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Completon %, but for other team. Worried?


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Did anybody else notice how that MD kid Gaither totally controlled Andre Carter?!! 'Dre just doesn't seem to be able to get to the QB even if it's one on one and he can pin his ears back and just go. That was pretty disheartening to see...

It was JJ. I agree with you - at least you see the effort to take some comfort in...

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Did anybody else notice how that MD kid Gaither totally controlled Andre Carter?!! 'Dre just doesn't seem to be able to get to the QB even if it's one on one and he can pin his ears back and just go. That was pretty disheartening to see...

yes, and if washington isnt capable of doing his 3rd down DE due to his elbow injury, were in trouble. carter looks pretty weak on that side, his moves are pretty crappy, and he doesnt look like hes getting any great burst on his first push. hopefully he steps it up come game time, because we need edge pressure big time.

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and dumbsheets pathetic attempt at riling everyone up is really sad. weve allowed 1 defensive touchdown this entire preseason, and somehow he thinks we have cause to be worried because steve mcnair had one successful drive against us.

matt schaub had 2 TDs against your great defense, yet you havent said anything about being worried about that. id be worried if the texans "offense" was scoring us on.

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Did anybody else notice how that MD kid Gaither totally controlled Andre Carter?!! 'Dre just doesn't seem to be able to get to the QB even if it's one on one and he can pin his ears back and just go. That was pretty disheartening to see...

Not really. I've re-watched some of the game in slo-mo, focussing on the line play. What I saw was McNair getting rid of the ball quickly - hard to get a pass rush on those. In other cases, they were doing max protect and doubling Carter. Didn't really see many instances of Carter being "controlled" by Gaither single-handedly. I'm sure Gaither won some individual battles, but, in pass protect, the OL is successful most of the time, anyways. Carter got that hit on McNair (again, a three-step drop). Of course, Gaither got screened by the TE, but that could also be a case where he expected Carter to come straight up the field, rather than wide. Carter showed excellent burst even getting to McNair on that play, and perhaps an unexpected move.

I'm not saying Carter is a monster pass-rusher. I would like to see him get better moves. But to say he was "totally controlled" by one guy is just superficial analysis.

Heyer held up pretty well, too. You think the Ravens should be concerned about their guys?

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Actually, webster, they did it to your first stringers too.

And were a lot of the passes "dump offs"? Some were, yeah, but anyone notice McNair complete several 3rd and longs to keep drives alive and to score the TD? IIRC, 3rd and longs were (one of hte many) issues your D had last year. And dump offs don't usually convert 3rd and longs, but if they do, then that goes to poor tackling. Eiterh way, lack of DL pressure is the ultimate cause.

In short, mathmatically speaking:

Lack of DL pessure = high qb pct & no D turnovers

High qb pct & no D turnovefrs = longer drives

Longer drives = your D getting weared out and your O gettng rusty

Wore out D and Rusty O = last place in NFC east

What do you think? I used to take a physics class, so I'm pretty good with this math stuff.

So far this preseason, in the 1st half the Skins defense has gone up against 15 drives by the opponents' offenses. Out of those 15 drives:

Three drives were more than six plays long.

Nine drives were for 4 plays or less.

We could compare it to, oh, say the Cowboys 1st half defense, since they, too have gone up against 15 drives:

Five drives were more than six plays long.

Seven drives were for 4 plays or less.

Skins' 1st half defense has also allowed:

3.90 YPP (yards per play)

13 points

3.90 yards per play is outstanding for a defense. Compare it to any other team in the league that's supposed to have a great defense...I'll just pick one out of thin air and say...oh, I dunno...the Cowboys:

Cowboys' 1st half defense:

4.56 YPP

23 points

"Mathematically speaking", the Skins' 1st half defense has allowed less points the entire preseason than the Cowboys' 1st half defense allowed against the Texans in one game....they've allowed less yards per play...they've allowed fewer long drives...and have caused more short drives.

Lack of DL pessure = a myth

High qb pct & no D turnovefrs = irrelevant, since longer drives and points don't result

Longer drives = a myth

Wore out D and Rusty O = The Cowboys

I'm a graphic designer, but I'm pretty good at this math stuff, too.

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They can give up 500 yards per game as long as they don't give up any points. Just like we are running a very simple offense, we are not showing everything our defense can do. I am certain there are as yet unseen blitz and coverage packages that will cut down on completions and yardage.

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Actually, webster, they did it to your first stringers too.

And were a lot of the passes "dump offs"? Some were, yeah, but anyone notice McNair complete several 3rd and longs to keep drives alive and to score the TD? IIRC, 3rd and longs were (one of hte many) issues your D had last year. And dump offs don't usually convert 3rd and longs, but if they do, then that goes to poor tackling. Eiterh way, lack of DL pressure is the ultimate cause.

In short, mathmatically speaking:

Lack of DL pessure = high qb pct & no D turnovers

High qb pct & no D turnovefrs = longer drives

Longer drives = your D getting weared out and your O gettng rusty

Wore out D and Rusty O = last place in NFC east

What do you think? I used to take a physics class, so I'm pretty good with this math stuff.

I can not believe I actually responded to dumbsheet. If feel like one for even giving him the time of day. One parting question. How did Glenn do against Houston last night?

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Did anybody else notice how that MD kid Gaither totally controlled Andre Carter?!! 'Dre just doesn't seem to be able to get to the QB even if it's one on one and he can pin his ears back and just go. That was pretty disheartening to see...

You also have to remember that GW has been very vanilla with his defenses and with all the injuries we had last year on defense, it wouldn't surprise me if a few of them are saving their best stuff for September 9th.

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