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Someone needs to be Fired!!!


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Angel 2 and bacon, let me ask you a question....

Are you guys from the planet Punk????????????????

All I am saying is that someone needs to get fired over that game.

I believe someone needs to get cutt too.

How will that make the Redskins better?

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Angel 2 and bacon, let me ask you a question....

Are you guys from the planet Punk????????????????

All I am saying is that someone needs to get fired over that game.

I believe someone needs to get cutt too.

How will that make the Redskins better?

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Angel 2 and bacon, let me ask you a question....

Are you guys from the planet Punk????????????????

All I am saying is that someone needs to get fired over that game.

I believe someone needs to get cutt too.

How can you fire someone when you have no idea what the problem is?

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Angel 2 and bacon, let me ask you a question....

Are you guys from the planet Punk????????????????

All I am saying is that someone needs to get fired over that game.

I believe someone needs to get cutt too.

How can you fire someone when you have no idea what the problem is?

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Did you hear Gibbs press conference? He talks about the same stuff over & over. He's proud of his players, they all have character, they stuck around the building & attended meetings today. He said that the Skins have played consistently this season, but the only game he mentions is the Detroit game. He said that the games we lost were real close games, but he fails to mention that we were winning in the 1st half of those games. :mad:

I will give the players credit for not turning on each other like other players do (like the ravens). But do you guys think that perhaps a crazy player like TO or Keyshawn Johnson would knock some sense into this team (specially the offense)? What about a coach with Parcells attitude to shake things up?

I'm also sick of him talking about how good the Patriots are! We know they're good! I would like for him to talk about how poorly his team performed!

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Did you hear Gibbs press conference? He talks about the same stuff over & over. He's proud of his players, they all have character, they stuck around the building & attended meetings today. He said that the Skins have played consistently this season, but the only game he mentions is the Detroit game. He said that the games we lost were real close games, but he fails to mention that we were winning in the 1st half of those games. :mad:

I will give the players credit for not turning on each other like other players do (like the ravens). But do you guys think that perhaps a crazy player like TO or Keyshawn Johnson would knock some sense into this team (specially the offense)? What about a coach with Parcells attitude to shake things up?

I'm also sick of him talking about how good the Patriots are! We know they're good! I would like for him to talk about how poorly his team performed!

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1. No need to fire anyone during the season.

2. I don't disagree holding people accountable during the offseason. However, lets finish the season and see what happens.

3. Why not bench some players? If you are not contributing, let someone else have a chance. Obviously, you can't do this in every position and I would give the defense a pass because they have only played poorly in one game.

4. Give the ball to JC and let's see what he can do. Up to this point I have been disappointed. Let's let him make some mistakes and learn.

5. Relax, take a deep breath and let's see if the team responds the next two games.

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1. No need to fire anyone during the season.

2. I don't disagree holding people accountable during the offseason. However, lets finish the season and see what happens.

3. Why not bench some players? If you are not contributing, let someone else have a chance. Obviously, you can't do this in every position and I would give the defense a pass because they have only played poorly in one game.

4. Give the ball to JC and let's see what he can do. Up to this point I have been disappointed. Let's let him make some mistakes and learn.

5. Relax, take a deep breath and let's see if the team responds the next two games.

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Did you hear Gibbs press conference? He talks about the same stuff over & over. He's proud of his players, they all have character, they stuck around the building & attended meetings today. He said that the Skins have played consistently this season, but the only game he mentions is the Detroit game. He said that the games we lost were real close games, but he fails to mention that we were winning in the 1st half of those games. :mad:

I will give the players credit for not turning on each other like other players do (ravens right now). But do you guys think that perhaps a crazy player like TO or Keyshawn Johnson would knock some sense into this team (specially the offense)? What about a coach with Parcells attitude to shake things up?

Parcells got his ass rocked with regularity last year despite his attitude. On more than one occasion he looked like he wanted to quit. Which he did at the end of the year. Attitude doesn't matter, calling out players doesn't = wins.

