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Why Does Steve Czaban ....


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the media doesnt "root" for anybody. sure they cover teams like the yankees and the cowboys more than others, but they bash those teams even more when they suck. look at the yankees, all espn talks about is how bad they are and how theyll be in the cellar all year. but, its probably true, so they discuss it. its negativity for the yankees, and even though they get more media coverage, its all negative.

Funny you should use the Yankees as a parallel. I think the Redskins are the Yankees of the NFL. They routinely spend more than anyone else in the league, throw salary structures out of whack, are trying to run their own media network, and generally try to go about everything differently than anyone else. I think this is why the Skins are hated so much throughout the league, much like the Yankees are outside of their immediate fanbase. When someone you are in competition with tries to do something in a completely different manner than you, you usually want them to fail. Or else you have to admit you were wrong and they were right.

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Funny you should use the Yankees as a parallel. I think the Redskins are the Yankees of the NFL. They routinely spend more than anyone else in the league, throw salary structures out of whack, are trying to run their own media network, and generally try to go about everything differently than anyone else. I think this is why the Skins are hated so much throughout the league, much like the Yankees are outside of their immediate fanbase. When someone you are in competition with tries to do something in a completely different manner than you, you usually want them to fail. Or else you have to admit you were wrong and they were right.

agreed, snyder and steinbrenner are identical in the way they run things. they are both insanely wealthy types who have that godlike complex that the media loves to laugh at. both of them overspend for anybody and everybody, but the difference is the yankees are usually winning and usually in contention every year, whereas the redskins, well....

but i think you are right, other teams hate us because of the money we throw around and because our fans are such homers, much like yankees fans. although redskins fans are much better than yankee fans, yankees fans will turn on their players in a heartbeat, we dont jump the gun anywhere near as quickly.

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I agree...Czaban is overly negative and often seems to harbor some bitterness towards this team.

However, I am inclined to agree with someone who is more on the negative side in regards to the current state of this franchise. Why? Because recent results have earned this team all the bad press it gets. Most of it is deserved.

Again, I don't mind negative if it is logically derived. Saying you don't think Rocky McIntosh (or Jason Campbell or Laron Landry or anybody) is ever going to be a solid contributor is one thing and could be a well thought out opinion. But continually falling into the same lazy trap that most of the media falls into is what really gets my goat. Czaban and Pollin regularly put out "what ifs" with the Redskins such as getting Randy Moss and/or TO and then rip on the Skins for the moves even though the Skins never came close to doing it and as far as we know never entertained the idea. But that doesn't stop them from holding a Skins bashing party.

And I also forgot one of the other reasons Gibbs refused to work with Czaban. Czaban said that the only reason Gibbs was back was because he needed the money for his NASCAR operation. He then called Gibbs integrity into question.

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And I was a big fan of Riggins and his gang - but lately they have been gating lured into the negativity too. And just repeating the same old negative comments over and over and over again.

the problem with Riggo is he comes off as just being real dumb, intelligence wise, unable to seperate fact from fiction, conspiracy theory from actual practice

he's the kind of guy who will hear some corny story about the "game has passed Gibbs by" and will run with it for an hour, claiming he's a real inside source, and can tell you like it is :rolleyes:

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Okay, all of you who are ****ing about the local guys and their criticism of the team, just stop and think a minute.....

You don't like Czabe - a well-known, albeit "B" type sports guy, who is a life-long Redskins fan, because he's too critical.

You don't like BMitch because he's too critical.

You don't like Riggo because he's too critical.

Ever think maybe, just maybe, the problem is YOU?? Maybe these guys all have legitimate points that you just fail to see because you don't like anyone being critical of your team, even when it's warrented.

My take on their criticism is that they are just fed up with what they see happening to this once proud franchise. How can you really blame them for being ticked off at losing?? When you lose like we have been, that means what you are doing is not working. That deserves criticism.

I would suggest that the people who are biased and clueless are those bashing these guys pretending what they say isn't true.

And by the way, Doc Walker has been very critical of the Redskins too.

