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Brush With Greatness

USS Redskins

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Anyone have a good brush with a celebrity?

Non-Redskin (even though, those are the best, I know).

Mine are hardly exciting.... so, I included a slight embellishment with each.

I have 2:

#1: At the National Press Club in like 1996, I rode up an elevator with Katie Couric. She was really short and she was pretty good looking in person. (embellishment: She pinned me to the wall of the elevator and said: " I must have you now!")

#2: In Georgetown,around 1988 - a buddy and I were walking and saw this totally hot Brunette walking towards us and all of a sudden I realize that it is Lynda Carter and without thinking I yell out, "It's Wonder Woman!" She was about 5 feet away from us and smiled with those HUGE pearly whites and said, "Hi Guys.." We watched her walk by and that was it. (Embellishment: After I yelled out, she whipped out her golden lasso, threw it around me and made me her love slave...)

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Rod Stewart (sp?) used to frequent the restaurant where I worked and was the coolest. First time I served him, there were 5 hot girls (super model hot), Rod and two other guys. My manager was all uptight which rolled down hill. One of the guys w/ Rod was real pushy telling me to do this and do that. As I was pouring water for Rod he leaned over and whispered, "don't listen to that guy he's an ass and I'm paying the bill".

I just chuckled, relaxed and went on to make $250 off of that table. His bill was around $1200.

Embellishment: Three of the hot girls w/ Rod dragged me into the bathroom and ........

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Colin Powell, Kirk Douglas, John Cleese, Colin Quinn, and Joe Gibbs were a few cool ones that I got to yack with. The Governator, Nicole Kidman, and David Hasslehoff from a distance (David was funny. I was in London about to see a play and this really hot blonde sat next to me. It turned out to be David's wife. I had to be told he was there after the play, but she was very perty)

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Morgan Freeman - Nice guy, Edward Norton - down to earth, Phyliss Diller - Sweet, Kreskin - Nice, but strange ( do not let this man shake your hand ) Brooks Robinson, Jim Palmer, Artty Donavan - very nice guy, Tony Bennet, assorted cast members from Homicide and the Wire, Billy Joel, in a coffee shop in Laurel I met at the same time Paul Sarbanes, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and Steny Hoyier ( I was holding onto my wallet with both hands ) and in 1972 in London I met Pearl Baily when she tapped me on the shoulder and asked to take her family's picture.

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MJK and Danny Carey - Hung out with them after an APC/PLC show at the 930 Club. Talked college basketball for a few hours and drank a bunch of Stella Artois.

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson - Met and hung out with them at Acme in Annapolis during the filming of Wedding Crashers. They are exactly like they are on screen. Really laid back and funny as ****. Vaughn went into full on Trent Walker (Swingers) mode for a good 45 minutes. Funniest **** I've ever seen.

Bob Saget - That guy is a major ********. He was a total ******* to my niece (a big Fullhouse fan).

Sully Erna - Partied with him and the rest of Godsmack after a show in DC over at Coyote Ugly. I felt like a giant next to them. I'm 6'4" and I don't think a single one of them is over 5'6".

Shannon Doherty - She sat down next to me at the bar in the Bellagio in Vegas. I looked over and thought "Wow....that's Shannon Doherty". I turned to my brother to say something and her "bodyguard", realizing I had recognized her, grabbed me by the shoulder and told me to leave. Before I could even turn around my brother had him in a wrist lock. As politely as possible I asked "take your ****ing dick beaters off of me". They left shortly after. Embellishment: So impressed by my brother and I, Shannon took us back to her room where she had us go to work on her like a rotisserie chicken.

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