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Portis commented on his secret weapon


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I totally agree, being from the 757 were alot of talent in pro sports comes out of . i hear a lot of peopl esaying vick isn't a good qb, and i think it's BULLISH! first of all he has never had a tandem of solid receivers. See last year, all of his WR's dropped so many balls, it wasn't funny. But I think no matter what color are, is you are a scramblin qb, or lik in vicks case he almost is a hb/qb.. I think people ar always going to question the fact that you run the risk of getting hurt badly. Montana and elway never had the moves like vick or young has. sorry. The critics mostly attack their decision making, alot of people fee like they are more likely to pull the ball down and run with it instead of hangin in the pocket and lookin fror an open WR. I don't believe you can compare two QB's to one an other because every qb has a different style and appraoch to the game

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Blacks are more athletic...its been proven by science.
JC has a basic flaw in his ability to QB a team that most Americans will, like the sheep they are , tell you... and that is ...He is a black QB..... They ignore McNabb, Moon and every other great black QB. He will be put down every day of his life for being too "mobile" and not having enough ability to lead a team....See: Michael Vick, Daunte Culpepper, Vince Young and Donovan McNabb....They all were drafted with the same question marks.....but those question marks translated to one thing....they are black not white.

Not sure where you guys are getting your info, but I'll call BS on both of you.

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It's great to be excited about Campbell - all Redskins fans should be - but its a little unrealistic to saddle him with ridiculous expectations, like a 14-2 record. To put things in perspective, Brett Favre had seasons of 8-5, 9-7, 9-7, and 11-5 in his first four years of significant play. It's hard to get 9 wins! Its also harder to win when teams have been preparing for you for the full offseason. I expect the first 4-5 games to be rough. All I'm say is don't make the pedestal so high that it crumbles under its own weight.

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ironically, i still like ramsey, I think if he was coached right ramsey could have been a good qb. I always liked ramsey no matter what anyone says. even better then brunell. anyone remember when brunell went down and ramsey stepped up and threw two tds? I mean the kid has the skill, he was just a product of the steve spurrier era. I think hewill do pretty good in denver

Spurrier didn't messed up Ramsey!lol

Tim Hasslebeck was a major improvement over PR

what JC has over ramsey is pure confidense,Ramsey had none,in the huddle PR looks SLOW,when a Blitz comes at him he looks like a derr caught in the headlights:doh:

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this, oh hes a smart black quarterback. come on guys, seriously. Why, why can't it just be about his play and not his color, religion, creed or whatever. The only thing that matters is his play on the field.

I generally agree with you but I think one person referred to his race. How many times during the course of the Super Bowl did you hear about two black head coaches? thirty-forty times? Not to mention the pre-hype all week long. That ran into the 1000's.

I just think of JC being a Redskin. Oooops, that's racist too.

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