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Portis commented on his secret weapon


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Guest NebraSKIN
He did a pretty good job with the Jets, so I'm sure he'll be just as good in Denver.

Like someone else said, Ramsey's never developed a touch on his passes. And he's a statue. He showed some promise his rookie season, but never seemed to improve after that.

He has not developed physically as well. He needs to hit the weights a bit, and find a get a nutritional trainer... look at Peyton Manning, Carson Palmer, Philip Rivers (just to name a few) . . . they are bigger than when they first entered the league.

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Shouldn't you change your name to "CampbellFan?" :)

I thought we couldnt change our User names any more... ?

Besides, I'm still a RamseyFan, no matter what. That won't change.

Are you saying everyone with riggo, sonny, or "the hogs" in their name should change too?

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brunell sucks in 07 every time i try to throw deep with him the ball is underthrown but when i put in campbell he gets more on his passes but sometimes overthrows passes but i usually play better with campbell

solution, I made Campbell 99 in everything but strength, cause I'm honest about his abilities, and hes just that good. :silly:

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I'm not trying to bash Clinton or the Redskins, but-

CP talks a lot of trash in the preseason and every year every team is upbeat about their chances. Quite frankly, I'm at the "show me" stage with the Washington Redskins. My enthusiasm meter will not give high readings until we're 1-0.

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I am impressed with Campbell, he seems to be a hard worker and wants to get things right. I love how when he is in the pocket, he never seems to get scare, he'll step up and make the throw, meanwhile taking a hit. I still have memorys of him breaking out of the Osi tackle in the giants game and the run where he stiff armed Pierce and could not be tackled

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Dang man some of these posts sound racist, its sad to see everybody hasnt evolved from that age

No one is being racist here. Don't pull that card out right now. there is no need for it. Don't be ignorant and try to point out what you think to be "racist" comments.

If you offended by something, then you confront that.

Don't stir up stupid crap homie. don't be an idiot. Just because the word black, or white comes up when describing someone is FAR from racist.:doh:

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...Forget BC!!! I want JG for his final year in 08. Then put GW at HC. Then when AS decides to go, put BL as the OC. BL will know the system and we continue to be a consistant team. We will have a great system in place and I don't want to bring in another one. Watch what I tell ya!!;)

my head is still spinning from trying to make all that out.:laugh:

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this, oh hes a smart black quarterback. come on guys, seriously. Why, why can't it just be about his play and not his color, religion, creed or whatever. The only thing that matters is his play on the field.

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Let's put Ramsey to rest please. I liked Ramsey a lot as well. Ramsey was missing One important ingredant to be a good QB for our system (possibly for a lot of systems) and seemed never to learn it. TOUCH!!!

I was disappointed with the way Patrick's career here went, but as it turned out he became an afterthought for the freakin' Jets!

Maybe our coaches are a little smarter than a lot of people on these boards seem to think.

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i'm perfectly fine with Campbell being overlooked/under-rated/disrespected/fill-the-blank-here this offseason. This will only serve to help him, I feel as he doesn't really have the pressure on him that a McNabb or a Manning will coming into the 2007 season. I hope he goes lights-out this year and makes us all happy.

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JC has a basic flaw in his ability to QB a team that most Americans will, like the sheep they are , tell you... and that is ...He is a black QB..... They ignore McNabb, Moon and every other great black QB. He will be put down every day of his life for being too "mobile" and not having enough ability to lead a team....See: Michael Vick, Daunte Culpepper, Vince Young and Donovan McNabb....They all were drafted with the same question marks.....but those question marks translated to one thing....they are black not white.....Montana, Elway and Steve Young were mobile and had a gun for an arm and were never questioned about their ability to lead a team.....Hmmmmmmmm.... I have alot of faith in JC. He is very talented and showed great ability to inspire and lead the offense. His throws got better at the end of the season. I cant wait to see how he progressed this offseason. He will be a very good QB this year....I just hope our OL is half decent.

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I was reading an article on Jason Campbell and I saw in another press release that Clinton Portis called Jason Campbell the perfect weapon for our offense.

Now I don't know about y'all but to hear portis say that means a lot to me. I also love the fact that everyone has said they have seen an improvement in JC already. He's hungry and is hungry to learn and win. I really feel like this season is gonna be a good one.

the only way we will be bad is if we can't stay healthy. plain and simple:2cents:

I have the feeling that the entire team is set to "rally" behind Jason and play their "butts off" for him. I take my hat off to him simply because he's exibited a work ethic that clearly demonstrates his commitment and desire towards improving. There isn't much more that you could ask of a young QB. His attitude and his humble approach regarding the up-coming season has made me feel comfortable.

I sincerely sense a "breakout season" for Jason and the Skins. !!!! :)

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ironically, i still like ramsey, I think if he was coached right ramsey could have been a good qb. I always liked ramsey no matter what anyone says. even better then brunell. anyone remember when brunell went down and ramsey stepped up and threw two tds? I mean the kid has the skill, he was just a product of the steve spurrier era. I think hewill do pretty good in denver

me too.

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