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Is there really such a thing as a nice fun guy????


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The good guy is the one alone, because women don't really want to be with him.

The bad guy can't shake the women off of him...

Its all about the numbers and if you get lucky enough to find someone willing to spend the calories and TRY... It's not about Men, its about people that go into a relationship thinking about Changing the other person..

I believe this is a 200 paragraph explanation on a person... not a man.

I see the capital TRY. I will raise my hand and say as of late.....since ole boy left me......I am NOT doing much in the TRYING area. I know that is wrong.

But, RIGHT NOW, it is what it is.

I will be like Miss Scarlett...........I will TRY............ tomorrow.



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The good guy is the one alone, because women don't really want to be with him.

The bad guy can't shake the women off of him...

Its all about the numbers and if you get lucky enough to find someone willing to spend the calories and TRY... It's not about Men, its about people that go into a relationship thinking about Changing the other person..

I believe this is a 200 paragraph explanation on a person... not a man.

I'll admit that I like some excitement in a relationship. I like a guy to have some interests that I do. And yes there has to be some attraction physically to be with the person,some spark anyway. I don't care if they have alot of money. I don't want someone irresponsilble with money and in heavy debt no.

I don't know why woman don't like good guys.

Surely their not all boring??????? I can't answer you on that.

I know alot of people think they can change someone . Maybe it's for excitement or maybe for an ego boost.

I don't have an answer for that either.

Edit: "The End" is right:) Of course, anyone feel free to post if you have another thought to add.

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I have read your posts of late. I am so sorry you are so unhappy. Even in my worst moments, I can not imagine leaving my life.

Another question to go along with all of this is: DO WE HAVE A SOULMATE? Is there ONE person out there for us? If we pass them by.....will we never find happiness?

Just another thought.

I do not have one man in my life right now.......but I love my life. I have lots of fun. And I know the men that have been in my life and tried to be in my life.....and I don't want to be serious with any of them. Well......except one. And if it is meant to be, he and I will come back together later in life. In the mean time, I will continue to go forward.

Woofer......I wish you the best.....I wish you find happiness.

You too R2R.



Thanks. I appreciate your thoughts. I hope you find the right man for you. I've gotten to know you a little through your posts and stuff. You deserve a good man, and you will eventually find him.

it was long time ago, but maybe you remember the story I posted about the girl I said goodbye to at the train station. If I did have a soulmate, it may have been her.

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Thanks Blondie that's sweet of you to say,and I hope you find complete happiness. I know your happy,but I think you know what I mean.

And I feel bad for you Woofer and you know that. I wish you would cheer up and could find someway to cheer yourself up.

Good question about soulmates,Blondie.

I've often wondered about that myself.

I've also felt like fate stepped in and or I blew it,lol.:D :doh:

Guess I'm just not too optimistic right now,but I always try to keep my sense of humor,even if it kills me.:)

Thanks R2R. You're a sweet lady too, and you deserve happiness as well. some of us, though, seemed destined to never find the one true love of their life. Pity.

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Thanks R2R. You're a sweet lady too, and you deserve happiness as well. some of us, though, seemed destined to never find the one true love of their life. Pity.

Your very welcome Woof,and thank you too.:)

I don't think any of us should give up on love,after all the chase can be fun,even if we never catch um or keep um.;):silly:

I know people are getting tired of this thread,they want it history ASAP,lol.

But hey there is plenty of election stuff on here to look at,and football.

So just calm down it will be gone soon enough

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:logo: Reading thru this post, parts of it sound like me. I thought I found my soulmate, but he left me for a younger woman in Brazil, where he is still searching for his fantasy woman. Mid-life crisis problem.

He was not a redskins fan, could care less about watching football with me, so now I spend my time being happy with friends and new fellow redskins fans I meet at skins events. In addition, I try to stay active with fundraisers and special events that put me around positive people doing things in the community. Maybe I will find a person with similar interests. My career does not allow me to socially mingle with others in the workplace, medical field.

Going to redskins games, I look around me thinking, somewhere here among 90,000 plus people he may be here and somehow we will meet.