If the Redskins turn it around, they'll find good things to say. That doesn't mean the Redskins will be above criticism, even the Patriots have been criticized for some of their moves.



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Okay, all of you who are ****ing about the local guys and their criticism of the team, just stop and think a minute.....

You don't like Czabe - a well-known, albeit "B" type sports guy, who is a life-long Redskins fan, because he's too critical.

You don't like BMitch because he's too critical.

You don't like Riggo because he's too critical.

Ever think maybe, just maybe, the problem is YOU?? Maybe these guys all have legitimate points that you just fail to see because you don't like anyone being critical of your team, even when it's warrented.

My take on their criticism is that they are just fed up with what they see happening to this once proud franchise. How can you really blame them for being ticked off at losing?? When you lose like we have been, that means what you are doing is not working. That deserves criticism.

I would suggest that the people who are biased and clueless are those bashing these guys pretending what they say isn't true.

And by the way, Doc Walker has been very critical of the Redskins too.

If the Redskins turn it around, they'll find good things to say. That doesn't mean the Redskins will be above criticism, even the Patriots have been criticized for some of their moves.



You don't have to actually criticize the Skins to be labelled a Redskin-hater on this board. If you have them winning two more games than last year, then you're a Redskin-hater. If you don't have JC in your list of pro-bowl candidates, then you're a Redskin-hater. If you don't think that Moss/Lloyd is one of the top receiving combos, then you're a Redskin-hater.

Until the Redskins show that they are better than 5-11 on the field, they will be treated like a below average team by the media - even the Washington media. It doesn't affect how the team will actually play in fall, so why get so upset about it?

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Watch Redskins postgame live after our wins, and you'll hear Czabe give us plenty of credit. Riggo, Czaban, BMitch, and Ken Harvey and those guys are all Skins fans. In their positions, they have to be critical. Given their history as Skins-supporter, they have to be even MORE critical to not be viewed as simple homers. Don't be stupid.

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You don't have to actually criticize the Skins to be labelled a Redskin-hater on this board. If you have them winning two more games than last year, then you're a Redskin-hater. If you don't have JC in your list of pro-bowl candidates, then you're a Redskin-hater. If you don't think that Moss/Lloyd is one of the top receiving combos, then you're a Redskin-hater.

Until the Redskins show that they are better than 5-11 on the field, they will be treated like a below average team by the media - even the Washington media. It doesn't affect how the team will actually play in fall, so why get so upset about it?

That's quite the blanket to throw over everybody. As with anything there are extremes (no pun intended) to everything. The sheer volume of posters on here tends to make things seem more amplified than it really is. For every news story there is going to be one person who finds some kind of slight in it. Does that mean that the average Redskin fan finds slight in it? Not necessarily but a thread starts and it becomes a discussion. Likewise someone claiming that Laron Landry should already be enshrined in Canton doesn't make it the stance of the average Redskin fan.

That being said Steve Czaban and Brian Mitchell do have a tendancy to bash the Redskins for sport. Czaban does it with a humorous bent and on a lot of things he is correct but sometimes it's just clear that he is bitter. Brian Mitchell on the other hand comes across as constantly bitter. It's clear he still hasn't gotten over his release in favor of an overrated CB who shall remain nameless. I don't listen to Riggo all that much because IMO he offers almost no insight and bores me.

As for the overall negative image of the team I still blame Danny. His ongoing feud with the media is just flat out stupid. It's one you just can't win no matter how right you are. The media controls the public perception of your team whether you like it or not. Just pick up a Washington Post and a Washington Times in an election year and tell me that they just report the facts and don't have agendas. It's like the two are covering two entirely different events.

Since Danny bought the team the Skins have been far from successful but they also haven't been as dreadful as the perception would like to believe. I'll use the Cowboys as an example. Jerrah is just like Danny except even more so. He gets some grief but not nearly as much as Danny. The media makes fun of Danny for being meddlesome yet Jerrah is the actual GM of the Cowboys. They hit the FA market nearly as hard as we do and have had less than we have had to show for it. Since Danny took over the Skins have had just as many playoff appearances as the Cowboys and have two playoff victories to none for the Cowboys. We have a better overall record in that timeframe. Yet if you polled most people they would say that the Cowboys have a much better record and considerable more success in that timeframe. Why? Because the media loves to hound Danny because he has marked them as the enemy instead of an asset that can help the team perceptioin. Jerrah does a much better job coddling the media and it pays off.

