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I Hate This Feeling...

pR0JEkT 21

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Today is monday and the worst part of all after a loss like yesterday is the fact that we had the lead, we were actually winning out right not by just a point we had a clear lead over those Falcons!

Now, what I did is wakeup and went to work and clocked in, but then the unexpected happened...they told me that there was no work for me today so I had to clock back out and go home. The sad thing about this is instead of working all day and trying NOT to think about the game...I have to replay the plays that could of changed the out come of the game ALL DAY!. For instance..that play when when Campbell should of took the sack instead of tossing it up and giving up the pic. Say we scored on that drive we would of been up 21 to 10 at that point. Now thos eare things I am talking about.

[highlight]Right now..I hate this feeling! I'm confused, upset, sad...LOST and ect. I am really strating to think that we might be jinxed, maybe someone put a curse on us...No disrespect to the Native Americans ok, I love all people, but maybe they did this to us because we are not willing to change our mascot name, our team name actually! What do you guys think..is this the reason?[/Highlight] :rolleyes:

Anyways, I have that same feeling right now that I did when I was dating this chick for a few years and then we broke up. You have that routine, your excited..blah, blah, blah and then all of the sudden its gone, thats kinda the same feeling I had before the season started and now ell, the season is practically gone there are no playoffs.

I'm still going to be a Redskin fan regardless, but sometimes I just wished that we had the same luck that some of these teams have. For ex: Bledsoe gets hurt and then bam..there pops out Brady out of the woodworks and the Pats win 3 Superbowls. Saints are not that great and all of the sudden they tear it up, they get a rookie like Colston who tears it up as well, see what I mean why can't that be us, that never happens to the Redskins, at least not recently!

I'm at a point where I just want to sit in a corner with my knees up to my chest in the dark and just wonder...WHY THE REDSKINS?????????? WHY, WHY, WHY? Incase you are wondering...no, I am not breathing cold air at this point and seeing dead people ok, so don't get too excited! ;)

I would like to finish by saying that I love the Redskins and I hope that things get better in the up and coming seasons..H.T.T.R!

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***we arent jinxed...I dont believe in jinxes...if we were "jinxed" we wouldnt have pulled off the miracle against the hated rival Cowboys. We just arent good...lots of teams in lots of sports arent good...right now we are one of them.

It has been a slow death for me. The game where I felt similar to you was after the week 2 smashing the Cowboys gave to us.

I knew right then and there that the season was over in terms of "Playoffs". I realized that this team was all messed up and was not going to live up to expectations.

I mentally crawled into the same corner....the following week 2 got out...because we won vs. Houston. But I have become numb to the losses now. Sure they suck, but I dont lose sleep or mope around anymore. The problem, IMHO, is accepting our situation. We/I dont like it but I have come to accept that we arent good. Once you do that you can move on from the sorrow that accompanies a losing season.

I thought the Vikings game was a FLUKE...but the Dallas loss was a true reality check on the fact this team wasnt going anywhere....sure it was only week 2 but c'mon...did anyone actually think we were "contenders" after that? All our weaknesses came to a pinnacle, on national tv no less...vs. of course the Dallas Cowboys.

I think I kindof died inside after that, knowing the season was going to be disaster.

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It has been a slow death for me. The game where I felt similar to you was after the week 2 smashing the Cowboys gave to us.

I knew right then and there that the season was over in terms of "Playoffs". I realized that this team was all messed up and was not going to live up to expectations.

I mentally crawled into the same corner....the following week I got out...because we won. But I have become numb to the losses now. Sure they suck, but I dont lose sleep or mope around anymore. The Dallas loss was a true reality check on the fact this team wasnt going anywhere....I think I kindof died inside after that, knowing the season was going to be disaster.

I thought they would be better then this, but I agree. After the Dallas loss, somebody said, but you wouldn't expect them to beat a good Dallas team in Dallas, and I said, but it is the way they looked in losing.

It's hard especially when expectations were so high.

