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Evaluating the AP Report of Sean Taylor

The Full Monty

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There's a thread Bubba started dedicated to the Associated Press’ recent article Redskins’ Taylor Breaks Media Silence, but I started this one if anyone wants to discuss my evaluation of that article on Media Ref. Merge if you wish, dear mods.

From front page of Media Ref:

The AP describes a recent impromptu media session with Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor, who rarely gives interviews, in the following terms:

Taylor only spoke for a few minutes. Most of his answers were short, some were defensive, and the whole scene had an uncomfortable vibe - hardly a surprise from a player who has made known his distrust of the media since the Redskins drafted him in 2004.

Yet of the six actual quotes of Taylor provided by the AP, only one seemed defensive, his response to a question about the impact of former teammate Ryan Clark:

He did nothing. He played with me. He was a teammate.

Nowhere else in the article does the AP provide any additional examples, and, without the benefit of such examples, Joseph White's characterization of the exchange as “defensive” and “uncomfortable” lacks objectivity.

Read whole Media Ref article.

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I feel uncomfortable when Sean talks to the media. I just feel like he answers the questions with this hidden "F u all" response.. that interview with KJ on comcast..

every answer started off with "No I am not...' "No...he is not"

But still luv that guy..

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I think by his comment that whatever issue might have been there is done with. By the fact he didnt elaborate further I feel means there is little he wants to comment on with this issue. It was well documented by JLC that HE thought Clarks effect on Taylor was that of a father/son role. I would think half of the DC area who are into sports read that article. I expect Taylor did too, therefore this comment is about as deadpan as you can get while answering the question. To him its a non-issue, and in my opinion we should respect his privacy.

This is one of the first media interviews he has given, lets be thankfull for it, not try to dissect it and psycho-analyse a much loved member of our team.

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I think it's baseless descriptions like those found in this article that are laying the foundation for treatment like that. I really do.

I would concur, I just hope he is so clearly dominant, that the media has no choice but to recognize him. Fortunatley the media has no say in Pro Bowl selections, its clear that the rest of league is taking notice.

edited for spelling

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Quoting another Extremeskinner (can't remember who) " His mysteriousness off the field, adds to his authority on the field".

I just hope that at the end of his career and if he is worthy to be in the HoF, that the media doesn't keep him out (re: Art Monk style).

The difference between the two is Taylor makes his impact on the game with STYLE, where Monk just got the job done. Personally, if the Job is done, it shouldn't matter how it got done, just that it got done.

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Yet of the six actual quotes of Taylor provided by the AP, only one seemed defensive, his response to a question about the impact of former teammate Ryan Clark

I watched the Comcast interview with Kelly Johnson and he seemed pretty defensive to me. A better term would be passively contemptuous. My wife gets like that occasionally when she is really tired and/or hungry. I call it "full contrary mode." He also seemed pretty bright and what I got from it was that he was dead serious about this season.

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He's not a media whore, and that bothers them. I admire his dedication to his trade and especially admire the fact that he makes statements with his pads and not his mouth. A rare breed in a league full of MEs.

Do your thing, 21!

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I watched the Comcast interview with Kelly Johnson and he seemed pretty defensive to me. A better term would be passively contemptuous. My wife gets like that occasionally when she is really tired and/or hungry. I call it "full contrary mode." He also seemed pretty bright and what I got from it was that he was dead serious about this season.

I don't doubt your description, Ouvan59, but I bet if it was your job to cover that session for the entire country via the Associated Press, you might provide more than one example of Sean's defensiveness, don't you think? I think what Joseph White and the AP did was lazy and irresponsible, because it sets the precedent for more baseless negative characterizations and even lazier reporting.

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I think ST is not media friendly because he is nervous about giving interviews. I would be my opinion thats why he comes across as defensive. How can you trust something you have no control over? He probably just doesnt want to say something that may be true but shouldn't be said to the media or play the media game of saying a whole lot but not really saying anything at all (re: Coach Gibbs).

He is the anti-TO. TO wants to do it on the field and tell you all about it everyday and anyway possible. I think ST just wants to play football and let people call it like they see it.

He's what 24? I wish the media would just cut him some slack because he's not banging on their doors to give them an interview.

edited for clarity

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I think it is humorously ironic that the media is painting him in a negative light' date=' despite his attempts to be accomodating and then turn around and scoff(sp?) at the notion that Taylor distrusts the media.[/quote']


I'm sure this will help Taylor trust the media more.

And the writer in the article wanted to ask what Taylor was thinking when he laid out the punter? Uh, it may be the ProBowl, but it's a game. Fake punt, guy had the ball, he's going to get laid out. The winning players got 10k more than the losing team.

If Merriman did that **** he'd be getting praised for his winning mentality.

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I want to know when Sean made it known that he was distrustful of the media. He could also be a guy that is quiet and just doesn't like to talk to the media. His early interviews he was really quiet and kinda introverted. now he's coming out of his shell and he is now nervous. But regardless, he has every reason to be distrustful of the media, he has only been skewered by the media the past 3 years for incidents with the law that happened his rookie and sophomore year. Ok, he screwed up, he's human. And Tony K said if he had one more run in with the law, Taylor would be kicked out of the NFL. I'd just like to add that Tony K is a ****ing moron who looks like a baby bird.

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I want to know when Sean made it known that he was distrustful of the media. He could also be a guy that is quiet and just doesn't like to talk to the media. His early interviews he was really quiet and kinda introverted. now he's coming out of his shell and he is now nervous.

Great point, Siven! I neglected to challenge that statement by White. Even more baseless claims.

I'll be sure to edit my write-up to include your point.

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This whole thing irritates the hell out of me. What makes them think that every player has the PR skills to address the media and answer the questions the way that they see fit.

Some people, I for one, am not the talkative type but I speak when spoken to so I understand where Sean is coming from. He doesn't appear to be the type that likes the spotlight but when he steps onto that field its another story.

Furthermore, what grown man looks at another dude 3 years older than him as a father figure. Especially when you have a father already heavily involved in your life. I'd have a f' the media approach too for that ignorant BS.

I personally feel that the media can take the fun out of playing the game at times. Sean has made some mistakes but he's no Michael/Marcus Vick, he's no TO(the locker room cancer)...they need to just let the man be and let him play his game.

Anybody notice the lack of media coverage about Brady Quinn's absence at the rookie symposium? I find that odd considering the bad press Sean Taylor got.

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I think we need to take into the account that we have been watching ST closely since he came into the league. We have heard most his interviews, been told accounts of meeting him and have watched the way he behaves very closely. We take all of that into account when evaluating his interview. I seriously doubt the person who wrote this article thought of much more than what was directly his business: what ST said and the way he acts around the media.

So it seems to me that it's obvious ST is just not the sort of person who feels comfortable in situations like this one, surrounded by people waiting for him to slip up. Never once have I seen him get defensive when being interviewed one-on-one for redskins.com or talking to a fan. He is still quiet and reserved, but actually comes off as thoughtful and amiable enough.

What I mean by all this is that we get to see a side of ST that a reporter may not. He is far friendlier to sources that have thus far been friendly to him (i.e. the Redskins and their fans) than he probably was to a group of people who are more interested in feeding his "bad boy" image more than anything he could ever say.

Nonetheless, from a writing perspective I agree that this is slightly shoddy reporting. If you are going to say something like that, you MUST have strong support or it's basically opinionated drivel that adds nothing to your article.

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I'm glad he doesn't give them anything to print. All they do is talk about how he has an attitude problem. Well, I would hope he does considering he's Safety.

I think Taylor should continue to not talk to them, whether by choice or out of spite.

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