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Becomming a Convert...

Braves On Warpath

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In April, I wanted the skins to avoid Smoot like the plague, at least as a first round selection. In the second round he was a bargain. Now I'm starting to think that he would have been a value pick in the first round! I am very, very excited about this player and he is quickly becomming a favorite.


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Last year I bought Bailey's jersey (after unsuccessfully trying to get Arrington's - something about the lack of a licensing agreement). This year I'm real tempted to get Smoot's jersey. The only thing holding me back is his number, "21". I just can't get over the disgust I feel for the guy who wore it before him. I might have to give it another year - maybe two.


"The Kurp"

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what is most curious is that when he took the GM/Coach job most people thought Marty would do fine with evaluating current NFL players he had seen play but might have trouble running the draft.

Now, it appears the team has had the makings of a very good draft (of course we won't really know for a couple of years) but may have fallen short in its evaluation of holdover Redskins vets and free agents.

The sight of Husak, Moore, Fletcher, et al.. failing to make the team after all the offseason work the staff did with them is a major disappointment.

And in large measure that accounts for the lack of stability we see on the offensive line right now.

We may be alright in the future with youngsters such as David Brandt, Gardner and Smoot.

But for the 2001 season it was clear that Marty began this process expecting the players above to be contributors and also expected Ben Coleman/Matt Campbell and Donovan Greer to earn starting spots.

None of those players stepped up. That's 6 misses on personnel.

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I'm with you BoW. I thought it was a horrible idea to pick Smoot with our first round pick. Some folks here wanted that and many mock drafts predicted it, but I thought it was a bad idea. As it turns out, the way he's played, he probably was worth that pick and more. He's a breath of fresh air on a roster that generally lacks "characters".

I'm pleased with how he's turned out very early on. How he rebounds after his first poor game will tell us how pleased we'll be with him later smile.gif. Right now though, he's been our single greatest offseason impact.


Doom is in the box.

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Hopefully we won't see his first poor game anytime soon.

Bulldog I won't say Marty made 6 misses but Greer,Coleman and lack of a DT pickup doesn't get him off the hook.

He did the fair thing in giving Husak, Mythical Mookie etc a chance to succeed or fail. Now imagine the reaction if he had cut Husak and mythical Mookie back in April the experts would ve been all over him because of not giving the young potential a chance


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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Yep, ND I too would have jumping up and down, had they let Husak go in April.

Now I am feeling a little better, whew smile.gif

However, muy stomach still bothers me when I see George back there, and I am still waiting for that breakthtough year from this guy.

Mookie, Ok, I jumped on his bandwagon, thinking we could save a few bucks and have a gem. NO again I was wrong.

I have been reduced to a spectator only. I lack talent for picking sleepers, sleepwalkers, walk-ons, walk-all-overs, Hell I can't even pick waterboys Extremeskins beat me to the punch. laugh.gif Ok, that's enough for now, I am starting to depress myself, knowing I no longer know sh** about these new players and these organizational goings-ons, and who does what and when.

BUT, as a fan, I can watch a game (or read or listen) and know what the teams are SUPPOSED to DO and someone has to win and someone has to lose (no ties please).

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