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Security Clearence: Your job history?


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I didn't get the hear any phrase w/ the word "hiring or hired" from the phone call backs.

But, it did sound positive and they were already requesting for me to get security clearence before the big boss decides they want me or not...

WAIT A MINUTE! WHILE I WAS TYPING THIS POST ... THEY CALLED BACK AND IT TURNS OUT I START MONDAY! WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

Congrats man. What type of firm did you get hired at? Or did you get a job with the Federal Gov't?

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The reason I deal with leaks alot is because there are no consequences from the government and the company I work for. The consequences are for me to spend a whole day wiping file slack and destroying expensive backup tapes.

Just once I'd like them to make an example out of somebody.

Come down to where I work. They made an example out of someone today.

It ain't fun man. Now everyone's looking over their shoulder.

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Come down to where I work. They made an example out of someone today.

It ain't fun man. Now everyone's looking over their shoulder.

I'm not saying its fun. I would hate to be in an environment like that, but being in one where the only consequences to accidentally emailing contractors the classified radio frequencies of our AWACS planes is that soldiers on the ground die, is worse.:2cents:
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I'm not saying its fun. I would hate to be in an environment like that, but being in one where the only consequences to accidentally emailing contractors the classified radio frequencies of our AWACS planes is that soldiers on the ground die, is worse.:2cents:

Remembering a long time ago, Washingtonian magazine, in their April 1st issue, awarded their "Nobody's Perfect" awards.

One of them went to the Belgium(?) Defense Department, who had apparently discovered that for the past 40 years, every Wednesday, they had been couriering their weekly, classified, NATO readiness report to the East German embassy, by mistake.

(Since then, I've had this image of some KGB Sargent breaking in a new Corporal on the front gate: "Now, every Wednesday, about 1:30, a courier will come up to the gate with a packet for you. You will sign his slip of paper with a straight face. You will say absolutely nothing. And you will deliver the packet, unopened, to Colonel Ivan on Room 17.")

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Remembering a long time ago, Washingtonian magazine, in their April 1st issue, awarded their "Nobody's Perfect" awards.

One of them went to the Belgium(?) Defense Department, who had apparently discovered that for the past 40 years, every Wednesday, they had been couriering their weekly, classified, NATO readiness report to the East German embassy, by mistake.

(Since then, I've had this image of some KGB Sargent breaking in a new Corporal on the front gate: "Now, every Wednesday, about 1:30, a courier will come up to the gate with a packet for you. You will sign his slip of paper with a straight face. You will say absolutely nothing. And you will deliver the packet, unopened, to Colonel Ivan on Room 17.")

Not sure how reassured i feel about reading that snippet

but thanks for sharing =)

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Coming from a TS/SCI background, my question is why was the LT mentioned earlier in possession of 50 pp. of classified docs at a hotel? Leaving them at the hotel and being found by the maid: bad ... but having them there in the first place?

I had a similar question about a security breach that was publicised years ago (under Reagan?).

Seem a USMC Corporal at our embassy in Moscow fell in love with a Russian girl.

Newspaper articles at the time said that supposedly, one night while he was on guard duty, Romeo snuck his girlfriend into the embassy, to show her where he worked. Including, supposedly, showing her the crypto room.

Many media experts were bemoaning what hardship it was on these young boys, sending them "over there" without companionship.

Me, I wondered whether he was supposed to have the combination to the crypto room door.

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