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WP: Wilbon Chat 11-27


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Michael Wilbon discussed Jason Campbell, the Redskins, Art Monk and the HOF, and the ESPN article about the Skins in today's Chat House. Here's his comment on Jason Campbell:

Tommy , Charlotte, N.C.:
Hey Mike, Jason Campbell is the first QB for the Redskins since your boy Theismann to show he may stick around. What's your take?

I know its early, but he looks poised.

Michael Wilbon:
Whenever you get ready to make a grand declaration about a quarterback after two starts remember the name Gus Frerotte...I bet you had him here for a dozen years, too, didn't you? Look, Campbell has been good. Actually, he's been better than good. And the poise he's demonstrated has been the coolest thing, I think. His whold demeanor is what I'd want from a quarterback. Remember, I was pushing for this kid to get some snaps in real games more than a month ago...But it's two games. Two. 2. Dos. Let's not get chesty.

Click the link at the top of this post to read the rest of the chat.

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The comparison to Frerotte's start is a poor one, mostly because Frerotte never showed that he could do it in the toughest conference in college football on a national stage.

He was more of an unknown comodity.

If I see a solid start from a guy who has done nothing but win/perform everywhere he's been -vs- a solid start from a guy that nobody has heard of and nobody is expecting much of... well, pardon me if I get a little bit more excited about the first guy. :)

Although the larger point, that it has been only two games, is one I agree with.

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