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Why Does Steve Czaban ....


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Actually, they are not.

We have never "blown-up the Salary Cap." The cap hell that everyone has been predicting for the past seven years has never happened. Why? Because our owner knows how to manage money and work the cap. And furthermore, why is it so bad that our owner actually uses every dollar he is allowed to try and help this team???

The Redskins are not the highest charging team in the NFL; the Patriots are. But thanks for parading your ignorance once again by simply going off of what the media might want you to believe.

We do not have anywhere near the oldest rosters in the league. Infact, we are not in the top half of teams with the oldest rosters. You are doing great with your "facts." Please, actually look up information before spouting it as facts.

Ok, allow me to ellaborate on my 'facts'. The Skins have not 'blown up' the cap, but every year they overspend everyone in the league and have nothing to show for it. They paid way over market value for AA, Randel-El, etc. Believe what you want, but this restructuring contracts stragedy will catch up with this team. How many times has Samuels, Jansen, etc. been restructured? This makes them virtually impossible to trade or cut when they begin to show their respective ages. This is why Lavar had to essentially give back future bonuses to leave - the team had restructured him so many times that that was the only way he could get out. Other players might not be so willing to do so.

And my apologies...I mean to say more than 30 other teams. My 31 was WAY off. Sorry for parading my extreme ignorance on this subject, and I thank you for correcting my hideous misake. However, as BLC stated, the Patriots at least have earned the right to charge more. They are the best team of the last 5+ years and will probably be this year as well. What value have Skins fans got for the last 5 years? One playoff vistory?

I will stand by my oldest roster statement. The Skins ended last season with 18 players over 30 years old, which is the highest number in the league. Allow me to quote an article written 10.27.06:

"The Redskins entered this season as the oldest team in the league, and they'll head into the offseason with few draft picks and little salary cap space to use to make improvements. Their opening day roster consisted of players with an average age of 27.83, the highest in the NFL."


By the way, what's worse - going off what the media tells us, as you say I do, or going off what the Skins PR machine tells us, as I say you are doing. Go ahead, keep your head in the sand...I'll keep myself right here in the real world. A real world where the Skins are 5-11.

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As others have said, Czabe is a Redskins fan. And like some fans, he gets mad at losing, so he bashes based on the bad moves he thinks the Redskins consistently make. What I like about Czabe is the fact that he doesn't always criticize after the fact. He'll say what he thinks from the beginning and let it play out. I recall him being very critical when we signed Jeff George. I thought George was worth the risk, but I'd have to say now, Czabe was right. George set us back.

I find it more offensive for a Redskins fan to actually accept 5 - 11 seasons and think everything is always so rosy and that "next year is our year" and blah, blah, blah... At some point, if you are a passionate fan, you have to get upset at losing and taking one step up and two steps back all the time.

If we win the Super Bowl and he still bashes the Redskins, then you might have a point. But right now, seriously, let's do something to give people reason to give us credit and not bash us.



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As others have said, Czabe is a Redskins fan. And like some fans, he gets mad at losing, so he bashes based on the bad moves he thinks the Redskins consistently make. What I like about Czabe is the fact that he doesn't always criticize after the fact. He'll say what he thinks from the beginning and let it play out. I recall him being very critical when we signed Jeff George. I thought George was worth the risk, but I'd have to say now, Czabe was right. George set us back.

I find it more offensive for a Redskins fan to actually accept 5 - 11 seasons and think everything is always so rosy and that "next year is our year" and blah, blah, blah... At some point, if you are a passionate fan, you have to get upset at losing and taking one step up and two steps back all the time.

If we win the Super Bowl and he still bashes the Redskins, then you might have a point. But right now, seriously, let's do something to give people reason to give us credit and not bash us.



exactly, its like some people get angry that fans are angry about a 5-11 season. this isnt some 2nd grade spelling contest where effort and heart count. i for one could care less about how much "class" we have. i wanna see Ws not Ls and excuses why theyre NOT Ws. these are grown men competing every week and when they dont get the job done, they dont warrant excuses. theyre well aware of this, i wish more fans were.

so as long as the skins keep going 5-11, get ready to hear the media say we suck, because 5-11 sucks.

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exactly, its like some people get angry that fans are angry about a 5-11 season. this isnt some 2nd grade spelling contest where effort and heart count. i for one could care less about how much "class" we have. i wanna see Ws not Ls and excuses why theyre NOT Ws. these are grown men competing every week and when they dont get the job done, they dont warrant excuses. theyre well aware of this, i wish more fans were.

so as long as the skins keep going 5-11, get ready to hear the media say we suck, because 5-11 sucks.

Right On BLC! The great thing about sports is you can measure the success and failure of every player, every coach, every GM, and every owner, every year.

It's all about the W's! A team that loses more than it wins deserves criticism, even from the most ardent fans because passion comes in more than just one flavor.