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That's quite the blanket to throw over everybody. As with anything there are extremes (no pun intended) to everything. The sheer volume of posters on here tends to make things seem more amplified than it really is. For every news story there is going to be one person who finds some kind of slight in it. Does that mean that the average Redskin fan finds slight in it? Not necessarily but a thread starts and it becomes a discussion. Likewise someone claiming that Laron Landry should already be enshrined in Canton doesn't make it the stance of the average Redskin fan.

That being said Steve Czaban and Brian Mitchell do have a tendancy to bash the Redskins for sport. Czaban does it with a humorous bent and on a lot of things he is correct but sometimes it's just clear that he is bitter. Brian Mitchell on the other hand comes across as constantly bitter. It's clear he still hasn't gotten over his release in favor of an overrated CB who shall remain nameless. I don't listen to Riggo all that much because IMO he offers almost no insight and bores me.

As for the overall negative image of the team I still blame Danny. His ongoing feud with the media is just flat out stupid. It's one you just can't win no matter how right you are. The media controls the public perception of your team whether you like it or not. Just pick up a Washington Post and a Washington Times in an election year and tell me that they just report the facts and don't have agendas. It's like the two are covering two entirely different events.

Since Danny bought the team the Skins have been far from successful but they also haven't been as dreadful as the perception would like to believe. I'll use the Cowboys as an example. Jerrah is just like Danny except even more so. He gets some grief but not nearly as much as Danny. The media makes fun of Danny for being meddlesome yet Jerrah is the actual GM of the Cowboys. They hit the FA market nearly as hard as we do and have had less than we have had to show for it. Since Danny took over the Skins have had just as many playoff appearances as the Cowboys and have two playoff victories to none for the Cowboys. We have a better overall record in that timeframe. Yet if you polled most people they would say that the Cowboys have a much better record and considerable more success in that timeframe. Why? Because the media loves to hound Danny because he has marked them as the enemy instead of an asset that can help the team perceptioin. Jerrah does a much better job coddling the media and it pays off.

I think that you are correct that most media would say that Jerry has had more success than Danny. Maybe its because he does a better job coddling the media - and he can be charming when he tries - or maybe it has to do with the three Super Bowl rings he wears.

I don't think anyone would dispute that JJ knows a lot more about football than DS. But I'm not sure that the media doesn't hound JJ as much or more than DS - you hear more of the hounding of DS in DC, I hear more of the hounding of JJ in Dallas. I imagine in Philly, they hear more hounding of Jeff Lurie.

In any case, I certainly didn't mean to imply that everyone on this board thinks the media is out to get the Redskins - for every thread started about "[blank] hates the Skins" a bunch of realists chime in. But the list of threads about Redskin-haters from the last few weeks would include PFW, Sean Salisbury, Dr. Z, Brian Mitchell, Czaban, WP and a quite a few more that I can't remember. The Skins are a high profile team and when they are doing badly, you'll get a lot more negative and a lot less positive press than, for example, Cleveland.

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dude, yankees fans last year were booing arod. hes easily in the top 3 baseball players of the last friggin decade, and one of the best of all time. i cant see redskins fans ever doing something of that magnitude. name a time the skins have turned on a sure fire hall of fame player.

I don't watch baseball. I was referring more to the "we don't jump the gun" part. - You've been here long enough...

ie: Redskins watch JaMarcus Russell's workout = "The Redskins are trying to trade Campbell, trade their whole draft for Russell"


Redskins re-sign Ladell Betts = "The Redskins want to trade Portis"

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dude, yankees fans last year were booing arod. hes easily in the top 3 baseball players of the last friggin decade, and one of the best of all time. i cant see redskins fans ever doing something of that magnitude. name a time the skins have turned on a sure fire hall of fame player.

