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OT: Digital Cameras


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Any recommendations on a digital camera in the "less than $500" price range?

I've been researching at places like PCWorld and elsewhere, and it's a freaking jungle out there.

I'm a complete novice in this area and would value your opinions.


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Before we can give you any advice, we need to know what you plan on using it for. What situations, how often, what environments, etc. Do you need to be able to print out large reproductions? Does it need to be able to shoot short video clips? How important is user-friendliness? Do you want one that is as compact as possible, or do you want one that looks like a conventional prosumer camera, so you can attach various conventional zoom lenses?

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You know the old story, TCO, if you get too basic, then you wish you had more later on.:)

Right now, I'm thinking still shots of family, pets, places, etc., with the ability to download to my PC being the main objective.

I'm not thinking big reproductions or anything like that. User friendly would be nice, as would a semi-compact size, although that's not a major issue.

I suppose if I had a device with the capability of doing video clips, I'd like to get into that later on, once I got the hang of it, that is.

For now though, I'm thinking pretty basic point and shoot, with room to grow of course.

Thanks for your help!

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I bought an Olympus D550 (3 megapixel) and am pretty happy with it. Pretty simple to use. I couldn't find many "expert" reviews, but all the user reviews were outstanding. It ran about $300 and came with software and a 16 MB card, plus a mail in offer for a free 64 MB card. The software isn't really necessary if you have Windows XP-- XP will upload and display pics automatically.

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Originally posted by 70Chip

I recently bought a Canon S30 (S40 if you want four MP); I did fairly extensive research and it seemed to have uniformly good reviews. I have been *extremely* satisfied with it.

I'm a research nut as well and after weeks of exhaustive research, I'd agree on the S30 - I'm going to buy one this weekend.

I'd recommend this site - it's the best I've found: http://www.dpreview.com/ Check the reviews and the forums.

The price on this camera is dropping because of the S45 that just came out. You can probably get the S30, extra battery and a 128 or 256MB CF card for under $500 and you'd be set.

If you want something smaller, get the Canon S230 Elph. 3MP is enough to print pcitures up to 8x10 without losing clarity. I doubt from what you said, you'd ever do anything more than that.

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When it comes to electronic gadgets I like to go the 'miniature' route. I like sleek and compact designs that can go everywhere while taking up a minimum amount of space.

After considerable research I settled on the

Canon Powershot S200 (Url function breaks the link for some reason).

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If you're not planning on doing enlargements, don't get suckered by the "more megapixels is better" crowd. You just don't need more than 3 if all you're planning on doing is printing 5x7s or emailing them out. In fact, higher megapixels will just suck up more memory.

Get a good camera that "feels" good in your hand and has the basic features you want, like an appropriate zoom. There's a big difference between optical and digital zoom, by the way -- optical zoom is like your 35mm camera, and digital zoom is essentially like the cropping you do on your computer. Make sure it has a flash, if you need it.

You might also consider buying a cheaper 3 megapixel camera and spending $100 or so to upgrade the memory so you can store more pictures without downloading.

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I've got a Olympus D-490 with a 3x optical zoom. Olympus Camedia software is easy to use. The software isn't all that important, though, as you can buy Photoshop or my favorite, Broderbund's Print Shop, at very reasonable prices. You'll love all the funky stuff you can do with digital images.

I've found that having a powerful optical zoom is real important - particularly if you're at sporting events (not only have I taken it to Redskins' training camp, but both of my stepkids play sports so I'm at high school football games and middle school basketball games).

Get a decent OPTICAL, not digital, zoom. 3x would be a MINIMUM. Don't let a salesperson tell you that a digital zoom is the same as optical - they ain't.

The D-490 is pretty compact and travels well. BTW, whatever you get, run out to Walmart and get some rechargeable NIMH batteries and a charger. It'll set you back maybe $20 and it'll be the best $20 you ever spent as a camera accessory.

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I've had a Canon Digital Elph for about a year and a half now and with one exception I've been very satisfied with it. The only thing I've been disappointed in is the lack of zoom capability. The comments others have made about optical zoom are dead on. Often, I find I just can't get "close" enough with the zoom to get the shot I want.

I've looked at others but all the cameras that have a decent optical zoom seem to be quite pricey....particularly so since I already have sunk the $$$ into the one I have now.

Good luck!!!

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I just got my S30 yesterday and it's incredible. I would highly recommend it - and again - don't forget you'll need an extra battery and a higher capacity CF card with whatever you decide to buy so you need to factor all that in for the total price.

Let us know who the winner was.

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Hi GatorEye,

I appreciated yours and everyone else's feedback re digital cameras.

Guess what? S30 was my choice as well.:thumbsup: It just arrived via UPS yesterday. I haven't even had a chance to play with it yet.

This is the total package I ended up getting:

Canon S30 (ebay)

Canon extra battery pack and camera case (supplyace.com)

Viking 128MB flash card and CF adapter for PC (buy.com)

I got everything for right at $475, achieving my goal of keeping it under $500. I feel like I did alright price-wise, but I had to shop and shop and shop...:geek:

All I gotta do know is learn how to use the thing.:laugh:

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Great choice! It's easy to use, yet has a lot of extra features if you want them. I just got a SimpleTech 256MB CF card today at Costco for $70, but still need to get the extra battery.

Hopefully I'll be using it to take some pictures at the local sports bar with all my fellow Redskin fans next fall. :D

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