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PFT.com "Taylor Hit Crossed The Line"


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I totally called it, I told my dad as we were watching it that someone was going to ake a big deal out of that hit. It was a nasty hit but perfectly legal. IMHO, the fact that it was the punter does sort of take away some of the glamor. Regardless, its insane how it seems to be us against the world. Oh well, it will be sooooo sweet when we finally get our siht together.


This vid is great, especially the end!

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It wasnt a dirty hit, it was 100% legal. If he had hit Lorenzo Neal like that everyone would be happy. Trying to take someone out is like Terrell Suggs going for Brees' knees. That is dirty. When you go for the knees on a QB you are basically trying to injure them and take them out. When you make a perfectly legal hit on a player you are trying to tackle them and hopefully force a fumble or something. The punter tried to run for the first down. That makes him a running back in the eyes of a defender. So its the pro bowl? I guess they should start playing flag football or not playing at all because what is the point of playing if you cannot go full speed.

It's easy to talk tough like the "football aint for pu$$ies" and the "they should be playing tag" and crap like that because writing stuff like that sometimes make people feel that they are tough like ST but in reality if anyone of us would've gotten hit like that we would probably called the police even if we had pads on.

It WAS a clean hit but considering the circumstances it was not necessary. You say that he tried to force a fumble the guy lost the ball and no one even knew it because they were jumping up and down about the hit.

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It WAS a clean hit but considering the circumstances it was not necessary. You say that he tried to force a fumble the guy lost the ball and no one even knew it because they were jumping up and down about the hit.

That's because the ball flew out of bounds immediately. You have some sort of vendetta against ST.

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I hope that the hit was because that ST can not switch gears on the field and he does everything in overdrive like Pete Rose, who had a similar situation in an all star game when he bowled over Ray Fosse and actually changed Fosse career with that shot. Everyone knew that, that was the way "Charlie Hustle" played the game and all was well. If ST is that kind of player then it is understood but if he holds up on some hits on players that he can not just blow up it was a cheap shot.

Those who watch Redskin football know that Sean Taylor has only one mode and its called all out.

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Bottom line - on a big stage in front of the league, Sean Taylor reminded everyone what's lurking in the Skins backfield. That's all that matters to me.

It was nice to see people flinching away from a Skins' defender again, for whatever reason. :laugh:

And really, the league and voters know ST well enough to know that if you give him the chance he will knock the stuffing out of anything that moves. If they had a problem with that, then maybe he shouldn't have been invited him at all.

I like ST as much as anyone, and I'm glad he got to go, but he has a mean-streak a mile wide and we all know it. Seriously... does any of this surprise anyone, really?

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I've noticed in other posts and threads that you really seem bothered by this play and also tie it to your perception that ST shied away from making contact with Rams RB out of fear. You even had a cowboy fan apllaud your post http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3502292&postcount=774 and give it a "wow", which I'm sure you didn't solicit :laugh: .

Do you think ST is a dirty player at times, or even a bit cowardly? Did anyone else get the sense ST "backed off" of tackling Steve Jackson because of his size? Not busting on ya RR, just curious as I find it hard to reconcile with my observing ST.

Valid question Jumbo and my answer is:

I think that Sean is "opportunistic" when tackling is concerned. I think that his eyes get big when he sees a opportunity such as this when he can get "youtube" or sportscenter highlights". He has unlimited potential and if he controlls his aggression I think that his potential could be met. I would like to see less collisions from him and more interceptions out of him because he is something special to watch when he gets the ball in his hands.

I really think that ST did not put forth an effort to tackle Jackson on that OT run.

Thanks for asking your question in the manner that you did, without all of the "you are stupid and/or dumb" comments which accompanies most disapprovals and I hope that I answered your question

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That hit will pay dividends next year when opposing players know he is lurking in the backfield. Everyone saw that hit. Even Cowboy fans that I am friends with called me to tell me how bad%#@ they thought that hit was.

Sure it was a punter, but its still football. If they want to make it that lame, than it might as well play flag football on the beach next year. Who cares what the league thinks! I LOVED IT!

