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Getting hit in the "man area"


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You need to get a bowl of ice, and sit the boys in it. When the cold becomes a burning, leave them on ice for another 5 to 10 minutes. At that point................

When I first read this I thought it said "bowl of rice." :doh:

Like some ancient Chinese remedy. :laugh:

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I've been nailed in the marbles and I've been grazed in the marbles. For some reason getting grazed in the marbles was much more excruciating.

As far as which pain is worse? I'll go with birth. Imagine giving birth to an 8lb baby through the pee hole guys. Ouch.

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A week? I dunno dude...I'd go have the boys checked out if I were you. The WORST I ever took it in the balls was way harder than a football pass, and I felt fine by the next morning.
85 mph fastball that got into the dirt and found its way under my glove, bounced off the ground and BOOOM, dead center a double header. I thought I was going to die. Felt fine a couple hours later. I'd be a little concerned if I were this dude.
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