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PS3/TV problem


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I purchased a PS3 last weekend and bought the component HD cables, while the PS3 works on the standard cables, it does not work on the HD cables(before some smart ass comes in here, yes I have an HDTV). I contacted Phillips in regards to the tv and they assured me it's something to do with the PS3. I contacted sony, we went through every thing, nice lady in support, she spent about 2 hours on the phone with me and still no luck. I even went and bought another set of cables and that didn't help. She recommended I return the PS3 to the store or have Sony take it and send me another one. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, did replacing the ps3 take care of it? I have a phillips 60 inch HDTV projection that works fine with hd dish network(before) and now direct tv HD receiver.

And the first person who suggests I buy another tv, I will find you, I will haunt you in your dreams and I will pee in your gas tank.;)

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Straight to the HDTV input on the tv.

Well Im sure they will replace it at the store, but it sucks because Im sure you are ready to play it.

Check out the thread I put on here about the 5 free blu ray movies. Make sure you save your product ID though.

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Is your PS3 setting set to show in HD Component?

For example, you cant have it set to show in "Standard"..... unplug it and then plug it back in hooked up to HD (Component/HDMI) to the T.V. expecting it to show up. It won't.

Go into PS3 settings and config it to how you want it to show up.

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Is your PS3 setting set to show in HD Component?

For example, you cant have it set to show in "Standard"..... unplug it and then plug it back in hooked up to HD (Component/HDMI) to the T.V. expecting it to show up. It won't.

Go into PS3 settings and config it to how you want it to show up.

What he said.

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you might have bad component cables as well... i used the same component cables that i had for my ps2 before... so i knew they already worked fine.. i would say try new cables or go with hdmi if you have any extra input as the picture, imo, looks sharper compared to the component...

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I changed all the settings in the PS3 while I was on the phone with the Sony rep, we went through tons of crap in a 2 hour trouble shoot session to no avail, I bought another set of cables and that didn't work. I think my PS3 might just be bad(as she suggested).

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  • 1 month later...
****!!!!!!! Dammit, I replaced the other PS3 awhile ago and everything has been fine with the component cables and HD. Just a few minutes ago I turn the damn thing on and it's ****ed up again like the first PS3 I had. This is ****ing maddening, it was just working about 6 hours ago.

Sony is just another 4 letter word IMO, which also = CRAP and JUNK

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