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Interesting Tidbit...


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From KFFL:

The Washington Times reports Washington Redskins rookie RB Kenny Watson is the leading candidate to be the team's third-down back. He has the edge over Ki-Jana Carter and Michael Bates. "You need a guy who can run routes. I think that's where Kenny Watson factors," coach Marty Schottenheimer said. "You need a guy that can pass protect and Kenny's given us evidence he can do it."

I find this hard to believe the way Carter has been playing, but when THE HEIMER speaks -- run!

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I am sure KiJana will make the team as Davis' backup with Watson taking reception on third down. he has excellent hands and speed. I actually think he should be auditioning for punt returner as well. When he was at my alma mater, PSU, he was our start kick returner. He has unbelievavble speed and nice moves.


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Guest Trevor

I was just going to post the same tidbit. I find it very odd that as well as Carter has performed that he will be no more than the backup to Davis. Perhaps we'll use some 2 rb formations to get Carter some time, but to me it seemed that 3rd down back would have been the best way to get him some touches on a semi-regular basis.

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I was actually worried we'd cut it thin at RB and keep just four guys, with Watson being the guy we'd cut. I like what he brings and am glad to see he's going to make the roster. Carter will get his touches on the field. Remember, Marty has made a career of rotating players in and out. While he won't have a running back by committee here, he won't simply wear Davis out. Carter could get 100 carries just to spell Davis. That's how Marty operates.


Doom is in the box.

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Ki-Jana has been injury prone and Davis always has worn down over time. It's only natural for Marty to hope he has to avoid using those guys on third down if possible. Luckily, Watson apparently has shown that.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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I don't know that Davis has actually "worn down" or if it has just been dumb luck that his injuries have occurred late in the last two seasons. In any case, he has gotten injured even though we had a very effective 3rd down back in Centers, so I don't see Watson being a deterrent to him going down again.

There will be quite a few players looking at this season as auditions for those Houston spots.

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this here is part of what i'm hoping for..we know we got some things going against us,but we may have some positives that we're not yet fully aware of..

why put carter on the field on 3rd down,unless,out of necessity?..what he brings is very similar to that of SD..so why not just leave davis in the game!..it's 3rd down,we know he didn't just run 60 yds & is winded..he's in there,and if he doesn't convert,he'll get his rest anyhow..

we need a down&distance guy..a guy with excellent speed & elusiveness..a guy who can cut at high speeds..a player who can finish those runs..i don't know if kenny watson is that player,but he'll be a huge plus if he is!

the wording i don't like is 3rd down..we need a down&distance PACKAGE!!..one that we feel confident to run at anytime! & it needs to be extensive..if we're seeing alot of long yardage defensive looks,even on 1st down because we're behind by 17 pts or there's 2 minutes on the clock,we need a man that's explosive, excellent in the open field & will exploit that additional operating room the defense is conceding!..

stephen davis is a good option out of the backfield on run downs,more of a change-up than,take it the distance type..this is an area i think we have a very good chance of improving..better utilization of our backs,and better production when davis is off the field..hail walsingham

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I think Jimmy Raye's unpredictable offense is going to have folks around here questioning his playcalling before long.

Passing on 3rd and short isn't going to win over many Skins fans.


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We questioned Norv's playcalling a time or two as well, and he's held in the highest regard as a playcaller. The play action pass that should have been a touchdown to Gardner wasn't a bad call. It was poor execution. I wouldn't question that particular call in the slightest. But, you are right DH, there will be a whole bunch of us questioning a whole lot of calls this season smile.gif. It's good to be the fan smile.gif


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