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'Tatooine' spotted by Spitzer telescope


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"The double sunset that Luke Skywalker gazed upon in the film Star Wars might not be a fantasy.

Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have observed that planetary systems — dusty disks of asteroids, comets, and possibly planets — are at least as abundant in twin-star systems as they are in those, like our own, with only one star. Since more than half of all stars are twins, or binaries, the finding suggests the universe is packed with planets that have two suns. Sunsets on some of those worlds would resemble the ones on Luke Skywalker's planet, Tatooine, where two fiery balls dip below the horizon one by one."

Rest of article at url


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TK is going to be all over you for misspelling Luke's home planet. :)

Like an imperial stormtrooper who couldn't hit the side of a womp rat from ten paces with his blaster can tell me what's right.:geek:

How does he spell it? :laugh:

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Do you use Cingular?

no. i used to. that was the only thing i liked about that putrid company, all the star wars stuff.

took me a long time to find one on u.s. cellular, and the cantina band is the only one i could find.

the empirial march was my favorite w/ cingular. great ring tone.

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