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czaban is a fan. I agree with most of what he says. He has a right to his opinion. If it bothers people out there, then don't listen. A difference in opinion is a good thing as opposed to just getting information through the redskins all the time. Just because Coach Gibbs says doesn't make it so. Just because the redskins make moves on players doesn't make the moves great ones. It is perfectly legitimate to question and complain about things the team does.

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Right On BLC! The great thing about sports is you can measure the success and failure of every player, every coach, every GM, and every owner, every year.

It's all about the W's! A team that loses more than it wins deserves criticism, even from the most ardent fans because passion comes in more than just one flavor.



I agree. And I think the people that refuse to accept criticism for this franchise's recent failures also contribute to the FO not seeing the need to make bold changes, if necessary.

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First, I hate Czaben. And the entire way 980 covers the Skins. IT IS OVERLY NEGATIVE.

It is the easiest job in the world to sit across from somebody else and BASH. Anybody can do that.

I think that is part of the reason why Snyder started his own chain of radio stations and has done a lot better job with the website. The skins created the Nightly news and a lot of features I think to try to get unbiased news about the team to the fans.

AND as a fan - I have nothing against optimistic or overly optimistic reports. I like reports with an UP tone to them. And why shouldn't it be that way? This is Football - not IRAQ - this is supposed to be FUN not SUPER SERIOUS and CRITICAL.

And I was a big fan of Riggins and his gang - but lately they have been gating lured into the negativity too. And just repeating the same old negative comments over and over and over again.

I just want to be a fan - give me something fun to listen to and if I want to listen to GLOOM AND DOOM - I will turn on the news about Darfur.

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First, I hate Czaben. And the entire way 980 covers the Skins. IT IS OVERLY NEGATIVE.

It is the easiest job in the world to sit across from somebody else and BASH. Anybody can do that.

I think that is part of the reason why Snyder started his own chain of radio stations and has done a lot better job with the website. The skins created the Nightly news and a lot of features I think to try to get unbiased news about the team to the fans.

AND as a fan - I have nothing against optimistic or overly optimistic reports. I like reports with an UP tone to them. And why shouldn't it be that way? This is Football - not IRAQ - this is supposed to be FUN not SUPER SERIOUS and CRITICAL.

And I was a big fan of Riggins and his gang - but lately they have been gating lured into the negativity too. And just repeating the same old negative comments over and over and over again.

I just want to be a fan - give me something fun to listen to and if I want to listen to GLOOM AND DOOM - I will turn on the news about Darfur.

bashing and praising are pretty friggin easy. OMG THE SKINS ARE GOING 16-0!!! WERE SO GOOD!!! WE HAVE THE BEST COACH IN THE UNIVERSE!!! do you see how easy it is? its just as easy as saying we suck/fire snyder/gibbs is old/our dline blows. its just a difference of opinion, and people without the homer glasses can objectivey discuss how bad we were, and we were bad, and thats why we went 5-11. itd be great to turn on the radio and hear about what was working and how good we were doing, but that would be even dumber. the negatives last year outweighed the positives tenfold.

and snyder started his own radio shows so he could have guys like larry michaels break huge stories about how ladel betts had a hamburger for lunch. snyder wants complete control. lol at thinking snyders radio/tv stuff is "unbiased". thats beyond hillarious.

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i think the best way to view czab's commentary is by understanding that he is a satirist by nature. to make things worse for him though is that he grew up a skins fan and loves them. i still remember the day we resigned gibbs he said "i feel like a kid whose father went off to world war two and mommy kept bringing home strange men that i didn't know what to think of until today when daddy finally walked back through the door in his uniform."

so clearly the guy is a fan but in a conflicted situation because his media personality has been established as a cynic and somebody who questions everything. did he handle things poorly gibbs' first year back with the weekly interview, probably. but how do you maintain a media personality of a cynic when interviewing you're favorite childhood coach?

anyway, i doubt very much that he has any ill-will to the redskins, but i think he got trapped that first year as the local broadcaster who brandished them for their mistakes and now he is kind of forced to keep it going.

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The talk of Snyder and his radio stations being unbiased always reminds me of Bill Simmons discussing the Yankee's YES network:

"During Tuesday's game, a couple of innings after Melky dropped a ball in the wind to basically clinch the win for the Sox, he stroked an RBI single in the eighth, followed by Kay announcing, "That shows you something about the intestinal fortitude of Melky Cabrera. He makes a big error then steps up to the plate and gets himself an RBI." The score at the time? 10-3, Red Sox. You have to love the YES Network -- it's a combination sports network/propaganda machine."


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First, I hate Czaben. And the entire way 980 covers the Skins. IT IS OVERLY NEGATIVE.

It is the easiest job in the world to sit across from somebody else and BASH. Anybody can do that.

I think that is part of the reason why Snyder started his own chain of radio stations and has done a lot better job with the website. The skins created the Nightly news and a lot of features I think to try to get unbiased news about the team to the fans.

AND as a fan - I have nothing against optimistic or overly optimistic reports. I like reports with an UP tone to them. And why shouldn't it be that way? This is Football - not IRAQ - this is supposed to be FUN not SUPER SERIOUS and CRITICAL.