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It has been a slow death for me. The game where I felt similar to you was after the week 2 smashing the Cowboys gave to us.

I knew right then and there that the season was over in terms of "Playoffs". I realized that this team was all messed up and was not going to live up to expectations.

I mentally crawled into the same corner....the following week I got out...because we won. But I have become numb to the losses now. Sure they suck, but I dont lose sleep or mope around anymore. The Dallas loss was a true reality check on the fact this team wasnt going anywhere....I think I kindof died inside after that, knowing the season was going to be disaster.

Nothing new here.

It's the same feeling we have EVERY year. (Except last year)

After this long, you start getting used to it, then laugh about it.

My buddy at work is a die hard Cowpies fan.

And when we talk about football on Mondays, I always laugh when I tell him we got our asses handed to us by a pathetic team and then I laugh hysterically!!!!!!

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I thought they would be better then this, but I agree. After the Dallas loss, somebody said, but you wouldn't expect them to beat a good Dallas team in Dallas, and I said, but it is the way they looked in losing.

It's hard especially when expectations were so high.

I couldnt have said it any better...your dead right.

We looked like we hadnt ever played the game of football on either side of the ball. The sad thing is the Cowboys had about 8 dropped passes...we could've lost 41-10 very easily.

For me the Redskins are my #1 hobby/passion...HANDS DOWN. There is no way I can change it or reverse it. Its out of my control. Its part of who I am.

It pains me to see us in this debacle of a season. But, everyone will be 0-0 here within about 2 months. If I could push fast forward and it be training camp again I would...until then...I live & die with the team til January.

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U go from classy to trashy overnight.

What a loser.

I wouldnt book your super bowl hotels in Miami just yet.

I didn't say anything about a Super Bowl. I just come over here to wallow in your defeatist attitudes from time to time. It's pretty amusing.

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I didn't say anything about a Super Bowl. I just come over here to wallow in your defeatist attitudes from time to time. It's pretty amusing.

cut the jokes. Its called being a fan. Ups and downs. Still fans.

Sorry we cant run and just choose another favorite team.

I guess we should just start playoff threads and what not on what we have to do to get there.

I guess you've never followed a team that suffered a bad loss, losing season etc.

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cut the jokes. Its called being a fan. Ups and downs. Still fans.

Sorry we cant run and just choose another favorite team.

I guess we should just start playoff threads and what not on what we have to do to get there.

I guess you've never followed a team that suffered a bad loss, losing season etc.

Whether I've followed a team that has lost a lot of games before, which I have, is completely irrelevant. You are the losers right now, and I am enjoying it. End of story.

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Whether I've followed a team that has lost a lot of games before, which I have, is completely irrelevant. You are the losers right now, and I am enjoying it. End of story.

The funny thing is that in 2007 when Homo-Romo sits to pee finally tanks and his flash in the pan is over; when the cowpies are wallowing in third place in the NFC east wondering what went wrong, this will be the same guy chasing gloating Skins fans off the Brokeback board telling them to get a life. Guarentee it! :laugh:

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I'm still going to be a Redskin fan regardless, but sometimes I just wished that we had the same luck that some of these teams have. For ex: Bledsoe gets hurt and then bam..there pops out Brady out of the woodworks and the Pats win 3 Superbowls. Saints are not that great and all of the sudden they tear it up, they get a rookie like Colston who tears it up as well, see what I mean why can't that be us, that never happens to the Redskins, at least not recently!

You mean like a season where:

-a "washed-up" QB plays out of his mind until late-December riding one WR and one H-Back

-a RB sets the team record for rushing yards

-a WR sets the team record for receiving yards

-a relatively no-name defense finishes 9th in the NFL

-the team rallies behind a HOF coach to rise from the dead at 5-6 to win 5 straight regular season games and then win a road playoff game

You mean luck like that? I think we got to experience it rather recently. Granted I want much more, but let's not act like good things never happen to us...

