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WP: Quezzie May Be Cut


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I would love to see Skaggs get a shot. I am one of the guys who loves this kid and even though he has never done anything I would love to see him get a chance to return kicks. In camp he looked really good returning kicks. I don't know why Green was not used more but I wouldn't be totally upset if he was gone.

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Green, 5'9 and 168, had well-documented problems at Tampa. Namely, he was small by frame and had trouble handling physical coverages and he had questionable hands, dropping a couple of passes in the end zone to get himself planted on the bench his last year there.

I didn't see much of him in the preseason, but one has to believe that with the lack of productivity at wide receiver that if Green was showing that much in practice to his old coach, he would have gotten more time on the field.

The truth is he WAS supposed to beat out Thompson, McCants, etc. for the #2 receiver job and failed to do it.

Like Reidel Anthony he appears to be a player that despite his high status as a #2 draft pick, he has less than ideal measurables for success in the NFL.

He can return punts and kicks and did that his first 2 years in Tampa.

But we can activate Skaggs off the practice squad to handle those chores at a much lower price tag and probably get a player whose attitude about making the team and playing regularly will be a lot more positive than Green's probably has been.

I can't imagine that Green has been happy with being the #5 receiver on the team the past 6 weeks.

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Ba-bye Mr. Green, we hardly knew thee...

As far as I'm concerned, he hasn't shown the ability to crack the starting lineup since he got here. Heck, he dropped a touchdown in preseason this year. I think he rested on his laurels, the relationship and knowledge of the F N' G. He's done nothing since the season started.

It's time to start seeing what these other receivers can do. Giving McCants some playing time certainly hasn't been a disappointment, although he's the same exact mold as Gardner and Thompson. Skaggs has really good speed, and his heart and work ethic could be a spark for the receiving corp.

Welcome aboard Justin, now catch the damn ball!!!

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Originally posted by Cskin

Ba-bye Mr. Green, we hardly knew thee...

As far as I'm concerned, he hasn't shown the ability to crack the starting lineup since he got here. Heck, he dropped a touchdown in preseason this year. I think he rested on his laurels, the relationship and knowledge of the F N' G. He's done nothing since the season started.

It's time to start seeing what these other receivers can do. Giving McCants some playing time certainly hasn't been a disappointment, although he's the same exact mold as Gardner and Thompson. Skaggs has really good speed, and his heart and work ethic could be a spark for the receiving corp.

Welcome aboard Justin, now catch the damn ball!!!

Hey CSkin.. that's f**kin horsesh!t.

In this thread: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18274 you make apologies for Spurrier because he doesn't have the QB (ie. Shane Matthews) to make his system run and needs to be given the benefit of the doubt.

And now Jacquez Green - who was essentially handpicked by Spurrier himself - doesn't get the same that benefit from you? Shouldn't Green be given the benefit of doubt because he doesn't have that very same calibre of QB that Spurrier should be afforded? Isn't it the inadequate Shane Matthews who has been throwing the ball to Green?

You can't have it both ways.

According to your logic "we hardly knew thee"... I'd say we've had Spurrier just as long as we had Green no? Hasn't Spurrier said on at least 3 occasions now - at least once more in the preseason - that the blame could be directed squarely on his shoulders (ie. playcalling)? By that count... I say he's been more directly accountable to the Skins misfortunes than Mr. Green.

Unfortunately, Mr. Spurrier can't relegate himself to the sidelines because he already is. Instead, maybe he should spend more time in the office putting together better gameplans and learning how to coach in the NFL.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Hey CSkin.. that's f**kin horsesh!t.

Unfortunately, Mr. Spurrier can't relegate himself to the sidelines because he already is. Instead, maybe he should spend more time in the office putting together better gameplans and learning how to coach in the NFL.



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I didn't care too much for Lockett and I care even less for Green. Green runs sloppy routes and quits on patterns where he could easily use his speed to make a play. I can't say he's "resting on his laurels," but he definitely has not made the most of his role as a deep threat in this offense. I remember him complaining about his role in TB running curls and slants as not suiting a receiver of his size and skills. Well now he's in the ideal system for his talents and he's doing NOTHING.

The only reason I'd keep Green around is that, comparatively speaking, he knows what to do with a punt. Champ seems to have no clue when to field a punt, when to fair catch, and when to get the hell out of the way. And we don't appear to have any other players with extensive punt returning experience except for Darrell. And I DON'T want my 42 year old nickel back in that role.

