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Myth Becomes Reality


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Am new here but I just wanted to give a BIG ASS HELL YEAH to the fact that my season tickets just came. Frist time in my life EVER!

After hearing stories (we were a military family so stories and one game a year on AFRTS TV was basically all the redskins we ever got growing up) of how hard season tickets were to come by from my dad and that season tickets were basically just a myth, after a 12 year wait by my wife, they are here.

This year was good enough already with the birth of my son, but this is the icing truly the icing.. I am staring at them right now!!

That is all, wife isn't home yet, and I needed to share!!!



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Just be glad we aren't Packer fans. They literaly have stories of people who sign up for the waiting list when their children are born for them to be able to go as adults. Lambeau field hasn't failed to sell out in countless years. It's pretty crazy.

And do you know who has sold out for a longer period of time? Take a wild guess

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