"Crazy" players like Keyshawn and T.O. getting made and calling out coaches and teammates and everyone else don't really help a team. Keyshawn has a Superbowl ring, but it sure as hell wasn't because of his feuding with the coach. T.O. may have been the Eagles lone star in there last Superbowl, but they didn't need him to get there. Don't confuse those "crazy" players as being leaders. Just because they act like dicks doesn't mean they can magically make their teammates play better by calling them out.

There is no need to shake anything up. All that's needed is to play better. Coaches can't help with that. That's up to players who want to play for pay.

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Did you hear Gibbs press conference? He talks about the same stuff over & over. He's proud of his players, they all have character, they stuck around the building & attended meetings today. He said that the Skins have played consistently this season, but the only game he mentions is the Detroit game. He said that the games we lost were real close games, but he fails to mention that we were winning in the 1st half of those games. :mad:

I will give the players credit for not turning on each other like other players do (ravens right now). But do you guys think that perhaps a crazy player like TO or Keyshawn Johnson would knock some sense into this team (specially the offense)? What about a coach with Parcells attitude to shake things up?

Parcells got his ass rocked with regularity last year despite his attitude. On more than one occasion he looked like he wanted to quit. Which he did at the end of the year. Attitude doesn't matter, calling out players doesn't = wins.

"Crazy" players like Keyshawn and T.O. getting made and calling out coaches and teammates and everyone else don't really help a team. Keyshawn has a Superbowl ring, but it sure as hell wasn't because of his feuding with the coach. T.O. may have been the Eagles lone star in there last Superbowl, but they didn't need him to get there. Don't confuse those "crazy" players as being leaders. Just because they act like dicks doesn't mean they can magically make their teammates play better by calling them out.

There is no need to shake anything up. All that's needed is to play better. Coaches can't help with that. That's up to players who want to play for pay.

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Dude, it's to late for us to become better.

Do you really think that the Redskins are going to be the same after that game.

Something is going on behind the scenes and I truly believe all the players have jumped ship on Joe. I am so sad to say this because I love my Redskins.

I'm just so pissed off right now. Can you Imagine if you were the owner of this team and you spent millions of Dollars to bring back a legend like Joe Gibbs and then pay top dollar for all these players and this is the result?

Dude, I am not only going to fire Rosie Odonell...I'm going to run her over with a freakin 18 wheeler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Redskins can not be the laughing stock of the NFL. I mean MIAMI scored over 30 points. I mean even the Patriots second string Quarterback ran in a touchdown on 4th down. SO SAD....

If I was the owner I would say to Joe, why don't you step down and become our GM and let either Greg run it or Al Saunders.

Time to light a Fire under someone's AZZ! The Joe Gibbs way is not working. Vinny must go! I don't know... why don't you guys help me out here and tell me what player needs to be cutt?

Don't pay attention to me I'm just fuming.....maybe BECAUSE I FREAKIN CARE!!!

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Dude, it's to late for us to become better.

Do you really think that the Redskins are going to be the same after that game.

Something is going on behind the scenes and I truly believe all the players have jumped ship on Joe. I am so sad to say this because I love my Redskins.

I'm just so pissed off right now. Can you Imagine if you were the owner of this team and you spent millions of Dollars to bring back a legend like Joe Gibbs and then pay top dollar for all these players and this is the result?

Dude, I am not only going to fire Rosie Odonell...I'm going to run her over with a freakin 18 wheeler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Redskins can not be the laughing stock of the NFL. I mean MIAMI scored over 30 points. I mean even the Patriots second string Quarterback ran in a touchdown on 4th down. SO SAD....

If I was the owner I would say to Joe, why don't you step down and become our GM and let either Greg run it or Al Saunders.

Time to light a Fire under someone's AZZ! The Joe Gibbs way is not working. Vinny must go! I don't know... why don't you guys help me out here and tell me what player needs to be cutt?

Don't pay attention to me I'm just fuming.....maybe BECAUSE I FREAKIN CARE!!!

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Joe Gibbs has lost his edge....his fire.

Let Greg run it...He's one nasty SOB and I promise you he will light everyone's butt on fire in that locker room.