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Does anyone know what the salary cap ramifications would be if we were to cut him now? The original deal was 3 years for $4.3 million...not sure about signing bonus. Here we go again...:doh:

By the way, I wouldn't exactly classify Jacquez as "cheap and available." Well, maybe "available." Would any other team out there have given him a 3 year, $4.3 million deal--or anything close to it--considering his uselessness in Tampa? :?:

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Originally posted by Larry Brown #43

Does anyone know what the salary cap ramifications would be if we were to cut him now? The original deal was 3 years for $4.3 million...not sure about signing bonus. Here we go again...:doh:

By the way, I wouldn't exactly classify Jacquez as "cheap and available." Well, maybe "available." Would any other team out there have given him a 3 year, $4.3 million deal--or anything close to it--considering his uselessness in Tampa? :?:

I actually think Tampa offered him about the same deal as we did. The Rams might have offered him something similar as well but I can't remember exactly.

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Quezzie received a $225K signing bonus, which would be applied in its entirety to this year's cap if he is released. We'd also free up $229K of his remaining base salary, but would have to add another player to the roster. Thus, our cap hit would be the remaining 7 game salary of whoever we sign-- making Skaggs the least expensive alternative.

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Originally posted by TXfbluvr

What about Robert Gillespie?

He is on the practice squad. He returned punts in pre-season. He did very well, if I remember correctly.

Wish he would be given a look again.


He did return punts and was always exciting when he carried the ball at UF. He's a perfect 3rd down running back, but SOS needs all the receivers he can get on the roster at this point because he can't get 3 that are consistently good. Depending on what happens with SD, you may see Gillespie on the active roster next year. He makes things happen and knows how to hit the hole.

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Settle down there. My reasoning for jettisoning Green is his lack of performance on the field. Hell, I'd like to send Matthews a bus ticket as well but I think the NFL QB position is a bit harder to fill than wideout. Other than the punt return, what has he done? If I'm not mistaken, and I'm certainly not a numbers guy, Green might have the most drops of any receiver on the club.

We haven't seen the speed he supposedly has, so his deep threat "potential" has come into question. He's dropped balls he should have caught, which if anything is S2's pet peeve. Why exactly would you hold onto the guy... cool nickname factor?

He was a bust in Tampa, and he's a bust for Washington. For that, he gets shown the county line.

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criticizing the QB play isn't necessarily inconsistent with saying that Green should be cut. I'm one who holds both views too.

Granted, Matthews'/Ramsey's/Wuerffel's struggles haven't helped, but why is it that Gardner, Thompson, McCants and even Doering and Lockett were able to make plays as WR's with those very same QB's and Green can't? Why is it that those guys seem to be able to get separation from the secondary when Green can't? Those things have less to do with QB play, and more to do with the WR's individual skills.

And the fact that Green has quit on a couple of plays were our struggling QB's actually delivered the ball to the right place on time is inexcusable.

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the presence of these ex-Gators was as complete a disappointment across the board as the acqusition of all those ex-Cowboys was during the Turner era :mad:

Green made little contribution. Ditto for Reidel Anthony. Ditto for Danny Wuerffel. Ditto for Chris Doering.

Maybe Willie Jackson will turn out to have some value for us down the road.

Here's to hoping :)

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This is an interesting situation. I hope this doesn't come across as Gatorhomerism, but really, who besides Gardner has done anything at wideout. Yes, it's easy to criticize Green, but also pretty easy criticize the rest of the receivers too. Who EXACTLY has stepped up and become our bona-fide great wideout. McCants, I love him and he's done a great job, and same goes for Thompson, but they're not necessarily lighting it up either. My only confusion is one of blame. Is it the abandonment of the running game, allowing defenses to put four in the box with extra pass coverage? Is it poor route running, or not finishing routes, or not coming back to the QB when a play is busted? Is it poor Oline play, excepting the past two week's performances? Is it crappy QB play? Is it flat out bad play-calling? Is it a combination of two or more of the above? My point is that Quezzie hasn't lit the world on fire, but no one else really has either, except for Gardner, and he won't be eating pineapples at the end of the year or anything; not that that is the only true barometer of a good season, but I'm just saying the passing game is struggling. And contrary to Bulldog's opinion about Doering, what do you expect from the guy?...how many other receivers in the league barely made the roster, and then went on to start a couple games, catching a touchdown? I'd venture to say very few. This is not to defend him; this is just to show the problems we're having, when the guy can come in with, what I see as, more talented, faster, receivers, yet he gets STARTS. I just don't think bashing one or two receivers, be they gators or not, is called for, as the whole passing game is looking bad. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I just think it's worth mentioning that having Quezzie on the team could be beneficial in the future if the passing game gets on track. I seem to remember a lot of compliments on this board about him when he was signed, but very few now only want to point to his flaws now, and again, no one else is lighting it up either. Was this too homer? It’s hard sometimes for me to differentiate from my affinity for the gators and what I think is best for the skins. In this case, my head is telling me that Quezzie can be an asset…I think it’s my head not my heart. Could be homerism, could be rationale.

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