I do have male friends , that we talk and sometimes just hang out, but we grew up together in the same close-knit neighborhood, and after all these years we can still be friends while they are married, divorced or with girlfiriends...maybe because they make it a point to introduce us, and say I am like a sister to them, and they see me at our football get togethers at someone's house. Yet, outside of them, it is hard to find new ,male, just friends.

I've been told how attractive I am especially for my age, since I look a lot younger than I am. Yet, it's hard out there to pick thru the frogs again!

Good luck and take care to all of you.:logo:

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I think now we've put our finger on the problem here...

If the person you were with isn't a 'Skins fan, it just ain't gonna work! :laugh:

Actually one isn't really much of a football fan. He says he likes the Cowboys,and has always been a Dolphins fan.

I like the Dolphins,but I like the Skins. Pukes??????????? OMG that should have killed it right there.

I love football period,alot of sports.

I just love action.;) Need I say more?

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Woofer, If you think she may have been the one ....ehhh... She certainly wasnt. You will know if she is the one. Its easy, there is no work. There is no drama. Honesty is the key.

KDawg: In a few years when you mature I am certain you will find a great woman. If you want details PM me.

Blondie, I love you hon. You have the right idea but stay focused. Never settle, if you settle you will be unhappy at some point or just complacent.

R2R, Elaborate on the "action" phrase...Dems jus' Jokes. haha.

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Apparently, it's happened again. Only this time, there was not even any romantic interest, "just friends".

Guess that does not make a difference, huh? At least she'll have lots of company in the hills, I've been sending a lot of them up there.

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Well if it makes you feel any better R2R, I am currently trying to get to Maine to be with a girl I've had a huge crush on since 9th grade...unfortunately she moved from Manassas. Last night we sat on the phone for 7hrs and both have agreed things would not involve sex more than likely until the possibility of marriage. I also sang her to sleep last night. Plus we're not all shallow, some of us would rather be entertained by the girl not the body.

Not to mention the fact, that the girl i was once engaged to and i was with for 2 years cheated on me with my ex best friend...and got pregnate with his child. So I too can understand your feelings towards the opposite sex, but if you find the right one...you gotta do everything in your power to make it work.

Ok im sorry but this has had me laughing since i read it....

maybe your singing is what drives your girls to do your ex best friends and have their babies.. just a thought...:2cents:

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Apparently, it's happened again. Only this time, there was not even any romantic interest, "just friends".

Guess that does not make a difference, huh? At least she'll have lots of company in the hills, I've been sending a lot of them up there.

Now Woof,I think your post is just WRONG.

And you know why I say that.

I sent you a PM for the record.

It seems like when everything doesn't work out the way you would like,you put yourself down and knock a woman for it.:doh:

Who's heading for the hills?

Ive never been into the hills really,too filled with the sound of music.(the wrong kind of music) :) I'm just being silly this afternoon.:silly:

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I agree with Sarge. Best to solidify whatever it is going on with your husband, be it going your separate ways, before entering into any other relationship. We all need healing after any relationship ends, and you don't want to bring that un-health into your next relationship. (I know, that's a word i made up)

I say that to say this. Don't give up or blame men for one or even 27 failed relationships. I had to go through a couple devils before I met the most wonderful guy imaginable, who first became my best friend, who listens and understands better than any girlfriend I have (sorry, girls :silly: ), who I'm totally in love with, and have more passion with than I could have dreamed of. When you click, you click. And when you've been through hell, it will only make you appreciate heaven more.

There ARE good, nice guys out there. If you heal from this relationship, gather yourself back up and become happy with just yourself, stop ignoring the red flags the misleading guys send and stay away from them, you will set yourself free to find the mate of your life, an angel even.

At least, that's what happened to me. :D

(and if it happened to me, it could happen to you). :cool:

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There ARE good, nice guys out there. If you heal from this relationship, gather yourself back up and become happy with just yourself, stop ignoring the red flags the misleading guys send and stay away from them, you will set yourself free to find the mate of your life, an angel even.

Very well said. I think the same holds true for women.

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