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Help Me! I Still Can't Rid Myself Of The Demons!


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Step 1 - Find Priest

Step 2 - Find Gatorade

Step 3 - Have Priest bless Gatorade

Step 4 - Have Priest sprinkle Gatorade on you while yelling "the power of Gibbs compels you, the power of Gibbs compels you."

Hahah, that's amazing.

To the original poster, though:

I feel the same way. It's like the worst relationship when she says, "I've changed, I swear!" after effing up 15 times. I just don't want my heart broken.

I want to believe!!!!!

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The nerves are always there, but when you've been a fan as long as some of us who go way back to the eighties, and even further, you learn to "believe" no matter what the opponent or the record.

You just believe and whatever happens, happens.

You're either flying after a win, or down after a loss, but in the end after all, it is just a game.

After a loss, it won't dampen the joy when you see your kid walk for the first time...

...and if they win, it won't make your kid feel any better about not making the Little Leauge team.

And they'll always make more games.

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I think a lot of us are in that boat for sure..... I feel the same way... I know this team is good... I know this team is better than GB... but I still have way too many doubts... way too many....

I think we will win... but it would be nice to think I know we got this one....

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