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Petition to fire Gregg Williams


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Why is so many people wanting our coaches to call our players out in the media? What is up with that? I appreciate the fact they don't stir up a bunch of controversy by calling guys out in the media. I am pretty confident Gibbs and Williams handle their business behind closed doors. The quickest way to lose the player's respect is by saying "they missed an assignment," or "they suck" to the press.

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HA HA HA. You think one bad year is going to change my position on Gregg Williams?

The only thing we might have messed up was letting go of key Free Agents. Those were core players, and made our defense have an attitude and swagger. You can thank Gregg Williams for the playoffs last year, you can thank Gregg Williams for convincing Gibbs to draft Sean Taylor. He created the hardest hitting defense in the league the past two seasons.

One year when the offense is playing worse than ever, and you want to yell at Gregg for having a seemingly good offseason go bad? Please, Gregg Williams stays. Period.

Look up his record, my friend. He has had as many defenses in the BOTTOM 10 as he has had in the TOP 10. Every time he has left a team, the players AND the fans were elated he was leaving. Everything in this article has been said (in more general terms) by players and/or owners on the teams he has left. He has used up the players here, and is NOT going to right the ship unless he brings in 20 new defensive players to replace everyone he as been verbally abusing all season. I have been saying the same stuff that's in this article for the past few weeks. You don't have to read quotes from a player. JUST WATCH THE TEAM!!!!! Not only are they playing terrible, not only are the schemes obvious to the opponents, but the PLAYERS are clearly gooing INTO games demoralized, and totally lack confidence. These are coaching issues, not talent issues.

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Look up his record, my friend. He has had as many defenses in the BOTTOM 10 as he has had in the TOP 10. Every time he has left a team, the players AND the fans were elated he was leaving. Everything in this article has been said (in more general terms) by players and/or owners on the teams he has left. He has used up the players here, and is NOT going to right the ship unless he brings in 20 new defensive players to replace everyone he as been verbally abusing all season. I have been saying the same stuff that's in this article for the past few weeks. You don't have to read quotes from a player. JUST WATCH THE TEAM!!!!! Not only are they playing terrible, not only are the schemes obvious to the opponents, but the PLAYERS are clearly gooing INTO games demoralized, and totally lack confidence. These are coaching issues, not talent issues.



He will complete his job soon, ST couldnt care less these days.. So him and M Washington can go now!!


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Warrick Holdman isnt any better than what Arrington was or is.

No he's not, but he is available. Look, it's not Arrington's fault he got injured (in NY), but why do people on here STILL want to keep a player on this team who ends up missing most of the season and pay him MEGABUCKS for doing so? He didn't end up out for the season in '05 because he hardly played. If the Giants let him go after this year, do you honestly believe Giant fans will be ****ing for him to stay or that the franchise ripped him off? His days are over, and yet people on here STILL want him here so they can put a "MR. REDSKIN" sign over his head and pay him big time to display it on the sideline. Of course, he'll be showing his Cheshire grin all the way thru because even he'd know what idiots we've become.

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Everyone keeps saying that GW's defense was so awesome the past two years and he's proven he can do the job. And that's totally true. But it's also what scares me. How does a defense go from #3 and #9 to #30? Two years in the top ten, then dropped to nearly the worst in the league, and dead last in some categories?

The question has to be asked: "What changed?"

If (by and large) the same group of players remained, and suddenly ALL of them are failing to perform, doesn't that raise some suspicion on the coach? Anyone who watches the games has, at least at one point, shaken their head at the television and muttered (or perhaps yelled), "What are they doing out there?" It's not just our line, or our backers, or our secondary. All of the players on the field are playing horribly. Our notoriously aggressive defense has been on it's heels all season. How does the defense ranked by NFL players as the 3rd roughest and hardest to play against in the entire league become, in the space of one off-season, a laughingstock?

The the article comes out. Whether or not some of the more pointed and opinionated comments in the article are true, some things stick out as really troubling.

The fact that the defensive secondary doesn't meet as a unit is absolutely nuts. If what the article says is true about Jackson teaching the safeties to not read the QB while in the Cover-2, but to read the receivers in order to stuff the run, there's no wonder as to why our safeties are getting beat on play action over and over. If this guy ruins Sean Taylor - arguably the most physically and instinctually gifted player on the team - I can't even describe the waste it would be.

