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Good Charlotte Made a Good Song


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Considering they're from the area and most people here will be all too familiar with them, I don't need to make any comments about their other material. That said, whatever shame I may incur from it, I have to give credit where credit is due. "The River" is a great song. Best song I've heard in a long time. I guess they had to figure it out sooner or later.


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My favorite GC song of alltime is The Anthem. It was on one of the Madden soundtracks...oh so good. I also like My Bloody Valentine too, the guitar riffs sound really good.

I really hope they can do better than the last cd, it sucked imo. I dont think they'll ever be able to top Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

On another note, Fall Out Boy sucks :D All of those new songs aren't music, the last cd was...where did they go wrong?

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I went to school with these clowns at a Community College, they used to be a Christian rock band and played at My Brothers Place in the 'Dorf, I'll try and dig up and old demo tapefrom like '96. When they got signed the label payed the drummer to disappear because he was terrible and played the same basic punk speed drum beat on every track, I had a class with Joel and he wasn't that bad back then but I here he's a big duesche now that he's famous.

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He's paraphrasing Psalm 23.

"...though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..."

It wasn't what he was signing, it was the terrible way in which he sung it. and the music that went with it. and the barrage of familiarly stupid imagery. and then the hair cuts.

In that order.

But now that I know what he was singing, I don't like that either. I mean singing bible verses is one thing, but singing one that you're likely to hear in a different song 15 minutes later? Only musicians with a respectable artistic resume can pull that off.

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