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If Youre Going To The Cowboys Game Be As Loud And Crazy As You Have Ever Been!


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Forget our record. Forget all the bad times this season(and I know there has been quite a few). Dallas is next and there is no better time to beat them. We have a duty as fans. All of you going to the game better show those Cowboy fans we dont play around. Dont take thier crap. I want people around the country watching on TV to be reminded that Redskin fans live to hate Dallas. Be as loud and crazy as you have ever been in your life. I want to bring back the chant. You know exactly what I'm talking about and not enough of you do it. Before the game chant "WE WANT DALLAS" so loud that those stupid cowgirls shake in thier boots.

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Against the Titans, when we started booing our Offense off the field.... everything went wrong soon afterwards. Our Special Teams came out to punt and we all know what happened. I think Brunell forced that pass cuz he wanted to get everyone behind him too. Please... I've said it a number of times already. Don't boo our team when we aren't playing that well. Not ever, especially not against Dallas. Be quiet, don't cheer, etc... but PLEASE don't boo them. It just makes things worse and it gets into the heads of our players. The other team feels like they're at home too.

It killed me to hear that against the Titans. I knew it was only downhill from there, and I was right... I just didn't expect it to come on the punt and so soon.

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I aint gone lie. I have been hard on this team the last 2 weeks. But I love this team and I am still behind them. I wish i could go to the game. So if you are going please get loud and cheer. This is our on superbowl. We can not get swept by this team. Because you all now we wont hear the end of it from Cowgay fans. I wish I could give a speech to this team. I hope we stump a mud hole in the cowboys ass. Santana ! If you read this ! Dog you have to play! This is Dallas! Wrap up, take the shot, take a pill, Take a drink. Whatever to get you ready. He has to play. We need all bullets in the gun. I hate Dallas! LETS GO SKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dont worry man, we dont have to give them a speech, we just have be as louder than we have ever been.

Watch this video


Was Fed Ex chanting "We Want Dallas" in unison like that last year? It seems like not enough people get their asses in their seats early enough to chant it as the Cowboys players come out of the tunnel these days. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Was Fed Ex chanting "We Want Dallas" in unison like that last year? It seems like not enough people get their asses in their seats early enough to chant it as the Cowboys players come out of the tunnel these days. :mad: :mad: :mad:

No they werent and Im telling you guys right now to do it. Allow yourselves plenty of time to get in your seats and chant "we want dallas" Im serious, we fans have not been as wild as we used to be. The reason RFK rocked so much is because we were nuts! If you want to go back to those days it starts with you! And spread the word because i know not everyone going to the game is reading these posts.

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In all honesty, if we were only going to win one more game this season, THIS is the one I want. I really wish I were going to be there to help rock the house but, alas, I'll just have to send LOUD vibes. There is NOTHING I'd love to see more than the "We Want Dallas" chant send TO and Company running for cover and Tony Romo sits to pee cowering in a corner screaming "Make it go away!"

I was part of it on that January day in 1983 when RFK Stadium actually shook. Now it's your turn guys so make me proud. :cheers:

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C'mon man! I want more posts! I want to know the message is being spread! We want dallas! We are not cheering like we should! We used to be the best fans in the east! It kills me to say this but its true. And it can all change this sunday. The members of extremeskins are most likley cheering like they should so I want you guys to remind your friends at the game that we need to be the best fans in the NFL this sunday.

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'"The Chant" is played....sooo played. It had its place and served its purpose at its orgin - the Vikings playoff game before the '82 season NFC Championship game.

Then, Dallas was the team to beat because they were a perennial Super Bowl contender and they were our next opponent. "The Chant" rose from the raw hunger from the fans to face a team that we had only clearly come out on top of at the end of a season once - ten years prior .

Now, Dallas is the team to beat, only because they're our next opponent. Dallas isn't worthy of the attention that "The Chant" symbolizes.

"The Chant", in its place and time, was magic. Trying to recreate history with it only cheapens it, IMO. No doubt we should be as loud as we can possibly be, but let's make new history, not try to recreate it.

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Ok...Well thats not the kind of attitude we need for this game. All im trying to do is get people to hate Dallas as much as we used to. Like back in the Allen days. I know Dallas is not as good as they used to be (and thank God for that) but I want to make these games as fun as they used to be. I want the Cowboys to be intimidated by our crowd once again.

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