You might want to look at some of the posts directed towards Joe Gibbs (again, not ALL posts, just some). JG is not only in the football HOF, if there was a good-guy HOF, he'd be in that as well.

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In any case, I certainly didn't mean to imply that everyone on this board thinks the media is out to get the Redskins - for every thread started about "[blank] hates the Skins" a bunch of realists chime in. But the list of threads about Redskin-haters from the last few weeks would include PFW, Sean Salisbury, Dr. Z, Brian Mitchell, Czaban, WP and a quite a few more that I can't remember. The Skins are a high profile team and when they are doing badly, you'll get a lot more negative and a lot less positive press than, for example, Cleveland.

I love the term "realist" which 99.9% of the time means somebody who holds a negative slant towards the team. These people are no more "realists" than the guys who scream Super Bowl or Bust every offseason. Just because the team went 5-11 last year doesn't mean that they deserve every rip that is directed at them.

And that crap about Jerrah's three SB rings is a load of poop. Take a look at the Cowboys drafts without Jimmah or Fattie Mantitties and you will see the football knowledge that Jerrah brings to the table. In between the two the Cowboys were the worst drafting team in the league by a wide margin. He is deserving of every bit of negative criticism regarding team operation that Danny gets. Every bit.

And now let's look at your list of media types that have been called haters. You might want to pick a list that isn't so deserving of the title.

1. PFW, I don't know if I'd call them haters but all 8 division winners repeating this year? Lazy

2. Sean Salisbury, I wouldn't call him a Redskins hater either. He is an equal opportunity idiot. Please tell me the last time he said anything of substance?

3. Dr. Z, He has a Redskins hater advanced degree. He is the man that coined the Art Monk was nothing but a bunch of 8 yard outs mantra.

4. Czaban & Mitchell, has been well covered in this thread.

5. Washington Post, long term and ongoing feud with Danny. Anyone who thinks they don't have an agenda just hasn't been paying attention.

Again, I don't hate negative stances on the Skins. They have earned it but if you do say something negative about the Skins it better be based in fact and not just some tired cliche or it will get picked apart here. And I'm not talking about just saying that we stink so we deserve every criticism we get. That's just as lazy as the journalists who spout the old tired cliches.

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In any case, I certainly didn't mean to imply that everyone on this board thinks the media is out to get the Redskins - for every thread started about "[blank] hates the Skins" a bunch of realists chime in. But the list of threads about Redskin-haters from the last few weeks would include PFW, Sean Salisbury, Dr. Z, Brian Mitchell, Czaban, WP and a quite a few more that I can't remember. The Skins are a high profile team and when they are doing badly, you'll get a lot more negative and a lot less positive press than, for example, Cleveland.

I'm one who believes that there are certainly a few "hater" types in the media, but that doesn't mean everyone who doesn't give praise is a hater. - I wouldn't say PFW or Peter King or most of the people on ESPN are haters. - They just go whichever way everyone else is at the moment.

On the other hand, guys like Czaben and Mitchell use that as their schtick for the radio, and most of their topics have no basis. - They don't bother me, because I don't take them serious. I don't listen to them because at the end of their program you've gained nothing new or accurate.

The Post has been hard on the team always. - I remember them bashing us frequently in the '80's when we were in the playoffs every year and won 2 of 3 Superbowls. - That amplified when Snyder took away the 300 free season tickets they were getting when he found out Post employees were scalping them.

You might want to look at some of the posts directed towards Joe Gibbs (again, not ALL posts, just some). JG is not only in the football HOF, if there was a good-guy HOF, he'd be in that as well.

you make a good point here. There is some intelligence in Dallas. :silly:

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I love the term "realist" which 99.9% of the time means somebody who holds a negative slant towards the team. These people are no more "realists" than the guys who scream Super Bowl or Bust every offseason. Just because the team went 5-11 last year doesn't mean that they deserve every rip that is directed at them.

