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Living in Texas


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As some of you know i was supposed to be moving to Richmond VA. Well my job decided a better position awaited me in Houston. So here i am the biggest Redskin Slappy in the world moving to enemy territory. Well i had a chance to visit my new Stomping Grounds while searching for a home for my family and I and this is what i came away with.

Houston is BEAUTIFUL. The cost of Living in Houston is VERY inexpensive.

Nobody and i mean nobody slammed me for being a Skins fan, I got an awful lot of "What they hell is wrong with the Skins" comments.

I ran into about 30million Puke fans and the resounding theme was, Has Gibbs Lost it? I even got (Gasp) some intelligent takes on the Skins. I had a long discussion with my new co-workers all of whom agreed that letting go of Pierce set our team back and that everyone in the South is eager to see Jason Campbell. Being from Big Ten country i didn't see much of J. Campbell but they seem to believe from having seen him that he is a stud and will be a star for us.

Alot of the Pukes actually want the skins to get better because they look forward to the "Big Showdown".

My new Project Lead(Boss) said he actually roots for the skins to do good because as he puts it "He feels sorry for us". His take was that we have to many Chefs in the Kitchen and that Gibbs is throwing the season away by sticking with Brunell.

THE RADIO STATIONS: Well i got to hear alot of Sports Talk and one comment that pissed me off was when one of the Guys said, "The Skins mean nothing anymore and that the Boys look forward to the Giants and Eagles and that Gibbs should be embarrased at what the "Million Dollar Boys" have put on the field this year.They went on to comment on how much talent we have on the team and were just baffled by the fact that we have been stinking up the League. :helmet:

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There are many of us here.

You will not be all alone or special because you are a Skins fan in Houston. WE are all over the place and some of us live here in DALLAS.

Welcome to Texas. It is a wonderful state.

You will however, hate Houston in summer.

Trust me.


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There are many of us here.

You will not be all alone or special because you are a Skins fan in Houston. WE are all over the place and some of us live here in DALLAS.

Welcome to Texas. It is a wonderful state.

You will however, hate Houston in summer.

Trust me.


Yes i have been told how HOT it gets, I guess i am somewhat used to extremes having lived my entite life around Lake Erie(Ohio&MICH) where its gets -5 in the winter and 95 in the summer. But yes i am not looking forward to sweating to death.

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There are many of us here.

You will not be all alone or special because you are a Skins fan in Houston. WE are all over the place and some of us live here in DALLAS.

Welcome to Texas. It is a wonderful state.

You will however, hate Houston in summer.

Trust me.


Ya welcome. Texas is a great state with a crappy football team. :cheers: Shes right about the summers.

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Forget the heat....You will hate the humidity much more in the summer. As soon as you walk outside you feel this sudden need to go back in and take a shower again. Other that that its a great place. One of my best friends lives in Clear Lake and he loves it there.

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Forget the heat....You will hate the humidity much more in the summer. As soon as you walk outside you feel this sudden need to go back in and take a shower again. Other that that its a great place. One of my best friends lives in Clear Lake and he loves it there.

I am used to humidity living in MI i am surrounded by the Great Lakes and it gets COLD in the winter and Hot and Humid in the summer, although i am well aware Houston will be an entirely different type of heat. I will be sweating like ****a Kinte with a white woman. :doh: (Im Black so i guess i can say that)

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I agree, I don't know what these people are talking about. Texas is not a place I will ever move too.

And we promise not to ask you to move here.

This is my HOME.....native......never moved out of here.........never intend to move out of here.

How many times have you visited this state Fred? How long did you stay?

I enjoy visiting Virginia and DC........but it is great to come home.


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And we promise not to ask you to move here.

This is my HOME.....native......never moved out of here.........never intend to move out of here.

How many times have you visited this state Fred? How long did you stay?

I enjoy visiting Virginia and DC........but it is great to come home.


This is my 3rd move and i guess thats the life of someone who works for Dupont. I was born and raised in Ohio "GO BUCKEYS" i transfered to MI and the Wolverines get as much love from me as the Pukes, and Now here come the Lone Star state. I am actually looking forward to the move now that i know that is where i am going but i think, no i know alot of people feel the same way Fred does. Just Because it's TEXAS, it just seem strange for someone to actually live in Texas, but here i come. by the way if you guys didn't hear my Wife has a huge crush on Rachel Ray and i am fine with that. :cheers:

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After today, Texas should be a great place for a Redskins fan to live.:)

Wear your colors proudly!

Be assured that i will be agrivating CowBoy fans up close and personal and i will wear my colors PROUDLY and be just as annoying as humanly possible. :dallasuck

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Thats the fun thing about living here! :cheers:

Hey just do me a favor if you ever hear about a situation involving an African American in nothing but a pair of wing tips and a Redskin bandana running from the Police after pimp smacking Jerry Jones please come to my aid and help me escape the PoE Poe.

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I will be moving to Clear Lake

are you serious, i live in clear lake! good to have another soldier in enemy territory.you will find that there are plenty of skins fans in the Houston area,so you are not alone..HAIL!!!!!:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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are you serious, i live in clear lake! good to have another soldier in enemy territory.you will find that there are plenty of skins fans in the Houston area,so you are not alone..HAIL!!!!!:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

I hope so, well i will be getting back to you before i move :dallasuck :cheers:

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are you serious, i live in clear lake! good to have another soldier in enemy territory.you will find that there are plenty of skins fans in the Houston area,so you are not alone..HAIL!!!!!:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

Hey, you both live in the same state, city and you're just about the same age.

You guys can be best friends! ExtremeSkins continues to do what it does best.... making best friends out of strangers.

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