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i don't think he backed off at all. Do you all not realize how hard it is to tackle Steven Jackson. He is big, shifty,strong and fast and one of the hardest running backs to tackle in the NFL. Have you ever though about Taylor being tired. He was all over the field that game and he can only stay energized for so long. If he isn't scared to go up and lay a hit on Rudi Johnson or Brandon Jacobs then he is most definitely not scared of Steven Jackson.

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If he could have pulled up he should have especially knowing who was carrying the ball and what kind of game it was...If Ed Taylor would've blowed up Frost like that in an exhibition game we would be on here screaming bloody murder.

I'm starting to think you are a RINO... Redskinfan In Name Only.

And there is no way Frost would have got hit in the ProBowl unless 14 other NFC punters refused to show up and even then there would be more fans hoping that would lead to us getting a credible consistent punter

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Oh please, Moorman got up and gave Sean props himself.

Or did Moorman get up and run up to ST like you aint did jack?

He was probably telling ST in a round about way that "I am a 175 lb punter who took your best shot and I am still up and about and you got the right to celebrate?"

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Or did Moorman get up and run up to ST like you aint did jack?

He was probably telling ST in a round about way that "I am a 175 lb punter who took your best shot and I am still up and about and you got the right to celebrate?"

Now you're just making stuff up. Dude, you hate Sean Taylor and nothing that anyone says is going to change that. Moorman patted ST on the helmet. Who does that while they are talking smack? You're opinion is tainted with your dislike for ST.

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Or did Moorman get up and run up to ST like you aint did jack?

He was probably telling ST in a round about way that "I am a 175 lb punter who took your best shot and I am still up and about and you got the right to celebrate?"

For a second it looked like he didnt even know where he was going, when he got up.

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Or did Moorman get up and run up to ST like you aint did jack?

He was probably telling ST in a round about way that "I am a 175 lb punter who took your best shot and I am still up and about and you got the right to celebrate?"

That's a little much man. He ran up and gave Sean a tap on the head.
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I'm starting to think you are a RINO... Redskinfan In Name Only.

And there is no way Frost would have got hit in the ProBowl unless 14 other NFC punters refused to show up and even then there would be more fans hoping that would lead to us getting a credible consistent punter

Who cares what you are starting to think?

I ignored you once in this thread and twice this week already but you are like a damn fly that keeps wanting to pester a mutha...

You call me a Redskins in name only but your azz start talking crap about our punter who did a hella job this season. What is it that you want MAN? You are not going to force me to think like you do no how no way. So just back the heck up off these nu##'s

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Now you're just making stuff up. Dude, you hate Sean Taylor and nothing that anyone says is going to change that. Moorman patted ST on the helmet. Who does that while they are talking smack? You're opinion is tainted with your dislike for ST.

LOL..I love the guy, he is one of favorite players but he did wrong last night.

I did not say that Moorman literaly said those words I was saying that he may have been implying that statement in a "round about way"

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It's easy to talk tough like the "football aint for pu$$ies" and the "they should be playing tag" and crap like that because writing stuff like that sometimes make people feel that they are tough like ST but in reality if anyone of us would've gotten hit like that we would probably called the police even if we had pads on.

It WAS a clean hit but considering the circumstances it was not necessary. You say that he tried to force a fumble the guy lost the ball and no one even knew it because they were jumping up and down about the hit.

Wow, I didn't know Mike Pereira posted here.

These guys get coached day in day out to run to the ball and be aggressive. What did you expect? Besides, in any sport, a "little more mustard is put on the hotdog" in an all-star game.

Just admit you don't care for Sean Taylor and get it over with....

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Who cares what you are starting to think?

I ignored you once in this thread and twice this week already but you are like a damn fly that keeps wanting to pester a mutha...

You call me a Redskins in name only but your azz start talking crap about our punter who did a hella job this season. What is it that you want MAN? You are not going to force me to think like you do no how no way. So just back the heck up off these nu##'s

Funny I said the same thing about you and your consistent negativity.

You praise the punter yet bash Sean Taylor relentlessly.

that is funny

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