And that crap about Jerrah's three SB rings is a load of poop. Take a look at the Cowboys drafts without Jimmah or Fattie Mantitties and you will see the football knowledge that Jerrah brings to the table. In between the two the Cowboys were the worst drafting team in the league by a wide margin. He is deserving of every bit of negative criticism regarding team operation that Danny gets. Every bit.

And now let's look at your list of media types that have been called haters. You might want to pick a list that isn't so deserving of the title.

1. PFW, I don't know if I'd call them haters but all 8 division winners repeating this year? Lazy

2. Sean Salisbury, I wouldn't call him a Redskins hater either. He is an equal opportunity idiot. Please tell me the last time he said anything of substance?

3. Dr. Z, He has a Redskins hater advanced degree. He is the man that coined the Art Monk was nothing but a bunch of 8 yard outs mantra.

4. Czaban & Mitchell, has been well covered in this thread.

5. Washington Post, long term and ongoing feud with Danny. Anyone who thinks they don't have an agenda just hasn't been paying attention.

Again, I don't hate negative stances on the Skins. They have earned it but if you do say something negative about the Skins it better be based in fact and not just some tired cliche or it will get picked apart here. And I'm not talking about just saying that we stink so we deserve every criticism we get. That's just as lazy as the journalists who spout the old tired cliches.

1) The "realists" of which I referred to are dedicated posters on ES who clearly love the Redskins.

2) As for the rest of your post, I can't tell whether you're disagreeing or agreeing with me. Yes, many negative, or at least not-positive, comments from the media are because the Skins only won five games last year, not because the hate the Skins. Maybe its laziness or maybe they don't hold some of the players in as high esteem as you do or maybe its because they think key players on the Skins have injury problems which are likely to re-occur. Maybe its a combination of all of these things. But I certainly wouldn't call someone a Skins-hater just because he picks all the division winners to repeat. I probably feel that way right now as well. I also know that I'll feel differently in week 8.

3) If the Skins win the next three SBs, DS will be revered as a genius, at least on this board, for bringing in the right people. That's just what JJ did. When the right people left, he got criticized. That's life at the top.

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I no longer listen to the stooge...it is one of the worst shows on Fox radio..

He is over-exposed..and face it..he has to compete with Danno's radio station..which he cannot get himself on...

Comcast has taken a hit from MASN..using Riggo..Zabes has reached his point of diminishing returns...besides he really thinks Skins fans suck..he said it in an article lauding Packer fans..a couple of years ago..

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This is a little bit off topic, but who cares.

I can take the negativity from the press, because honestly, the best way to get back at someone is to prove them wrong.

But, man, when my dad, whose been a skins fan ever since he moved down here from Massachusetts (although not a hardcore fan), when he is negative about the team, spouting some bull**** that Tony Kornheiser said (Sean Taylor is going to be kicked out of the league in 2-3 years), like it is a truth, that really gets me. When my fellow Redskins fans are negative, not the like, Yeah, well, we sucked in 2006, that's a truth, but like The Redskins are the worst team in the NFL and are in a tailspin that they will never be able to recover from, basically is crap. People need to stop listening to the doubters and just believe, and if you see a player you should tell them you believe too. When you know someone believes in you 100% and has your back it makes everything easier from taking an exam, doing an interview for a job, or playing sports, it helps.

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1) The "realists" of which I referred to are dedicated posters on ES who clearly love the Redskins.

You, of course, mean the ones that agree with your point of view. Otherwise they are "Kool Aid Drinkers" if they believe the picture is rosier than you do or "Chicken Littles" if they think the picture is bleaker than your view.

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actually ESPN is running a little story now about SPORTS RADIO in general and all the hosts admit to the FORMULA for ratings is just to rile everybody up. Which I know we know that but it helps to reinforce it when you hear it right from the horse's mouth.

Plus, as they say in the piece CZABAN is an entertainer NOT a journalist we shouldn't confuse the two. I just want my ENTERTAINMENT to be more reasonable in tone.

or just give me the facts and keep the editorials to a minimum.

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3) If the Skins win the next three SBs, DS will be revered as a genius, at least on this board, for bringing in the right people.

Until he uses his teams recent success as an excuse to double prices :)

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