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Need a suggestion for a good antacid

Murilo Bustamante

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I don't understand where you get this idea that these kinds of calls only go against the Redskins. I have cursed the officials out many times while watching Giant games this year. I certainly don't understand where you get the idea that the Giants are given anything by officials.

Bad calls by refs happen to every team. Maybe you should start watching more games than just Redskin games.

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No one complains about venom towards Texans. I lived in Texas and liked the people there, even though I was never a 'Girlz fan. And there's a lot of complaints about Philadelphians. But you have to give Philly fans credit- they stick with their team and give them a big home team advantage even though they have no rings. So if I can't stand the Giants, good for me.

I've never been mugged by any New Jerseyans (don't ask me about my own Marylanders though!) But I've seen so many calls go the Giants' way over the years, and often against us, that I really can't stand them. They're like the 49ers or the Cowboys in the way they get so many calls, except they've never done as much with them.

In fact, there was even an article in a Canadian paper a few years ago about some Giant cheating to make the playoffs the year they went to the Super Bowl (and got killed). The U.S. papers all shouted about it, but didn't really refute it.

Other examples:

1998 opener- holding call on Shar Pourdanesh negated a Skins' TD. Flag was thrown after TD was scored. Replay showed no holding.

Same game- another phantom holding call, this one on Darrell Green, negated a Marvcus Patton interception and moved the Midgets way down the field. Flag again thrown *after* it was clear there was an INT. They scored a few plays later. Giants end up winning the game by 7 points. Those two calls made the difference.

Last year (in our win). Giants are near our end zone. On 3rd and long, Collins sails one over the head of his receiver. A Skins' safety is covering and gets called for pass interference, putting the Giants on the 1 (where they scored from). Problem- replay shows that that safety was nowhere near ANYONE on the play. He didn't get within five feet of the intended receiver, who was wide open and Collins just overthrew. There is no way that was a "bad call." That was a blatantly corrupt call designed to affect the outcome of the game.

And many Giants fans are just as boorish as Philly fans (Mr. Tom above excluded). Last year, some of them found out where the Skins were staying and tried to make noise in the hotel lobby all night to keep the Skins awake.

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I understand that there have been calls against the Redskins when playing the Giants and any other team. I am sure you are correct. But the Giants had the same thing happen to them this year when a holding call went against Shockey and he barely even touched the guy forget about holding. Shockey also had an unnecessary roughness call against him that same game and the announcers were baffled as to why the refs called it against him. Rosenthal had a holding call go against him in another game and the announcers there too didn't like the call and neither did I. It happens to every team and the fans of that team feel the same way you feel every time it happens to their team. Trust me. You are not alone feeling that your team gets screwed on calls. I've seen many the Giants have gotten screwed on. I watch every game and I would say they have definitely gotten the short end of the calls more often than they have gotten the calls. This is why I am confused as to why you think the way you do about the Giants and referees. I disagree with you completely on this.

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