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You mean like a season where:

-a "washed-up" QB plays out of his mind until late-December riding one WR and one H-Back

-a RB sets the team record for rushing yards

-a WR sets the team record for receiving yards

-a relatively no-name defense finishes 9th in the NFL

-the team rallies behind a HOF coach to rise from the dead at 5-6 to win 5 straight regular season games and then win a road playoff game

You mean luck like that? I think we got to experience it rather recently. Granted I want much more, but let's not act like good things never happen to us...

Yeah, you can say that..or even like when the Pittsburgh Steelers won all those games in a row and went all the way to win the superbowl, I'm talking about like that..or even having real good luck in the draft. We've been ok in the draft dept for instance Cooley, Taylor and etc, but to have a rookie that makes an immediate impact on the team would be even better!
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Yeah, you can say that..or even like when the Pittsburgh Steelers won all those games in a row and went all the way to win the superbowl, I'm talking about like that..or even having real good luck in the draft. We've been ok in the draft dept for instance Cooley, Taylor and etc, but to have a rookie that makes an immediate impact on the team would be even better!

I guess I see your point. But about 25 other teams have the same gripe.

NE got a huge break with Brady. The Saints are a horrible example since all they've done so far is put themselves in the playoff hunt. If they go on to win this SB, then you can use them as an example.

All in all, we haven't been too fortunate, but one of these days we'll climb that mountain again and it'll feel that much better since we've suffered this long!

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Honestly, the redskins aren't worth this much stress. They are a poor team, but they are run by even poorer individuals. This team could be competitive if it was coached properly and run by the right people, but it's not. The problems are so systemic in the organization that no group of players will likely be able to overcome them. And you worrying about it won't make any difference. Until they seriously change some things at redskins park, you will see this over and over again.

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my whole life (I was 2 and 6 when we won our last 2 super bowls) has been the Redskins losing...I really thought the Gibbs magic was finally back......the only season I can remember being this let down is 2000 (another season we were suppossed to win it all) and 2003 when the players quit on Spurrier after a 3-1 start..........so depressed right now

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You mean like a season where:

-a "washed-up" QB plays out of his mind until late-December riding one WR and one H-Back

-a RB sets the team record for rushing yards

-a WR sets the team record for receiving yards

-a relatively no-name defense finishes 9th in the NFL

-the team rallies behind a HOF coach to rise from the dead at 5-6 to win 5 straight regular season games and then win a road playoff game

You mean luck like that? I think we got to experience it rather recently. Granted I want much more, but let's not act like good things never happen to us...

Very nicely done. I haven't been on here very long but many people already know I live in Philly and I HATE the eagles. I HATE em. I am a diehard skins fan and up here it is relentless and to add to what TD said those sorry ****s haven't EVER won one! Not one!! I have to admit I am sick of saying that every time they talk crap to me about my "deadskins" but I have seen three superbowl victories in my life. And our current head coach is the one who got us there. I am in agony. I am awaiting a trouncing next week by a Garcia led Eagles team to add to the insults, comments and jokes I get day in and day out up here about our skins but I will always have the memories of jumping up and down for a 30 point second quarter, a trouncing of the Bills in 91, Riggo barreling through the Dolphins, all of it!! I will eat s**** all year, and the year after that, and the year after that if necessary but I know we'll be back and that actually more than some teams can say. . . just ask Philly who is probably waiting another 23 years to go back and lose. HAIL!!! :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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Honestly, the redskins aren't worth this much stress. They are a poor team, but they are run by even poorer individuals. This team could be competitive if it was coached properly and run by the right people, but it's not. The problems are so systemic in the organization that no group of players will likely be able to overcome them. And you worrying about it won't make any difference. Until they seriously change some things at redskins park, you will see this over and over again.

Yep, you are right. But after another typical offseason by the Skins, I am sure a great many on this site will be predicting a Super Bowl season by the Skins next season. And unless things change from the top on down, the Skins will most likely disappoint next season too.

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