Everyone noticed even before the article came out how often we were running the Cover-2. I'm willing to bet a good sum of money that we're the only team in the league that runs the Cover-2 more than 50% of the time. And it's not even a real Tampa-2, so we don't have anyone in the mid/deep middle guarding the pass. We have a scheme so easy to figure out that it's made QBs like Young and Gradkowski look like Peyton Manning.

I'd go into more, but, it's game time.

I'm not calling for Williams' head, at least not yet. But some serious changes need to be made to this defense. I refuse to believe that the players who were on the #3 and #9-ranked defense the past two years have suddenly lost all talent and drive.

Hopefully Gibbs will shake things up a bit, and stop the problems that have afflicted our defense all year long.

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Gregg has been a good coach for many years this is the only year he hasnt done well in our defense. He deserves another chance if he slips up next year fire his ass.

Bring in another corner I dont think Gregg Williams offense is built around the defenseline push. Bring in another two good line backers and we'll be good.

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I think people are missing a key point here. Being a football coach, and especially a pro coach, has a lot to do with politics. The article paints the picture as though we are about to become like the Raiders in Norv Turner's last year, when the players were literally going to the press and saying that they aren't going to play for their coach. That's a pretty damaging thing for Williams. This is the kind of article that can get someboy fired. Whether the "anonymous player", who has no balls, was legit or not, the article and information is out there, and I don't expect Snyder and Gibbs to just do nothing. If Williams isn't fired, he will probably be strongly censured by Snyder and/or Gibbs, or demoted in some fashion, maybe losing his "Associate Head Coach" title.

In other words, this "petition", as you call it, even though you didn't ask anybody to sign it, isn't going to hold any water, because something will be done, because Williams' image is now tarnished.

The people talking about getting a new GM, I believe, are on the right track. It doesn't matter how much of an ass a coach is, as long as he doesn't control anything more than he should. If Williams underestimates the players, if he puts his coaching over the talent, then he is in the wrong. Any GM in the NFL worth his salt would have laughed in William's face when he told them that Arrington, or Smoot, or Champ, and especially Pierce, were replaceable. It's sad to think about how much that guy knows about football, and how much he apparently doesn't understand about football players.

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Guest HailSkinsFromIndy

What we do know is that GW is an ass. He does believe schemes have as much if not more to do with the positive performance of the team.

We do know that he has had multiple problems with players. He has clashed with many people. This has not happened with Gibbs or Saunders as of yet.

We do know that he can be a dick.

We do know that he got run out of town once - one of the problems was cited as his attitude.

Whats to think it wont happen again?

I think there is plenty of history with GW to know 2 things:

1. He doesnt do well personally with players and has been run out of town once.

2. He is a great defensive mind

You make the decision.

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I think there is plenty of history with GW to know 2 things:

1. He doesnt do well personally with players and has been run out of town once.

2. He is a great defensive mind

You make the decision.

I'll take the guy who makes his players want to go out on the field and hit everybody in the mouth, hard, the guy who feeds his players' passions.

Schemes, eh, they can help, but I'd rather have a guy run a standard defense and get everything that can possibly be gotten from his players than have a defensive genius come in and throw his ego around.

on another note, if you've played football, then you have at one time or another had a coach who was a real ass. It's part of the game, dealing with coaches who treat you miserably. However, these men are all professionals, and peers, or are at least supposed to be. And as a professional, you don't have to put up with a peer treating you like a piece of ****. You are a part of a machine, and if something is not flowing well, and you know why, you, as a professional, have an obligation to bring these matters to the forefront for the betterment of all of the rest of your peers.

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So did I miss the petition to make Gregg Williams the new president of the United States after he ressurected our defense a couple seasons ago?

Do we not recall all the concerns that people had about our defense going into our first season with Gibbs back as coach? We turned out to be a very nice surprise that year - most of the credit needs to be given to GW for that.

We aren't the first team ever to experience a down year after a great one a season ago, and we certainly won't be the last.

Winning is difficult in this league. Period.

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Look, Williams should be humbled now that ESPN article came out about him and his arrogance. To think your system is the reason you are good, and not the players abilities, has proven to be wrong. You need the players to make your system work.

I think you will see a new defense now. They looked great today, and if they work on it, this defense could be back where they belong.

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