And I was a big fan of Riggins and his gang - but lately they have been gating lured into the negativity too. And just repeating the same old negative comments over and over and over again.

I just want to be a fan - give me something fun to listen to and if I want to listen to GLOOM AND DOOM - I will turn on the news about Darfur.

I mostly agree with this. Anybody can cry and complain. In 2005 Czaben would look utterly disappointed in the Comcast post game show when the Redskins won because he knew he lost his ammo (with the exception of the second Dallas game he actually looked happy).

It's funny that people who don't want to constantly complain are "kool aid drinkers" and the cycnics call themselves "realists".

...a good example of fair coverage- watch one of those mini-camp specials the NFL network is airing now. It doesn't matter who the team is, they talk about the future and the optimism they have for so and so player or unit or whatever. They don't keep crying over and over about some guy the team signed in 2000.

If you have no hope, what's the point of watching sports?

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and snyder started his own radio shows so he could have guys like larry michaels break huge stories about how ladel betts had a hamburger for lunch. snyder wants complete control. lol at thinking snyders radio/tv stuff is "unbiased". thats beyond hillarious.

Snyder's web site and radio stations are great because it gives you a choice to follow your team without the negative spin the national media attaches. It shows behind the scenes things and player interviews that you wouldn't see elsewhere. - That's how I stumbled upon Extremeskins years ago. - I got sick of listening to all the other garbage and was looking for intelligent discussions.

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It's funny that people who don't want to constantly complain are "kool aid drinkers" and the cycnics call themselves "realists".

Unfortunately the 'cynics' can use recent results as actual evidence. The people that are predicting playoffs, a certain player or unit stepping up, or a relatively injury free season are only basing this on hope.

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Unfortunately the 'cynics' can use recent results as actual evidence. The people that are predicting playoffs, a certain player or unit stepping up, or a relatively injury free season are only basing this on hope.

Which is my point. Why do you keep watching? Because you hope (believe it's possible) someone or something can improve.

There can be a middle to this. Being optimistic doesn't mean predicting anything other than an improvement.

If this team did absolutely nothing in the off-season with players or coaches and left everything exactly the same, then you'd have reason believe that your past results may repeat themselves. But, the fun of the off-season is that changes are made in the attempt to get better. - I'd rather talk about that.

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Which is my point. Why do you keep watching? Because you hope (believe it's possible) someone or something can improve.

There can be a middle to this. Being optimistic doesn't mean predicting anything other than an improvement.

If this team did absolutely nothing in the off-season with players or coaches and left everything exactly the same, then you'd have reason believe that your past results may repeat themselves. But, the fun of the off-season is that changes are made in the attempt to get better. - I'd rather talk about that.

I think if everyone on here sat around and discussed how great this team is and how they have vastly improved themselves it would be a very boring place to visit.

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I think if everyone on here sat around and discussed how great this team is and how they have vastly improved themselves it would be a very boring place to visit.

Very true, but some would rather it be that way unfortunately.

But Jimster, isn't it a little ridiculous to complain about guys on the radio criticizing a team that hasn't done squat in, what, 15 years now? Two playoff appearances - big whoop. Do you really only want to hear good things and never wonder about what might need to be done to change the direction of the team? If all you ever hear is the positives and all we ever do is lose, does that really make you feel good?

I find it far more offensive to drink the kool-aid even though it's really spoiled milk.

Like I said, if we win the Super Bowl and Czabe is still critical, then I'm on your side.



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Like I said, if we win the Super Bowl and Czabe is still critical, then I'm on your side.



If this happens, I will be the first one on here saying how wrong I was. And I might even have to buy a 12 pack or 2.

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']I think every team has these kinds of people. The Giants have theirs. I'm just not sure who hates the Cowboys. Anyone know any Cowboy haters?

I'm not a sports commentator. I'm not on the airwaves. But I hate the Cowturds with all the passion that is in me. Do I count? :dallasuck :helmet:

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And his associates hate the Skins so much? When ever they talk about them all they do is bash the team and what moves they might have made. They bash Snyder every chance they get. They bash Gibbs on the moves he makes. Yes the Duckett trade deserves to be bashed. But the stadium issue isn't Dan's falt. It was there when he bought the team. I have a thought of why they might not like them. Is it because Dan didn't offer there sorry azzes a job when he started the radio station? Or maybe because Gibbs doesn't come on the day after the games anymore. Whatever the reason i'm getting tired of hearing him and B. Mitch bash the team. Every now and then I could deal with but every time?

A-freakin'-men! I mean, it's one thing to be "objective", it's totally another when venom spews out of your mouth about anything Redskin.

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Czabe does have an itch to be famous. No doubt about that. He can sound like a complete douche at times, and way too ****y. But he is entertaining to me for the same reasons. He is a die hard skins fan, and when it comes down to it he just expects a lot more out of the organization, and he is right on a lot of his points. He is right to be hard on Dan, but he is way too hard on Joe.

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