry, S. Taylor, Griffin, Springs, Fletcher, McIntosh, and the rest of the defense for playing so poorly. Even when they had the chance to take cheapshots at Brady or any other New England player on offense, they didn't even do that. So, why get upset with the other team's coach? They took zero initiative and deserved the humilation. The same goes with the offense.

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You can be out-coached without having dementia. You can also have injuries, players that fail to execute, bad chemistry with your assistants, bad personnel moves, all without dementia. This is just an insult, I think. :2cents:

Insult on whos part? Mine or the insult that in year 4 of the Gibbs era 2 it's the SAME EXACT PROBLEM? wouldn't you think that any prudent clear thinking person would have addressed the SAME PROBLEMS that have occurred for 4 years?? :doh:

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You can be out-coached without having dementia. You can also have injuries, players that fail to execute, bad chemistry with your assistants, bad personnel moves, all without dementia. This is just an insult, I think. :2cents:

Insult on whos part? Mine or the insult that in year 4 of the Gibbs era 2 it's the SAME EXACT PROBLEM? wouldn't you think that any prudent clear thinking person would have addressed the SAME PROBLEMS that have occurred for 4 years?? :doh:

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It appears we have appointed our worst generals to command forces, and our most gifted and brilliant to edit newspapers. In fact, I discovered by reading newspapers that these editor/geniuses plainly saw all my strategic defects from the start, yet failed to inform me until it was too late. Accordingly, I am readily willing to yield my command to these obviously superior intellects, and I will, in turn, do my best for the Cause by writing editorials - after the fact.

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It appears we have appointed our worst generals to command forces, and our most gifted and brilliant to edit newspapers. In fact, I discovered by reading newspapers that these editor/geniuses plainly saw all my strategic defects from the start, yet failed to inform me until it was too late. Accordingly, I am readily willing to yield my command to these obviously superior intellects, and I will, in turn, do my best for the Cause by writing editorials - after the fact.

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Complete Idiot: (From the Latin - LoveDaSkins172645)

Wow that was real original. I will just be like the many zombies that clearly populate this website, before Danny brought this site there was meaningful discussions, now if you go against Gibbs or bring to light any type of meaningful topics that warrant discussion we have these types :doh:

The complete idiots are fools that think Gibbs walks on water all because of what he last did over a decade ago:notworthy

But let me guess your a road scholar from MIT right? at 47 living in Roanoke you calling me a complete idiot, this coming from a self absorbed sheet metal worker maybe?

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Complete Idiot: (From the Latin - LoveDaSkins172645)

Wow that was real original. I will just be like the many zombies that clearly populate this website, before Danny brought this site there was meaningful discussions, now if you go against Gibbs or bring to light any type of meaningful topics that warrant discussion we have these types :doh:

The complete idiots are fools that think Gibbs walks on water all because of what he last did over a decade ago:notworthy

But let me guess your a road scholar from MIT right? at 47 living in Roanoke you calling me a complete idiot, this coming from a self absorbed sheet metal worker maybe?

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Symptoms of PTSD fall into three main categories:

1. Repeated "reliving" of the event, which disturbs day-to-day activity

* Recurrent distressing memories of the event

* Repeated dreams of the event

* Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and again

* Physical reactions to situations that remind you of the traumatic event

2. Avoidance

* Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma

* Lack of interest in normal activities

* Feelings of detachment

* Sense of having no future

* Emotional "numbing", or feeling as though you don’t care about anything

* Less expression of moods

* Staying away from places, people, or objects that remind you of the event

3. Arousal

* Irritability or outbursts of anger

* Sleeping difficulties

* Difficulty concentrating

* Exaggerated response to things that startle you

* Excess awareness (hypervigilance)

I have high-lighted some symptoms that seem relevant. You may notice others in yourself as well. There is treatment, folks: winning some football games. Hang in there.

I could swear this was called "Norvitis" just a few years ago. I used to catch a case of it every Sunday, and ocassionally on Mondays, only for it to disappear miraculously on Tuesday and then come back the following Sunday about mid-day. Wierd stuff, man.

Every once in a while, it still comes back on me, even though I thought it was eliminated once and for all.

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