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Time To Crank Up The Two A Days


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With the piss poor attitude the team has shown, I think that as punishment for each loss Gibbs should schedule a Monday through Friday work week with 2 a day practice. No off days for the players until they show they can play basic sound football.

Why hasn't this happened, and why hasn't anybody been cut for laying down without Gibbs' permission?

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The key is to work their asses off in training camp. This entire preseason was too cushy and luxurious this season. They all thought they were superbowl bound, including the coaches, and that they could ride a red carpet to miami, or wherever the hell it is this year. They need to get back to basics, and have a tough, grueling training camp that prepares them for the season ahead. That's probably why this team disappears in every 2nd half - they just aren't tough enough to hang with professional teams.

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yeah at the mid point in the season lets go ahead and take a beligured team and make them do 2 a days.

Good point, let's let the multi-millionaires have a few days off. In fact, starting with Adam Archuleta, Andre Carter, Warrick Holdman, Carlos, and Lemar, let's let them have the entire week off. In an all-inclusive Caribbean resort in fact.

Who cares if we don't' tackle? It's not like we need to improve on fundamentals on defense.

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I agree, someone needs to man up here and start working the piss out of these guys. I could understand if I actually saw some freaking quality play out there. Atleast some damn emotion once in a while. But everyday the team just struts out onto the field like they don't give a **** if they win or lose. I'm getting tired of it. You're getting paid millions of dollars to play a ****ing game for a living. LEARN HOW TO TACKLE AND THEN YOU CAN GET A DAY OFF!

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Forgive me if this has been covered, but some theorize that Gibbs was too light on the players during training camp. Thus, they're getting the snot knocked out of them during games. But, if you want to talk about punishments, I think wind sprints in full pads ought to do the trick.

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