Let Al spread'em out with 4-5 wide receivers and let's score some touchdowns.

Even the Great Charlie Taylor says we are playing scared. What's up with that?

I like you're response LadyM

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Joe Gibbs has lost his edge....his fire.

Let Greg run it...He's one nasty SOB and I promise you he will light everyone's butt on fire in that locker room.

Let Al spread'em out with 4-5 wide receivers and let's score some touchdowns.

Even the Great Charlie Taylor says we are playing scared. What's up with that?

I like you're response LadyM

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Wow. What a great thread. No one has thought of this, or mentioned it anywhere on this board. Thanks, man! Fire someone... yeah, that'll help! Never been tried in this organization. I've got an idea: email Snyder. He's not the firing type--very patient, that guy--but maybe your great and novel idea will change his mind.

And we all know how easy it is to simply plug in new coaches and a new system--it won't be hard at all! And we'll just get us some new players, because these ones ain't doing it! Snyder has lots of money, but he's pretty conservative about that, so you better try to convince him. With free agency and all, it's easy enough to BUY some good new players.

And look, now is the time, because, we're only 4-3 and we just lost to the Pats. They're really not that good--we should have EASILY beaten them. It was just a matter of us not playing well, nothing to do with those losers. Hell, any half-decent coach and team could beat them up in Foxboro! So, yeah, lets FIRE people. That's clearly the take home message. If Gibbs were a man, he'd just resign and walk away--real men don't stick around and fight it out. They quit and start over, just like when you lose in Madden football. Hell, I'm pretty good at Madden--I've got an idea: HIRE ME! My plays on Madden always go for long scores. And I run it up on folks, just like Bilicheck--I'm no "old fashion show a little class" type. I'm a cut-throat Killer! I could do it! YES! YES!!!!!

(If the post that started this thread is intelligent, than so is this response. My feeling: they are both asinine. And, if they are not, there is no need for YET ANOTHER THREAD LIKE THIS!)

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Wow. What a great thread. No one has thought of this, or mentioned it anywhere on this board. Thanks, man! Fire someone... yeah, that'll help! Never been tried in this organization. I've got an idea: email Snyder. He's not the firing type--very patient, that guy--but maybe your great and novel idea will change his mind.

And we all know how easy it is to simply plug in new coaches and a new system--it won't be hard at all! And we'll just get us some new players, because these ones ain't doing it! Snyder has lots of money, but he's pretty conservative about that, so you better try to convince him. With free agency and all, it's easy enough to BUY some good new players.

And look, now is the time, because, we're only 4-3 and we just lost to the Pats. They're really not that good--we should have EASILY beaten them. It was just a matter of us not playing well, nothing to do with those losers. Hell, any half-decent coach and team could beat them up in Foxboro! So, yeah, lets FIRE people. That's clearly the take home message. If Gibbs were a man, he'd just resign and walk away--real men don't stick around and fight it out. They quit and start over, just like when you lose in Madden football. Hell, I'm pretty good at Madden--I've got an idea: HIRE ME! My plays on Madden always go for long scores. And I run it up on folks, just like Bilicheck--I'm no "old fashion show a little class" type. I'm a cut-throat Killer! I could do it! YES! YES!!!!!

(If the post that started this thread is intelligent, than so is this response. My feeling: they are both asinine. And, if they are not, there is no need for YET ANOTHER THREAD LIKE THIS!)

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Hey Joe Gibbs....Hey Vinny....You're FIRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's stupid.

What does Vinny do except write up crooked contracts?

Joe Gibbs is ONLY coach.

This team is suffering from lack of talent of chemistry. Why...Because of Danny trying to buy a Superbowl.

Where's the GM? There isn't one and that's the problem.

A GM needs to come in and design and build a team through the draft.

That's never going to happen because Danny wants to do it HIS way.

Compare the resources that Gibbs had back in the 80's and compare that to what he has now. It's night and day.

Snyder has already fired 4 head coaches. That's not the problem.

Based on the revenue that's pouring in, the Redskins are a huge success.

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