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Rudy Giuliani in Drag getting kissed by Donald Trump, Should Coulter Call Him a Homo?


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Taking positions like this is why I don't even find you interesting anymore. Get a grip. Its a gag. Lighten the **** up.

It is probably difficult to lighten up while wearing his mail. :laugh:

Anyone else find the fashion advice ironic? :silly:

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You know that I don't have a sense of humor, Tarhog. Especially when it comes to politics, morals, and the future of this country.

Mmmm...Beg to differ my friend. Your post from the Edwards = homo thread:

At least when Ann Coulter used that word, they can use it to get the homosexual community all excited and pump them for votes in the primary. :D If he were to win the Democrat nomination, he could be sure the homosexual community would stand behind him :D and that they'd be willing to support him in the end. :D
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When the homo gives the lesbo a beat-down, we'll see who's laughing :)

Not so fast there buddy, it could come down to the homo vs. the black man :)

But in all reality, I have nothing against Rudy Guiliani other than he making a fool out of himself by dressing in drag. At least he has a sense of humor I guess. Some of you (Ahem! *Zen Like Todd* Ahem!) may need to learn from him because you obviously missed my sarcastic cheapshot at the republicans around here.

And like one poster said, Bush has ruined the Presidency for any conservatives in 2008, so if you want a republican president, you had better pray that Rudy wins the nomination because he is a true moderate.

That's why I see it coming down to Rudy vs. Obama in 2008. With all of the partisan pillow-fighting going on in Washington right now, the most moderate wins the race in 2008.

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What exactly are you fighting for?

Come on ld, don't do this. ;)

All I was saying is that the libs on here will ALWAYS give a democrat/liberal the benefit of the doubt. We do the same thing on the other side.

It would be refreshing if we could just look at the stories we discuss on a case-by-case basis; and on the merits of right or wrong. But as long as the participants in said stories have an R or a D after their name, they'll keep getting the benefit of the doubt from one side or the other.

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Besides abortion and gay marriage, why not?

Fiscally he could be, and look at Times Square pre- and post-Rudy.

Those are big issues HH. You can't simply dismiss them. Also add gun control to that list as well. You are right. Fiscally, he is conservative but socially he is very liberal. I guess it all depends on what you call a Conservative. I don't consider Bush a Conservative. That is why the Republican party is in deep doo doo. They use to stand by their convictions even if it meant they lost the election. Now, they are willing to nominate anyone who will give them the best chance to win.

Guliani will try an moderate himself socially in the national elections. If he can do that I think he wins the nomination and the elections.

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thank you HH...besides in my eyes he is...Plus..if you look at the original post you will notice that i never used Rudys name..;) thanks for playing.

So you think Guiliani is a conservative but you were not thinking him in your org comment. Who were you thinking of then?

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No more than you on the left are by doing PRECISELY the same thing.

Face it, Destino, we're all partisan hacks. It's that simple. When Mr. Environment Gore's house is found to consume more power than the average damn office building, you guys jump us for calling him out.

I jumped up for calling him out because I bothered to learn the facts. Imagine that. This situation can hardly be compared to it... this is humor. You got the Presidential hopeful in drag. This isn't about a house being compared to the "average" with absolutely no attention paid to that, let alone what the Gore family is doing to offset the consumption. Why didn't they talk about what the "average" family does to offset their consumption? Well because that didn't fit in with the slam theme, so best to ignore it.

Frankly I'm a fence sitter. I don't like crazy liberals and I don't like crazy conservatives. I lean left right now because I conservatives are way too big on security at all cost... I find that mentality destructive and I think it will do great harm to the country. What good is securing anything if you destroy it in the process. Eliminating the right to privacy, imposing a massive big brother government, and starting wars on the possibility of threat without a plan... I can't support that.

All things equal I'd be a moderate republican. Sadly supporting any republican means supporting the neo-cons at the moment. Hopefully that changes.

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All things equal I'd be a moderate republican. Sadly supporting any republican means supporting the neo-cons at the moment. Hopefully that changes.

It seems to me that supporting any republican OR democrat means supporting neo-cons at the moment. The Iraq war was a bipartisan war. The democrats are not better on the war issue. It's their war too

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Those are big issues HH. You can't simply dismiss them. Also add gun control to that list as well. You are right. Fiscally, he is conservative but socially he is very liberal. I guess it all depends on what you call a Conservative. I don't consider Bush a Conservative. That is why the Republican party is in deep doo doo. They use to stand by their convictions even if it meant they lost the election. Now, they are willing to nominate anyone who will give them the best chance to win.

Guliani will try an moderate himself socially in the national elections. If he can do that I think he wins the nomination and the elections.

The conservatives get what they deserve. They were so desperate to regain the white house they give the nomination to Bush who isn't a conservative. The republicans in the house were so desperate to retain their power they acted like the people they swept out in 1994 when they got power. It finally caught up to them in 2006.

Rudy could be the nominee but I just can't see real conservatives voting him. There will be a conservative 3rd party challenge to Rudy, should rudy be the nominee or the conservatives will stay home; give the democrats a blowout win in the presidential and congressional election.

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