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Obama's Speech on Faith and Politics


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Check out this video of Obama on faith and politics.

This is the greatest speech I have ever heard on the topic. It is 39 minutes long and if you plan on listening to it I urge you to watch/listen to the speech in its entirety.

If you are a religious person and are worried that this is 40 minutes of bashing, don't be. Over half of the speech is urging Demcocrats to respect the beliefs of religious Americans and the entire speech speaks out against people using religion as a tool for political gain on both sides of the fence.


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Dang, I goof off a lot a work but even I can't get away with a 40 minute internet break. :laugh:

Maybe tonight.

Understandable. :laugh:

We're allowed to listen to music as long as we use headpones at work so I just plug them into the computer and listen to speeches and CDs or whatever I feel like....especially since my stupid Ipod Shuffle died.

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He gives good speeches, I'll admit.

That's about it, though.

Well he was dead on about Iraq months before the initial invasion. And I mean DEAD ON. He pretty much predicted everything that has happened. I'd rather have someone who was smart enough to get it right from the start then any of these others.

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Well he was dead on about Iraq months before the initial invasion. And I mean DEAD ON. He pretty much predicted everything that has happened. I'd rather have someone who was smart enough to get it right from the start then any of these others.

You could have polled thousands of people on the street around that time who would have said the same thing. Can we give them all cookies? I'll even splurge and make them macadamia nut cookies.

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You could have polled thousands of people on the street around that time who would have said the same thing. Can we give them all cookies? I'll even splurge and make them macadamia nut cookies.

Yeah but we're not talking about thousands. We're talking about the current field of presidential candidates. And you say thousands but a HUGE majority of Americans were for the war, including myself. So while you might get thousands, you would probably have to stand out on the street polling people for about a month or two to do so.

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You could have polled thousands of people on the street around that time who would have said the same thing. Can we give them all cookies? I'll even splurge and make them macadamia nut cookies.

Hmmm....I don't smell cookies...I smell a very bitter Republican in this thread somewhere...

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Hmmm....I don't smell cookies...I smell a very bitter Republican in this thread somewhere...

I don't ally myself with either party. Social moderate, fiscal conservative. I don't care for the current administration and its misdoings, but saying "well, he's better than what we have" is hardly a defense.

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I don't ally myself with either party. Social moderate, fiscal conservative. I don't care for the current administration and its misdoings, but saying "well, he's better than what we have" is hardly a defense.

No I'm saying he's better then any of the other options.

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I don't ally myself with either party. Social moderate, fiscal conservative. I don't care for the current administration and its misdoings, but saying "well, he's better than what we have" is hardly a defense.

I don't think anyone said that but saying that he's only good at speeches gives me the impression that you're being one-sided. The man has some very good ideas and he's accomplished a solid amount of work in his short time as IL Senator so I think it's fair to say that he's good at more than just making speeches.

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Obama is hitting an upopular issue in this speech. Religion is a no-no among secular progressives. Despite public statements to the contrary that group is very hostile to religion, be it public or private, they don't like it. Obama is saying that he's religious and that he isn't going to pretend to be more or less religious for anyone. He's also saying that law making requires more thought then simply "my bible says so" because the nation is not made up entirely of christians (or christians that agree on a particular interpretation for that matter).

With every speech people watch this guy is going to gain support. I can see now why is the rock star of the democratic party. Whatever "it" is that some politicians have, Obama has it.

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Obama is hitting an upopular issue in this speech. Religion is a no-no among secular progressives. Despite public statements to the contrary that group is very hostile to religion, be it public or private, they don't like it. Obama is saying that he's religious and that he isn't going to pretend to be more or less religious for anyone. He's also saying that law making requires more thought then simply "my bible says so" because the nation is not made up entirely of christians (or christians that agree on a particular interpretation for that matter).

What Destino said is very accurate. That was a much better synopsis than I had put together about the speech.

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